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2007-12-29 23:56:19 · 18 answers · asked by suet moon 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality


and this one...


i would ask for constructive responses, but that'd be like hunting for rocking horse poo

2007-12-29 23:58:23 · update #1

18 answers

Quite lovely.

2007-12-30 00:02:56 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I am NOT homophobic, but my arsehole IS!

Seriously, most religions prescribe against homosexuality. However there is a great deal of hypocrisy, look at how many Roman Catholic priests are caught molesting little boys, and on top of that the catholic and Anglican churches are riven with homosexuality.

In the Islamic world, homosexuality is rampant, the Arabs, Turks, Afghans, Iranians and Pakistanis in particular are well known for it. There have been all male brothels in the Islamic world for centuries.

British soldiers negotiating with Afghan warlords were recently offered teenage boys for sex, and the afghans were shocked when they refused! Source The Times Newspaper.

I am a christian, im not a homophobe, i live in the gay capital of britain, im not gay, nor ever will be, but i do have gay, bisexual and lesbian friends, and i dont judge them, provided they respect my heterosexual boundaries.

2007-12-30 00:07:42 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

call in in Richard Dawkings to possess that guy.tell him he could desire to debate with Richard Dawkings if he has the balls to accomplish that,. I see Richard Dawkings on Youtube he very own retards lots. Edit:i do no longer think of that guy who's ranting approximately homosexuals is clever he only an fool troll who redefine words to make himself like he's all that clever. He has long sentences that's pointless.some persons are so deluded good judgment won't get to them regardless how clever the debater is.some human beings like fundies they're going to refuse good judgment meaning that's ineffective to argue with them in spite of in case you place out a properly concept argument using fact they're going to easily scream lower back with nonsense and make up their very own arguement and contact you names.I recommend you notice the fundies who believe interior the bible they gained't lower back off meaning they already believed what they suspect meaning no longer something will exchange them. I see many debate theists against atheists and in specific circumstances the theists presented a unfavorable debate yet nevertheless believe he's top.

2016-10-20 09:39:47 · answer #3 · answered by henshaw 4 · 0 0

What link!

2007-12-29 23:58:52 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I would if there was a link!!!!!

I just re read the question badgers and Im not homophobic in the least.If someone is born gay then thats what they are and because they are not in the majority does not make them wrong in any way.I have never understood why some people are against gays,just because they are different to them.Ignorance I suppose.

2007-12-29 23:58:36 · answer #5 · answered by bella 6 · 1 1

I'm not religious, homophobic or a bigot so am I still allowed to answer?

2007-12-30 00:00:21 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Why do you address your question only to homophobic bigots? It sound like you want homosexuality to become the norm and to penalise those who are not of that bent.
I couldn't care less that it is legal as long as they don't make it compulsory.

2007-12-30 01:24:28 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

some of the replies to this are disgusting. i am genuinely embarrassed to be a human. how dare you classify homosexuality in the same way as rape and pedophilia? you are insane. absolutely insane, and i will treasure the day you burn in hell for your despicable nature.

to all of you worthless, pathetic, homophobic wastes of space - rot in pieces you evil bastards.

2007-12-30 00:19:00 · answer #8 · answered by refusedtapout 2 · 1 0


NATURE (Not a Deity) has 'everything' in balance!

Homosexuality, weither genetic or not, is still part of the whole!

Without Homosexuality, the World would by now be overpopulated with Humanity...

City life as we know it today, would be very different!!

If 1 in 10 of the over 6 BILLION World Human population is Homosexual, then that is a natural population dampener...
It constitutes a World Homosexual population of around 600 MILLION.....

This 600 MILLION is alive now, mostly NOT making babies, yes some do, but MOST dont!!

Now, consider if Homosexuality had NEVER existed!!?
What would the Human population be today?

What will the population on Earth be in the future, 'without' Homosexuality??

It is very clear to me, that Homosexuality is a totally 'natural' part of Humanity, genetically put there to keep population down, otherwise we would have been totally overpopulated long ago and Mankinds history would be completely different!

It is even sometimes said that 'War' is a 'natural' population dampener, then why not 'genetic' Homosexuality?

In China it has been the norm for sometime, because of 'overpopulation', that a couple can only have one baby!!

Wheres next? .... India? .. Africa? ... Europe? .. America?

Prejudice comes in many forms.....

A Heterosexual male, with his passions for the opposite sex, cannot understand 'why' another male would be attracted to the same sex, this causes a 'difference' and the Heterosexual, being in the majority, thinks this as unnatural and prejudice can come out of this because of 'personal' disgust, ignorance and 'taught' ignorance!!

A point to make here, is that if a Heterosexual male is taken away from female company for a very long period of time, his sexual and emotional urges defer to the nearest fellow Human, even if this is another male!
Jails are rife with Homosexuality, where 'top' dogs have the say over 'bitches', all male!

Also note, that a Heterosexual male usually likes the idea of two 'females' having sex, but 'not' two males!!

The main form of prejudice towards Homosexuality, weither admitted or not is from Religion!

A very important issue here....

The words found in the Bible and Qur'an are NOT the words of a Deity, they 'are' the words of fellow Human Beings from long ago!
It is 'their' wants, wishes and rules that are read today in religious books, not a 'Gods'!!

Ancient Man, including Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, ALL had Homosexuality as a 'normal' part of their societies!

It is only the Religion/Theory of the 'One God' that has 'decided' that Homosexuality is a so called 'sin' and they have persecuted Homosexuals ever since!

What is to be believed?
The words of goat herders and self opinionated priests of long ago, deluded that they know what the Universal order is?

Or, allowing what Nature has done for MILLIONS of years, the 'true' Universal order of balancing out all sorts of species, within many many means, which includes Homosexuality??

It was not that long ago, that the followers of the Bible, believed that Black people were 'naturally' there to be enslaved...
'The Dark race will be the Slaves of Men'.

The Female sex was considered lower than a male, because: 'Eve tempted Adam with the apple and opened up the 'box' of 'sin'!?

More forms of prejudice, believed by deluded and ignorant people, who took the words of the Bible as somehow 'Divine'!!

The Religious like to put Homosexuality in the same mode as mental disorders, such as Paedophilia or even Murderers!!

Something that 'is taught' to them through total ignorance!!

It was Free Democratic thought, that changed these modes of thought, NOT Religion!!!

Homosexuals are 'given' everything that Heterosexuals enjoy for a happy and contented life!

A Homosexual, does NOT just have sex with just anyone or settle down with just anyone...

Partnership is the same as a Heterosexual:
The Chemistry has to be right!
Attraction has to be there!
Love has to be there!

So a Homosexual is given everything He/She requires for a happy life, even 'some' will adopt children (where allowed) and some will Mother/Father children naturally.

Although the vast majority will NOT make babies!!

Homosexuality IS 'obviously' here for a reason or it simply would 'not' be here!
That reason is NOT TO BREED!!

Nature has 'everything' in balance, which 'includes' Homosexuality!!!

Perhaps it is time Humanity accepts that Nature, of which Mankind is part, is far more powerful than 'He' can imagine and should stop trying to justify and rectify things, before real proof is found and more importantly, understood!!!

It is a Homosexual's fellow man that points Him/Her out as 'un-natural'...
When Nature itself, has 'made' and allowed Him/Her to exist!

The 'Gay' gene HAS been found!!!!

Who is right!!!!?


2007-12-30 02:25:25 · answer #9 · answered by Paul222@England 5 · 1 0

I'm not a homophobic bigot
I'm one of the unspeakable abominations.

That was real funny. i gave you a star.

2007-12-29 23:59:49 · answer #10 · answered by 1Up 7 · 3 0