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haha yes I know....silly huh? and no its not a typo. Can the bride see the groom before the wedding..without her having bad luck?

2007-12-30 02:56:35 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Weddings

27 answers

There's no such thing as luck, whatever happens to you was destined.

Taking your pics before the ceremony is a wonderful idea. You're able to spend more time during the reception actually enjoying it.

The only downside is your groom will see you before the wedding and won't be surprized how wonderful you look when he gets his first glimpse of you coming down the isle.

2007-12-30 16:17:47 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

First part of your question is do I think it is bad luck for the groom to see you before the wedding and the answer is no just like you said it is nothing but folk lore. So now the second part do you go economical or superstitious and I have to say that this is your wedding day is your special day and you should follow you heart. If the person taking the pictures can not see it that way then you must find someone else I am sure their are a lot who will do as you want seeing you are the one footing the bill. My wife agrees with you about not wanting him to see you and she says that him seeing you for the first time in your wedding dress should take his breath away.

2016-04-02 02:05:01 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I don't know. I'm a big believer in this tradition. Not so much because it's "bad luck", I just think it's special for the groom to see the bride all dressed up and walking down the aisle. Makes a special moment.

2007-12-30 03:11:22 · answer #3 · answered by J'adore 4 · 4 0

If you're superstitious-the groom cannot see the bride in her dress before she walks down the Aile, that's bad luck. As far as seeing each other before the wedding, I've never heard of that being bad luck.

2007-12-30 03:01:50 · answer #4 · answered by Jaxi 2 · 2 0

it is an old superstition that if the groom sees the bride before the wedding, it is bad luck. i however, know many people that have seen each other right before the wedding and nothing ever happened to them. i think it makes it more special if you wait to see your husband at the alter, but really, nothing will happen if you see him beforehand.

2007-12-30 03:00:16 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

That's just a superstition. Just like how it's good luck if it rains on your wedding day. (Which I personally believe is a supersitition created to calm down brides who would become angry if the weather wasn't perfect.)

In fact, some brides & grooms get together before the ceremony to take pictures. (Especially if they have a late ceremony time.)

2007-12-30 03:01:29 · answer #6 · answered by Pooty Pootwell 5 · 4 0

If you're not bothered about it it's no big deal but there's no harm in not seeing the groom before the wedding... keeps the excitement and the suspence :)

2007-12-30 03:03:55 · answer #7 · answered by Fess827 2 · 2 0

That's just plain silly.

My fiance and I will be seeing each other a lot that day, I mean, the wedding's not until evening, and I live with this guy. Someone's got to help decorate. I love him too much to not see him when I easily can. I treasure all my moments I can have with him.

2007-12-30 04:18:57 · answer #8 · answered by Mee 5 · 1 1

No it is only bad luck for him to see the bride

2007-12-30 04:47:34 · answer #9 · answered by ஐ♥Vanessa♥ஐ 6 · 0 1

Its just a superstition, but at the same time, my fiance will not see me until I walk down the aisle. I'm even staying the night at my maid of honor's house the night before. I just want that element of surprise...he's not even allowed to see my dress (which I have at my maid of honor's house as well).

2007-12-30 04:14:59 · answer #10 · answered by Sunidaze 7 · 1 0