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3 answers

My Grandmother had Ovarian Cancer (I'm not sure if this in the line of the same thing) but it spreads very quickly...I would get that checked out immediately because it has a high mortality rate

2007-12-29 06:54:35 · answer #1 · answered by blaque_strength21 4 · 1 0

As with most health situations, it depends. Some of the issues that need to be factored in are:
-The patients immune system. Immunosuppressed patients would certainly be afflicted faster and with more damage than healthy patients.
-The bacteria driving the infection. Currently they're not sure what drives BV, but the theory is a bacterial imbalance. Ninety percent of the bacteria found in a healthy vagina belong to the Lactobacillus family. For unknown reasons, there is a shift in the bacterial population that results in overgrowth of other bacteria. Patients suffering from bacterial vaginosis have very high numbers of bacteria such as Gardnerella vaginalis, Mycoplasmahominis, Bacteroides species, and Mobiluncus species.

It truly is an easily resolved health issue, and if left untreated will, eventually, damage the reproductive tract, however it will very likely be very uncomfortable process that could take years. You can successfully treat it at home. Plain, unpasteurized yogurt contains lactobacillus acidophilus, or "good" bacteria. Applying this type of yogurt directly into the vagina, using a small spoon, spatula or an old vagianl cream applicator, at night for three to seven nights should help restore the balance of bacteria in your vagina. Just be sure to wear a pad as it can get a bit messy. You may also use acidolphilus pills both as oral medication and as a vaginal insert instead of/in addition to yogurt, but yogurt is cheaper. Please make sure it is active or live culture and is unflavored without added sugar.

2007-12-29 15:56:33 · answer #2 · answered by aninocentangel 4 · 0 0

It is a very treatable disease. Your expectations seem to be a little extreme.

2007-12-29 15:08:44 · answer #3 · answered by hamrrfan 7 · 0 0