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My girlfriend & I arrive at an awkward time (11 pm roughly) and are catching a flight to Chiang Mai first thing in the morning (to return to Bangkok later). I have not been to this new airport - will it be comfortable to hangout there over-night until our flight in the AM, or should we consider staying at a hotel nearbyl.

2007-12-29 17:46:39 · 13 answers · asked by modestmouse80 2 in Travel Asia Pacific Thailand

13 answers

The person above me is right. that transit hotel listed is in the old airport. Your best bet for a hotel is the Novotel, it's the only one really close. I've been there a couple of times and paid about $150 a night. Very nice and worth it. If you're coming from the US or Europe, I would advise getting the sleep, because a flight that long can leave you feeling, um, less than chipper.
If you do decide you want to hang in the airport, there are enough things to do. There are some restaurants, a 7-11 and all that.
Also, make sure you pass through to the boarding gates once you check in, all the good shops are back there :)
You could also grab a beer (no "open container" law in the airport) and watch a movie or 2 on your laptop.
You really can decide when you get there. Talk it over with your girl as you land and collect your luggage to figure out your level of tired-ness. You may be to jazzed to sleep, but that Novotel has always been able to find a room last minute for anybody I know that's tried it. They have reps and a shuttle van at the airport.
Good luck and enjoy your trip!


2007-12-31 02:26:19 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Probably not much you can see or do in 8 hours - like most airports, the BKK airport is located outside of the main areas of Bangkok, so not much to see around the airport. Although I know of an inexpensive hotel near the airport which I stayed at before called The Convenient Resort. It's not a "resort" just convenient - no frills room, but they do offer shuttle to and from the airport, so I suppose you could take a nap or get some real Thai food away from the airport, they have a pretty decent eatery there. By shuttle van it's only about 15 minutes to the airport. FYI...they advertise "free WIFI" but I could never access the Internet on my laptop. They do have a couple of computers with Internet access in the lobby, which you can use for a small fee. I added their link below:

2016-04-02 01:32:50 · answer #2 · answered by Barbara 4 · 0 0

Whatever you do, get some sleep. The flight to Chiang Mai is just over an hour. There is plenty to do in Chiang Mai, and feeling fresh would be a good thing.

There is a hotel there in the terminal you arrive in. After you clear immigration and customs, you will have about 6 hours. You can get a room there for about 2100 baht for 6 hours. Take a nice hot shower to relax your muscles, grab a drink, do something romantic and sleep for about 4 or 5 hours.

They also have a spa and sauna if you feel like throwing money around.

2007-12-30 02:54:32 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think you should stay at the airport because in reality 8 hours is not a long time. Who is to guarantee that you will arrive on time. even if you arrive on time you must still pass customs and have your passport stamped. Will you have to retreive your luggage and have it inspected before entering the country. How far will the hotel be form the airport? By the time that you get to the hotel and get settled in you will have to turn around and be back to teh airport for a check in for your new flight. How soon before the departure of your flight will you have to check in? one hour before flight time or perhaps two hours before?

When you weigh all these things in your decision then perhaps eight hours might not give you a lot of time to go and check into a hotel and wash up and sleep and then wake up and be back in time for flight check in.

Remember that the clock will be running the moment the planes touches down at the airport and then you get off the plane and get into the terminal and pass through passport control and retrieve luggage etc. So eight hours goes by pretty fast and your plane may arrive after 11pm and this will reduce your eight hour layover and you will have less than eight hours to do all those things that I mentioned.

It may be just best to settle in for a nights rest at the airport with a good book and an early morning breakfast before check in for flight.

2007-12-29 17:58:57 · answer #4 · answered by eimittaa 5 · 0 0

Bangkok, the capital of Thailand has both old-world attraction and contemporary ease served up in an apparently chaotic manner, but generally with a grateful look, see more with Hotelbye . At 1,600 square kilometres and checking, Bangkok is large, and the many different parts could be bewildering. In Bangkok you can go to the Grand Palace, among the must-see on this city. The Grand Palace was built-in 1782 and for 150 years your home of the Thai King, the Royal court and the administrative seat of government. The Grand Palace of Bangkok is just a Grand previous dame that remains to own guests in awe with its wonderful structure and elaborate detail, each of which is really a happy salute to the imagination and quality of Thai people.

2016-12-14 18:23:38 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Novotel Hotel Suvarnabhumi is right next to the airport and im pretty sure they have rooms for short stays. being its right next to the airport its not cheap ..... i think i paid around $230 for a room, but that was for a night .... not a short stay. you might want to check that out. as for other hotels around the airport, ive never seen any .... but im sure there are some, just not as close as Novotel.

ps - in reference to a link another guy posted about the Miracle Grand Hotel, thats a nice hotel ..... but its next to Don Muang Airport, not Suvarnabhumi.

2007-12-30 04:54:55 · answer #6 · answered by Dawgmeat17 4 · 1 0

I'd say hang out there 8 hours straight and kill time so that when u get on the plane 2 leave u can go to sleep the whole way and wake up when u arrive.....

2007-12-29 17:51:57 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

no to the hotel thatsgonna be a terrible experience staying overnight but u will think it was awesome later. Because ur with ur girl it wont get boring. if u want something to do act suspicous around security and try to tell where ppl are from. u can always walk around and look at the planes taking off.

2007-12-29 17:51:01 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There is a hotel right across the airport and you can pass one night nicely there.

2007-12-29 19:24:57 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sorry this is NOT an airport to spend 8 hours at. What I would do is this. Get in a taxi and head down to Sukumvit Road. Walk around Nana Plaza and Soi Cowboy, where all the nightlife is, take in a few bars and drinks. Grab some Thai food at one of the local places or on the street, Then go to a place called Spicy Disco, an after hours disco that is open till 6:00 AM. Stay there and dance and watch the action of all the foreigners and local girls getting hooked up.

When your time is up, get in a taxi and head back to the airport.

8 hours is a long, long time to be sitting in the airport. And you can enjoy the full experience of Bangkok in this time.

I am in Chiang Mai so I know you will have a good time when you get here. So much to see and do.

Have a good trip.

2007-12-31 03:48:48 · answer #10 · answered by visual_thailand 1 · 0 0