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arrived in the US from the Philippines. My husband works, but at the moment he cannot afford health insurance for us.

2007-12-30 04:55:59 · 8 answers · asked by roger_varnadore 1 in Business & Finance Insurance

I am a citizen paying my due amount in taxes, so I should be able to reap the benefits from my tax dollars for my family.

So please before u post red neck comment check the facts

2007-12-30 05:10:03 · update #1

8 answers

All US Citizens must have social security numbers. If you're a citizen of the US, you must first apply for SS numbers for your children, before you can sign them up for CHIPs. It should only take a couple of weeks to get the numbers for them.

2007-12-30 09:37:47 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous 7 · 0 0

Pros: It helps children with healthcare. Cons: Creates a sense of entitlement. Puts strains on the healthcare system for everyone else. Costs the taxpayers a lot of money! Sense of Entitlement- Many people think they are entitled to many government programs. Thus they demand such programs and do not have desire to reach higher objectives because they have it too good. Costs- In fact, many people go to the emergency room for a common cold instead of waiting until the next day or doing home treatment for their children because they DONT have to pay for it. Also, there are already long lines at the ER because illegals go there for the same reason. Fact: The emergency room costs about 5 to 10 times more than visiting your doctor.

2016-04-02 02:16:20 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I concur with 'Say_What?' about getting SSN. It is a simple one page form (you would know, but) and you get it in a week.

If you are on dependent Visa (For example H4) then you need
to get the ITIN Number. And that will serve the same purpose
as SSN.

Basically Govt procedures need a Unique identifier for each
individual to avoid any redundancies.

Now comes the question of - Whether your Kids will be covered or not. I am not a CHIP expert but looks like it is a
state run program. So for specific information I would suggest
you confirm within your state. I am providing you two links
which will provide detailed information about two state I found information for:

1. State of PA.

2. State of West Virginia:

If you need specific information and if you want us to search for you - Please provide additional information.

Good Luck.

2007-12-30 05:27:21 · answer #3 · answered by Nilay 4 · 1 0

Your kids are going to need a social security (or ITIN) anyhow, if you're paying taxes. You can't declare them as a dependent on your income tax return without one. Might as well apply for one ASAP.

As far as your question goes...in my state, the child's SSN is required on the CHIP application. I suspect that would be the case in most states. Its a way of proving the identity of the child. (You didn't say what state you live in, so its hard to give any further information.)

2007-12-30 05:35:37 · answer #4 · answered by sarah314 6 · 1 0

Not sure about that but my guess is yes.

In any event you want to get SSNs for them so that he can deduct them when he files income tax return. The U.S. government doesn't let you deduct children unless you've gotten social security numbers for them.

2007-12-30 05:01:49 · answer #5 · answered by Say_What? 5 · 0 0

Yes, your children need their own SSNs. Not only for the insurance, but for your tax purposes to claim them as deductions.

2007-12-30 07:32:07 · answer #6 · answered by zippythejessi 7 · 0 0

Wouldn't you need to be a citizen of our country before our tax dollars pay for your health care?!?!?

2007-12-30 05:04:29 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

What state are you in, and are you here legally? I think knowing that may help.

2007-12-30 05:02:13 · answer #8 · answered by David 3 · 0 0