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I plan on getting an American Deluxe Fender Strat, but the problem is that the neck is a little too wide. So then I decided to go with the V neck but the stratocasters don't have v necks with a rosewood fretboards. Where can I find a v neck with a rosewood fretboard seperately so that I can replace it with the one that is currently on the strat? Are there any internet sites where I can order them or any places in California in Riverside County where I can buy them?

2007-12-29 15:05:20 · 7 answers · asked by ? 2 in Entertainment & Music Music Blues

7 answers

You could get it custom made, I guess.

2007-12-29 15:11:27 · answer #1 · answered by Blues Fan Forever 2 · 0 1

All I can say is if you buy a replacemant neck make sure it is an exact fit. If not you will have all kinds of problems. Personally I wouldn't buy a new guitar if I didn't like the neck. I would keep on shopping until I found a guitar that I wanted without having to do any mods. But it's a free country and you can do as you please. Just be very careful because neck slots are not something you can monkey around with.

2008-01-01 19:37:35 · answer #2 · answered by eightbraker 6 · 0 0

If there isn't an option to add a V neck then you'll have to get a custom.

Have fun with the strat though. Love mine.

2007-12-30 02:34:57 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Ooh, you have the oportunity to get a warmoth neck! You lucky dog! I think it is warmoth.com, anyway, they make awesome necks. Rosewood is boring, you could get bubinga on ebony, or birdseye maple with purpleheart. And you can even get the Fender headstock.

2007-12-30 03:31:45 · answer #4 · answered by Max W 3 · 0 1

There is a company called "Warmoth" that makes replacement necks - decent ones. There might be others, but this is the only one I know of. They do make quality necks, but its hard to try out a neck that you have to order, and the neck dimensions would probably be nearly identical to a standard size neck so that it would fit the neck slot.

2007-12-31 11:33:42 · answer #5 · answered by Paul Hxyz 7 · 0 0

Go to warmoth.com - they'll have the neck you want.

2007-12-31 00:05:42 · answer #6 · answered by BClovis 3 · 0 0

The neck's not too wide man; it's more than likely the exact size it should be..unless someone's been monkeying around with that particualar ax; if so contact Fender and you won't even have to *****; they're constantly on the ball, and know all about stuff like what your asking here too; however, If the necks too wide man; get yourself an old Tele, and practice with at least to parts of a bottom, perhaps, a rythym guitar, would help, but here's the deal; My cousin has been playing those flying v's for about 50 years now, his name is Lonnie, Mcintosh,, you might have heard of him as "Mack", and one of those V's he's got is actually #7, 1958, And that thing is as wide as a fence post,,, But it's supposed to be that way man... I've been beatin' on the same '59 Tele for about 37 years now; and it is what it is supposed to be; just like that Strat you were talking about there.. One time at the big 8 motel in El Paso we were broke down for 4 days, Lonnie, Tim Drummond, and me..(I was 20 that year, '81), but what I say here about that applys no matter what year were lookin' out the window at man.. Lonnie sat on this old couch and while fighting the flu got himself "OverAmped" foolin' aroung with the Burgundy V, But, was getting irrateted witht me 'cause I had bought some $10.00 beater acoustic down at the pawn shop on the corner... I kept whining about this crappy 'ol harmony, and how I just threw away ten bones, etc..etc... And Lonnie held his hand out and just said "Gimmee that dammitt", so, glad to be rid of it I handed it to him. Well, that's been 26 years ago, but I'll never forget that it's NOT the guitar my astute learner and payer of attention to those that know?? Right?? If the things will stay in tune on it's own for a few minutes, and the frets arent' buzzin', and it's not held together like Willie's with duct tape and glue, (His bag, Good expample of what I'm trying to telll you though Mr Big Strat man!")... Lonnie plucked at that old beat up guitar for a few seconds, it' was tuned, then he threw some bizzaro tuning on it, then within' 2 minutes of me handing him that "No good piece of firewood", there' were sounds coming out of it I would have bet hundreds were no longer possibly in that old Crate...(No,,wasn't an Ampeg)... an old harmony that someone used to try to play after they were good and sauced,, Oh,,that' was me, and a whole other story...Hehehe.. Anyway; it was one of his; but that guitar sang pretty man... teaching me, that it's not always the guitar that's gonna make the sound come out of it... Especially true with the high end istruments like the one your talking about here...The fender! Are you doing session work for the Swampers, or are you waiting for Muscle Shoals to review that damn application you left there with the secretary... I'm just saying...Are you working with Wayne Perkins or getting ready to do 10 weeks on the road with Jimmy Ray Vaghn; (If the answer is YES, then OK,,, I"m not making fun at your expense because your training, or being trained with a different school of thought; but, there's so many good imatation strats out there, used, ready to whip into a frenzy of your every command; but, if your having that much of an issue with an ax that is what it's supposed to be; then I'm thinking your need to seek out a REAL music player, if you live in chicago, go find whoever's working at Legends and see if you can get a minute, I'll bet you can..Oh.ok,your in Riverside... just go ahead on into town; but no, not THAT town,, take a few hours and bug out to Laughlin and check out the, coincedence, the Riverside, and there'll be either a rock and roll band, or blues, or country show there.. and it's mellow enough place that you could bug the lead man, hopefully enough, to pick his brain a litte.. And see what he's putting food on the table with,, find out what the skinny really is with those big strats man... Stevie comes to mind when I think of the 'big strat' but hell, he didn't notice that big assed thick neck, 'cause that's what he knew was supposed to be on that ax, can you dig any of what I'm shovelin' here I didn't catch your name; but I'll call you Mr Strat for now!
I spent almost 10 years trying to force a '59 Telecaster Bass to make that damn sound that Paul Mcartney get's out of that old beat up VOX of his,, The answer?? No, not more money; a fair condition '77 Epiphone. Go figure.??
Now I know your probably thinking that jerk on the answers thing is full of "Jack w/ a water back, and a beer chaser" when in fact, I'm having a pretty rare Saturday night off with the family ; but I'm too used to staying up all night,,, Here's the thing reall; I'm taking ,,wait...1968 to the present, okkk how ever many years experience that is, '68 is the year was first handed a piece of money for making music of some sort; and eveybody loves the "Freak of nature" that IS a kid that can play and sing "By the time I get to Phoenix" and make the teacher's in the school cry, all I know is they cried; I hope it was because I played and sang that day with feel and heart..and that old "Kay" and the 1/15 that was Way too big and static jammed did the job for me dude. I also had a rendition of "Pennies from heaven", that even featured an improvised dance routine becuase I couldn't remember words, as I had never heard of that song, and didn't like it much,, POINT: I've got calluses up to my wrists, I'm not famous; but I make a good living doing what I want to do,,Always have, and I get to let the people I usually work with deal with being famous....(what a drag that can be my friend, nightmares come to life).. Anyway... for the 3rd time, if you don't think the neck's something you want to deal with, then your gonna more than likely compromise the sound quality of an VERY expensive instrament to make it conform to YOUR specifications.. What's Leo (Mr Fender got to say about this?),,, Don't you think he might take you over and show you a little Mustang to break the habits that are making you imagine that that neck it too wide for you and that it's the width of the neck that's the trouble.. What you been hacking on ??? Squire or Jap guitar (Nothin' wrong with that if you are by the way),, Pull that attitude out of the drawer your stashing it in man, and know that it's alll in your head, and if you want to play that big strat like Wayne Perkins, or Jimi, who whipped the livin' **** out of almost every one of them he got his hands on, but,,watch Jimi's wrists most of all, at first, 'cause that's the key to getting what feels right now like a tank, but, relax that arm all the way up to your chest man... throw your whole body into that thing, and it won't seem so impossible, and eventually, you'll see that it was always all in your head. IF the neck's feeling too wide for you, then relax some, and just reach right over top of it, use your thumb if you can,,,"JIMI'S" tradmark move that made Eric Clapton reach accross a cocktail table in a little joint down in SoHo area of London, one night, just before he made his 1st appearance a the Monterrey thing where he was last and wigged everybody out,,,Well, Eric reach out and grabbed Pete Townsend of the "Who"... (Only said that 'cause don't reall know how old, or young you are actully,),,and he told Pete after about 20 minutes of sitting in front of Jimi Hedrix to HIS version of "Johnny B. Goode",,, can you imagine him saying "I think we're in the wrong business , I'm going back to school man, YOU?"... Townsend said back to Eric,,"Im bloody followning this bloody maniac, aren't you?".. I think that's a trippy story of how the biggest stars, 'cept the Beatles of the day reacted to him, and that big *** strat, while he actually played melodys with feedback, and could run all the way up beyond the body, and STILL have the thing like a Choked chicken... That's what you want to see with whatever films you can get,,and there's the inspiration. Now,, buddy of mine, name's Wayne Perkins... he's got an album out right now called "Mendo Hotel".. actually has a tribute song on the album to Stevie called "Big Stratocaster", and Waynes weapon of choice has always been a "Big Strat"..google Wayne man.... he was part of the "Swampers" that Ronnie sang about in "Sweet home Alabama"... YOU know?? "they been known to pick a song or 2, yes they do".... That's wayne's first real band,, and you should be able to get ahold of him pretty easy..
Quit trying to change that ax. You will regret the act after you realize that it's right all along,, Follow my meaning man??
Tip: A Real strat's going to cost what it's going to cost so much more in Rverside or banning or wherever you can round one up,, sounds like a trip to the Valley for you man... however, I've got a place in Lebanon, Tennessee, about 28 miles east of Nashville, and I NEVER Buy stuff out here, unless it's an emergency.. Bob Weir's in SF sometimes for strings, and "Work",, but pull up "Craig's list for Nashville, Tn... They're almost half the price of what they, and other stuff is in CA,,especially southern CA... They have more of them than they know what to do with out there, as so many are left there daily, along with the reality of the fact that some one wasn't as great a player as everyone in his hometown lead him to believe with all that smoke being blown up his ***, and him not being used to it, next thing you know, he's pawning his beautiful ax, down on Murfreesboro road somewhere, still in shock from what he/she saw,and heard the competition were up to down near 16 ave, and music row,,, And sony , and rca,and all those A&R guys running around who aren't there to say "NO",, but should,,, Jerks!,,, anyway, I degress,.,, get your Big Stratocaster in Nashville, and you'll be pleased with the value you can find there,,Awsome place to go shopping for equipment dude!
Anyway,,, have fun learning that neck...it'lll be worth it, as most just give up when they first wrap they're Peckerskinner around that neck... "Fughgettaboutit"... and don't waste that much time with Non musicains that aren't as focused as you; and start making that your job, as soon as you can so you get used to the way of life...
Alright man...I spent an hour doling out free advice to a stranger with a trippy question; not really knowing if I'm actually talking with Bob Dylan's illegitimate Grandma's stepson from her marriage to Tiny Tim, back in the 60's..
'Alright there Strat Stranger, I'm "Blowin' in the wind" now...
See ya in the kitchen at Harrahs someday, huh??
can't NOT give you this one too: "Stay single as long as you can" as your wife is an near garantee NOT to be able to stay out of your face about the stupid crap that happens in the different clubs and lounges where dues are paid... And who needs that ??? Nobody man..spare yourself, and just go ahead and rack up 1500 chicks before you try to marry one...Dig???
Peace & Piece, whichever you can get the easiest the quickest!
"Big" Halsey

WAYNE PERKINS (A SIDEMAN'S STORY) ... My Mom and Dad both played guitar and sang country and a little church music. ... Wayne Perkins. ORDER CD ...
www.great-music.net/wayne.html - 22k - Cached

2007-12-30 04:28:53 · answer #7 · answered by Rosinbagger 3 · 0 2

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