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I have recently bought a 40gb ps3 and i was wondering if there is a chip/mod out that can help you play pirated games. Please help.

2007-12-29 22:40:52 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Consumer Electronics Games & Gear PlayStation

3 answers

No, there are no modchips or exploits exist to my knowledge. There was a tiff exploit, but Sony had closed it before anything came out (it doesn't exist on newer firmware versions). Sony had done it's best to prevent piracy on PS3.

2007-12-29 22:48:00 · answer #1 · answered by Bull Goose Loony 7 · 0 0

The PS3 is also region free for games which means you can buy the latest games from another country without having to result to piracy.

If you want a mod chip just to play copied games then you will be waiting a very long time, the PS3 has been out for over a year and no one has been able to crack it yet, which is a success sony can be proud of.

2007-12-29 22:54:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

You can not mod a ps3 since sony released ps3 update. 3.17 that made it to where you can not have a 2nd os on your ps3 and you would need that to correctly mod it since ps3 uses the hypervisor. Downloading ps3 isos would be poinless since you most likely do not have a blu ray player and it would not matter any way since you can not download the drivers necessary to play burned games sooo no.

2016-05-28 00:51:43 · answer #3 · answered by garnet 3 · 0 0