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what great enemy, evil, can yahoo answers people come up with, to fight the great fight to make us all rich $$$ like A. Gore. lots of people got rich on the o-zone hole

2007-12-30 01:39:34 · 18 answers · asked by Old Grumpy Cranky 5 in Environment Global Warming

18 answers

Aliens...time travel...meteor hitting earth...tidal wave....nope, been there done that.

Maybe Judgement Day!

2007-12-30 01:48:34 · answer #1 · answered by tlldob 4 · 2 1

Yeah i could call the difficulty of international Warming a fad. no longer. The question i could ask you is are you new right here? international Warming has been a difficulty considering in the previous the 1st Earth Day in i think of 1971. I applaud the sentiment of your quire, however the cynicism can not be incorrect. while replaced into the final time you observed a cloud of butterflies, what replaced into the final measurement of the Mendenhall Glacier. only how lots do you pay for culmination and vegetables at your close by grocer's. My buddy, I rant somewhat in this challenge, so please forgive me if I sound somewhat testy. international Warming is a huge difficulty, the ecosystem in entire is a huge difficulty. till we get it fastened that's going to stay a great difficulty for us, perhaps on your toddlers additionally.that's the only planet we've. LJR

2016-10-20 09:47:29 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

BB is right, but it's not over.

The folks who have "fallen" for this include the National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Meteorological Association, 99% of all scientists, etc.

And, as a result most all world leaders, most corporate executives, etc.

Those guys aren't much for fads, they have REAL money of the line, and have to make smart decisions. Right wing bloggers can spout political nonsense, but the guys who need to do things aren't buying it. They're doing things.

2007-12-30 03:07:38 · answer #3 · answered by Bob 7 · 2 3

It's encouraging to hear that the so-called skepticism funded by the oil industry is over.

I agree with the Bush Administration's latest research which says global warming is very real, and heavily influenced by our activities.

Although President Bush is notoriously skeptical in public about mankind's role (no surprise, he was an oil industry executive), the actual science being studied across ten federal agencies reveals that our scientists are not skeptical:


This was all published in the last few weeks, in late October and November 2007.

Regarding the other side of the fence, here's what the Director of NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, Dr. James Hansen, has to say about skepticism:

The deceit behind the attempts to discredit evidence of climate change reveals matters of importance. This deceit has a clear purpose: to confuse the public about the status of knowledge of global climate change, thus delaying effective action to mitigate climate change. The danger is that delay will cause tipping points to be passed, such that large climate impacts become inevitable, including the loss of all Arctic sea ice, destabilization of the West Antarctic ice sheet with disastrous sea level rise later this century, and extermination of a large fraction of animal and plant species (see “Dangerous”, “Trace Gases”, and “Gorilla” papers).

Make no doubt, however, if tipping points are passed, if we, in effect, destroy Creation, passing on to our children, grandchildren, and the unborn a situation out of their control, the contrarians who work to deny and confuse will not be the principal culprits. The contrarians will be remembered as court jesters. There is no point to joust with court jesters. They will always be present. They will continue to entertain even if the Titanic begins to take on water. Their role and consequence is only as a diversion from what is important.

The real deal is this: the ‘royalty’ controlling the court, the ones with the power, the ones with the ability to make a difference, with the ability to change our course, the ones who will live in infamy if we pass the tipping points, are the captains of industry, CEOs in fossil fuel companies such as EXXON/Mobil, automobile manufacturers, utilities, all of the leaders who have placed short-term profit above the fate of the planet and the well-being of our children. The court jesters are their jesters, occasionally paid for services, and more substantively supported by the captains’ disinformation campaigns.

I am puzzled by views expressed by some conservatives, views usually expressed in vehement unpleasant ways in e-mails that I have been bombarded by in the past several days. It is a bit disconcerting as I come from a moderately conservative state, and I consider myself a moderate conservative in most ways. It is puzzling, because it seems to me that conservatives should be the first ones standing up for preserving Creation, and for the rights of the young and the unborn. That is the basic intergenerational issue in global warming and the headlong use of fossil fuels: the present generation is, in effect, ripping off future generations.

Is it possible that conservatives have been too quick to support the captains of industry? If we allow industry to continue on a path of denial, to focus on their short-term profits, to deny the rights of our children, grandchildren and the unborn, if the planet passes climate tipping points, will we not share in the infamy, the infamy of the captains of industry?

It seems to me that the present situation, with only minimalist actions to mitigate global climate change, reflects, at least in part, the “success” of the disinformation campaign that the captains of industry have at least tolerated, and, in some cases, encouraged and supported. Of course Nature will, eventually, reveal the truth, but there is potentially great harm in the disinformation, because it increases the likelihood that we will pass climate tipping points.


2007-12-30 06:55:43 · answer #4 · answered by J S 5 · 2 1

How is the Globan Warming fad over? Looks to me like Bush has now capitulated to the Gorean pressures and lies, and the world opinion Goreans pushed on him, so he, being Bush, and a bit weak on both will and real scientific knowledge, to name but two areas, capitulated politically rather than sticking up for what really is the right, even if it is accused of being Right only!

Well, I am not sure who got rich on Ozone, but a lot of inflation occurred due to having to suddenly come up with expensive new chemicals and ways to do things in knee-jerk reaction to the negative propaganda.

Prices were driven up to a major extent, and the US lost market share on that deal. We became too high priced for the global market, anybody but ourselves.

Al Gore makes lots of money off his pushing of Global Warming. That has been documented, to my satisfaction, some time ago. He is so rich he can give away his Nobel Prize money and think nothing of it...makes no dent in his fortune, his income, his lifestyle, or how many jets and humvees and mansions he supports. And the worst part may be that his prize presentation is based on proven lies, not only scientifically proven as lies by independent researchers (there are still a few) but rejected as lies by a court used to handling evidence and sifting truth from lies. The court carefully checked his evidence and his film, and really damned it as being lies and half truths for the most part.

Funny, I never heard any Gorean supporter try to argue with the Court!! Or appeal the verdict that it was inaccurate, deceptive, and packed with outright lies. They just go ahead believing and preaching and making others comply by politics.

Has anybody watched the rebuttal film where a number of the lies and mis-statements are pointed out?

I do not find the Goreans are open to honest discussion and looking at the evidence to the other side. They will not even answer to questions on proven history! But then, most religions, especially those worshipping a man, are very intolerant. And even more so when there is lots of money to be made at the feet of the Profit...oops, Prophet

It is too bad it is not a fad, but a plan, one to change the whole world to fit one man's plan and psychological needs to feel important and to control others. Were he not a rich and connected politician, he would be forgotten, or perhaps helped medically.

What kind of delusions does he have? We hear he says he invented the internet all by himself, and chuckle, but if he is that deluded, why are so many following him blindly?

And following Gore will make the top folks rich, by extricating all the traffic will bear and then some from the common people, who will bear the brunt of the cost, and enjoy few if any of the alleged benefits.

We are ignoring the FACTS from history that Global Warming improved the life of mankind, and Global cooling brings on misery, poverty, and disease, to name a few. Whyever does Al Gore want to bring that down on us when we could have a bright and prosperous future? Maybe he does not want to share and make people happy with good living?? Could he be that mean-hearted? He sure is good at telling lies!

But the fad goes on and on, and infects people who do not be careful what they believe, and if it sounds like modern and good, they still jump on with both feet never looking at what they are really doing!

And the Fad goes on!

The next great Evil I know of is real, so far. That is the three incoming asteroids, on collision or near-collision course with the earth/moon system, still 20-30 years out, but closing fast.

All we have done so far is to start to plan an expediton to look over the situation, and by the time we look, bring back data, and the politicians say there is no money, all been spent on their pet projects and wars, and debate and argue, they will still be blowing hot air when the asteroids hit the earth, and blow BIG holes in everybody's plans.

An asteriod is BIG, takes lots and lots of energy to move one aside, and years of effort with the energy sources we puny humans have at our disposal. So we need to be out there now, plotting how best to deflect them. And even one hitting just the moon would be catastrophic, nearly certainly, sooner or later!

We know the problem, why are we still sitting here thinking of beginning to start to get ready to investigate! Spent all our money on saving polar bears, only to have a big asteroid hit blow them all to smithereens? And us with them? Would that be truely wise?

Ahhh...but the Goreans do not care about incoming asteroids, they care only about their theory that THIS time global warming is our fault, not natural, so they can be in control of all the rest of us. And of course this appeals to the UN, which has not been able to control even its own budget much so far.

Since you say the GW Fad is over, let the new fad be playing around with the unpleasant truth of asteroids on courses which could hit us, or the moon, or perturb the orbits, so the earth might become even less habitable! We can play around with how politicians can turn an asteroid hit to their advantage, and what shelters we could build to survive it, if there is anything left, and whether if the asteroid can hit an enemy country if that might not be good, and so on, until there is not time to do anything but watch Nemesis come closer, and closer...and...

2007-12-30 08:40:08 · answer #5 · answered by looey323 4 · 0 2

eco-bags are so in nowadays-the trend that was started by anya hindmarch's "im not a plastic bag" .. recycable canvas bags to use for shopping ang groceries instead of plastics.. so many companies and personalities are already making their own line and selling it for a very unreasonable price!

2007-12-30 02:37:17 · answer #6 · answered by camed 3 · 3 0

It is sad, but a lot of folks have fallen....hook, line & sinker for this 'man-did-it' global warming crap! The repercussions will be enormous....especially for the middle and lower classes. In our country (U.S.) food prices are already seeing alarming increases due to corn being diverted for ethanol production. Corn is used for beef, pork & poultry feed and as corn supplies become tighter, prices will go higher. Unfortunatley, the alarmists are failing to disclose that ethanol is much more polluting to manufacture than 'regular' gasoline per gallon AND is not as efficient in terms of miles per gallon. I only wish that is was a 'Pet-Rock' type of fad!!

2007-12-30 01:54:54 · answer #7 · answered by BB 7 · 5 3

Gore was rich the day he was born. I seriously doubt if his motive is money. His motive may not be honorable, but it is not money.

You degrade your position and yourself when you make personal attacks. Try being more objective you would be more effective, if that is your goal.

2007-12-30 02:23:01 · answer #8 · answered by Ned 3 · 4 2

Thats the problem that people think "global warming" is a fad

2007-12-30 01:43:22 · answer #9 · answered by Japhy 3 · 6 2

If you want to be rich, you don't have to be green, you can stick with America's way of getting rich: oil and weapon business.

2007-12-30 03:59:01 · answer #10 · answered by NLBNLB 6 · 3 1

Gores problem is he belongs in a rubber room

2007-12-30 02:41:00 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1