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Looking for prepared foods that can last for days or weeks at room temp. Excluding prepackaged foods and raw fruits, veggies, and nuts. For example I think cooked rice mixed with a bit of curry and wrapped in seaweed can last a few days if I remember right. Fruitcake is another good one. Any others?

2007-12-29 20:49:15 · 8 answers · asked by - 3 in Food & Drink Cooking & Recipes

8 answers

Any foods that are kept in salt,vinegar or fat can last quite a while. I was and still is how you can preserve your foods without adding unnatural preservative's.
Smoking your food in a smoker or dehydrating it is another way to Keep foods for a longer period of time.
Look up how they stored food back in the days before ice and you will find plenty of thing's on hand to help you.
Depending on the temp. be-careful with that rice and seaweed wrap. Curry nor seaweed doesn't have salt in it. You can however steam the rice that is raw in that wrap along with meats,fish and veggies.
Airtight wraps will also help.

2007-12-29 21:33:51 · answer #1 · answered by EvilFairy 5 · 0 0

leaving ANY prepared food out ,with any mix,
uncooked items such as you described ( to enclude fresh eggs ) can be held for day's -all depending -root-veggies -some for months,greens no more than a few day's depending ON ROOM TEMP..
before all could afford an ice-box or fridge (much-later ) so grand ma say's in the city it was a cubbert in a shady-COOL place . in the country-( farm ) it was -same or a ROOT CELLAR ( UNDER-GROUND )
hey even pizza goes bad after a day ?????

2007-12-29 21:46:48 · answer #2 · answered by luke m 5 · 0 0

may last for a few days depending on the weather
in the heat of the philippines this can last for a day or so.


1 whole chicken (cut into eighths)
1 whole garlic (chopped)
olive oil or vegetable/corn oil
1 tsp ground black pepper
4 whole black pepper cloves
3 dried bay leaves
1 cup soy sauce
1 cup vinegar
**1 whole lemon (cut into 4)

Remember to wash your chicken very well. We recommend using the lemon (in ingredients) to scrub all over the chicken parts and rub some salt into it as well.

Heat oil and add all of the garlic, and cook until garlic is lightly browned. Add chicken and saute until the chicken is beginning to tenderize.

Add ground black pepper, whole black pepper cloves, soy sauce, and vinegar, and let simmer for 25-35 mins or until chicken is done.

Make sure to add more vinegar or soy sauce until it suits your taste (should be a bit tangy). When chicken is tender, add some 7 up if you want a sweeter taste, and let simmer for 5 more mins.

Serve over rice.

2007-12-29 21:58:55 · answer #3 · answered by FraniliciousMae 1 · 0 0

this actually depends on the type of atmosphere you live in. when i visited my sister off-island, i was very surprise at the freshness and longevity of foods. she lives in a cold place. i live in a humid area and most of the foods' freshness, if not all, will last for no more than a day and a half. not even prepackaged foods, and sometimes, when they're openned, they're freshness only lasts for less than a quarter or an hour. no exaggeration. (what's YOUR room temperature?)

2007-12-29 21:53:33 · answer #4 · answered by Tropicala 2 · 0 0

No, you probably did no longer destroy the refrigerator. yet once you need to unplug it back, bypass away the door open a minimum of a few inches so as that it does not get musty or crammed with mould. Unplugging an unused equipment is usually a good concept to keep ability.

2016-11-26 20:08:13 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Beef Jerky
granola snacks
caramel popcorn

2007-12-29 21:05:52 · answer #6 · answered by allexgirl 6 · 0 0

cookies stay good that long, if you can keep them around...as long as they're not "healthy" cookies made with applesauce instead of butter. Anything made with applesauce will spoil if not refrigerated.

2007-12-29 21:29:16 · answer #7 · answered by RanaBanana 7 · 0 0

acorn squash apples nuts and spices .if you have a smoke room meat works .

2007-12-29 20:57:41 · answer #8 · answered by dogpatch USA 7 · 0 0