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I would rather not have pizza or chicken wings something original

2007-12-30 04:57:19 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Food & Drink Cooking & Recipes

6 answers

Try Mostacholi...

You cook the noodles, add that in with a few jars of spaghetti sauce (or you can make your own) , lots of browned ground beef (as if you were making spaghetti really) then a ton of cheese (we use the slice cheese american from costco or sams club) as you layer it like a casserole. Bake it till its melted bubbly and hot. You can use the baking dishes that you throw away so there isnt much to clean up. Serve it with bread and green salad. Its a hit! If you are seriously interested I'll dig up the recipe just email me and ask :)

Or you could do a taco salad where they can all make their "own" and have all the fixings out (taco meat, chips, lettuce, tomatoes, sour cream, salsa, olives, refried beans, cheese etc) You can also take this and do a nacho feed the same way, just get a big can of nacho cheese from costco/sams club and heat it up in a crock pot.. then have all the fixings ready to go. (this is less "home made mom style" than the casserole above)

2007-12-30 05:16:22 · answer #1 · answered by Kiari 5 · 0 0

My mom used to have my brother's football players over for lunch and they were big eaters. Both of the recipes below can be made the day before and the chili can be reheated just before everyone shows up. It's always better the second day.

She would make a very easy chili. She'd serve it over rice (that is REALLY good), and serve salad with it. She would make a BIG pot of the chili but I'll give you a recipe for 6 so she can double or triple it and add a little extra if there are big eaters in your group.


4 regular cans tomato sauce
6 cans kidney beans - drained
1 package Chili-Mix or Chil-O-Mix
11/2 lbs hamburger

Pour the kidney beans and tomato sauce into a big pot. Saute the hamburger until no longer pink, breaking up into pieces. Add to the big pot. Add the package of Chili mix, stir well, bring to a boil, turn the heat down and cook 30 minutes.

Your mom can use the large cans of tomato sauce but be sure to add more cans of kidney beans to make up for the size difference of the tomato sauce as well as increase the amount of chili seasoning. I have added mushrooms to it as well. If you added sauteed onions and minced garlic that had been sauteed with the hamburger, that would be good too but not necessary because it is starting to turn it into spaghetti sauce. Same with bell peppers.

So, keep it simple and it will be great. Serve over some steamed rice (can be minute rice if she wants), with crackers and a salad.

Can you find out ahead of time if any team members are vegetarian? If they are, have her make the chili same as above but in a small pan (for however many don't eat meat), just don't add the hamburger to that pan. You can use the mushrooms in that in place of the hamburger for them if you want.

Hope that helps.

If you want a chips and dip, kind of thing to go with it, you can have her make 7-Layer Dip which can be made the day before or morning of your get-together, covered and refrigerated. There is no meat in it so it will work for whoever is there.


1st layer - 1 can Jalipeno bean dip
2nd layer - 2 avocadoes mashed with a little lemon juice
3rd layer - Combine 2 T sour cream, 3 T mayonnaise and 1/2 pkg Taco mix
4th layer - 2 cups (1 each) shredded cheddar and jack cheese
5th layer - 3 tomatoes - diced
6th layer - 3 green onions chopped fine
7th layer - 1 can chopped black olives

She will need to double or triple the 7-layer dip recipe for your group - they will inhale it. Serve it with tortilla chips. That recipe will serve about 8-10 adults but who knows how many teens.

2007-12-30 14:03:09 · answer #2 · answered by Rli R 7 · 1 0

Lasagne,baked ziti, hotdogs w/chili etc, Super Nachos, Linguini with alfredo sauce and whatever else she wants to add from ham chunks to shrimp and crab. She can use imitation crab and also toss in veggies like broccoli or sliced zucchini and mushrooms. Having the plain Alfredo with chicken in it is also good. Sides can be garlic bread and salad.

2007-12-30 13:04:07 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

A big pot of chili, or one of regular chili and one of chicken chili and super nachos, Grilled cheese sandwiches are great with chili, brownies for desert, a fruit salad, any italian dish with pasta salad and garlic bread is always time saving and easy and more economical to do.

2007-12-30 13:20:21 · answer #4 · answered by jacobsgranny 5 · 0 0

Spaghetti is always easy for a crowd, with a big veggie salad and garlic bread or bread sticks.

Or shredded BBQ pork in the crock pot is one I've always done when we host team dinners. Very easy and everyone loves it.

2007-12-30 13:03:13 · answer #5 · answered by BlueSea 7 · 1 0

Your best best would be to have snacky and easy foods...like sausage balls, cheese straws. Or, if you wanted something more "sit-down", have her make a good casserole.

2007-12-30 13:01:12 · answer #6 · answered by vintageapple 2 · 0 0