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I am a college student working with an org. called No Youth Left Behind Foundation of America,we are primarily based in sacramento, ca and I am working to get other studentsin my community and across the country to join our cause in helping raise funds and awareness to at-risk youth in society. our org. is student run and we want to work with or gain new members that are also students. does anyone know what websites or locals to reach these students from??

2007-12-29 12:04:07 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Community Service

4 answers

Idealist.org has postings for volunteers. Not sure if they charge to post volunteer positions, but you should take a look.

Most websites charge to post this information. Have you tried some non-electronic methods? You could post the information on local universities or college's Career Placement offices. You can also post this to the school's club boards and in the student union halls. If there are college newspapers, you can probably get them to run an ad or a press release describing your organization that will help recruit students. Outside of the schools, you could see if you could post flyers at places where the students frequently hang out.

2007-12-30 20:51:57 · answer #1 · answered by Piggiepants 7 · 0 0


I live in Santa Fe New Mexico. I own an inn www.casadeltoro.com.

I am working here to donate my inn to provide shelter and education for homeless teens here in Santa Fe.

The inn has the potential to generate $ 1,000,000 a year.

I need money to pay off debt and bring the level of the hotel up so that we can charge higher rates.

If you can help I can send funds to you !

2007-12-29 13:23:21 · answer #2 · answered by bruce k 1 · 0 0

You might check to see if you have a Circle K Club on campus. They are a college version of Kiwanis. Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time.

2007-12-29 17:23:26 · answer #3 · answered by BD in NM 6 · 0 0

it is the form of puzzling situation. i'm keen to stick out my neck and declare that besides the certainty that there are easily adult adult males suffering DV, the quantity is nowhere close to proportionate to women. legislations has continually been a situation, as a results of fact there are people who will abuse it for their very own ends. There are women doing this on a daily basis and that i'm particular some adult adult males might abuse it too given the prospect. the undertaking with violence against adult adult males is that it has continually been of the hidden style: an mind-blowing style of psychological torment and the actual injuries are in many circumstances small and cumulative extremely than some thing you may desire to march right down to the police station with and record a grievance; and how many adult adult males record a grievance besides? if actuality learn that greater women than adult adult males finally end up on mortuary slabs each 365 days for this reason of being immediately crushed by utilizing companions. i does no longer propose something that eliminates any protections to shrink this. an mind-blowing style of the artwork for adult adult males might desire to be to alter the customary public theory and the perceptions of regulation and the police who seem to have an in-built concept that anybody DV occurrences are male on female, maximum excellent to computerized arrest of adult males. the belief is supposedly to get rid of the element maximum probably to reason injury, yet that's a prejudiced infringement of rights. As an aside: the guideline regulation (that a guy might desire to beat his spouse with a stick no thicker than his thumb) exchange into continually a fable in English regulation. the undertaking exchange into that it exchange into continually taken as a actuality and the thickness of the stick by no skill mattered besides. the desire to settle for this regardless says lots approximately DV.

2016-10-09 09:55:31 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0