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Is it better for you ? if you had the choice would you do it over again ?

2007-12-29 05:20:33 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

10 answers

I am the parent of an 18yr old and have been a single mom since my pregnancy with her. Her dad and I tried several times to work things out thru the pregrnancy and her toddler yrs, but it could not happen. For me personally, the hardest parts of being a single parent have been, in no order of importance - no one to share the joy of first steps and smiles when they happen, when she's sick - you have to take her with you to get medicine - no matter what time of day or night, when u go thru the scary parts of being a parent - u do so mostly alone, the finances - oh the finances. the best parts - my daughter has been raised in a calm, loving healthy home - and it shows. she is a strong, capable young woman, applying to colleges, went to China last yr, doesn't do drugs or drinks - really! Her hardest parts of course would be not having a father, but she has my father who has been huge in her life, another hard part we are witnessing now is her apprehension in getting ready to go to college - i think she's a bit afraid of leaving. but most of her friends are as well. But it is not easy doing it by yourself - at all, but it can be done, and the kids can have morals and be productive, and the parents be the same. I think the "glass houses" rule applies best here...

2007-12-29 06:04:54 · answer #1 · answered by 2cardis 2 · 2 0

being a single parent is hard I'm a dad of 3 9,4 wife left us about 4 months ago after all most 20 years of being together she told me she left cause she couldn't handle coming home and having to help with the babies while I cooked she wanted to take a bath an drink a beer.Then she stop coming home til the babies were asleep saying she was working for 6 to 7 days aweek but pay check were the same.But do your self a favior look in there eyes while your holding an that should help you out alot there nothing better than looking into there beutiful eyes and woundering what ther thinking and seeing don't miss out on that its wounderful and it calms you down and gives them the loving they need doesnt matter how old they are it makes you and them feel better the older they are ensure them you still love them and thats all that countsis love an trust between both of you.I do it with all 3 kids its awsome don't loose that if you would like to talk call me 7028049618 thats lv,nv. good luck an remimber there your babiesan reenforce the love even when there bad you can still punish them but do it with love I promise you it will work out in the long an short time. don't talk about the idoit who left in front of the babies it while back fire on you in the long run I've seen it happen with my friends there usual want to move in with there dads as soon as they can so good luck. The reason I gave my phome # is I have a hard time with the computer at times I suffer from migraines and monter gives them to me.My life is about my kids I'm not triing to pick anyone up. I've got 16 years be for I worry about other people beside my kids.Don't start dating taking care or your kids will keep you busy enough and give you all the love you need GOOD LUCK your friend Chip Dooley Las Vegas NV.phone un plugged at 8 pm west coast time 702-804-9618

2007-12-29 14:44:45 · answer #2 · answered by chip.dooley 1 · 1 1

I love being a mom, but not perhaps single. It's stressful because of not having a break. Being a single mom puts a toll on you physically, mentally and emotionally. I wouldn't do it single all over again.

2007-12-29 13:26:40 · answer #3 · answered by Miss Dymond 4 · 0 1

I think it personally depends on the individual- how hard they are willing to work at ensuring they have a happy family, how much they plan ahead and how well organized they are.

I'm a 21 year old single mom with 3 children. I don't think it's much different than before my children's dad passed away. I'm financially stable- so no worries there, I have great schedules for everything- cleaning, one on one time with each child, and of course family activities with all of my children and I. I plan ahead meals, activities and so on. So everything goes smooth and we are able to be happy and stress free. My children and I are all as happy as can be- I wouldn't change our lifestyle.

2007-12-29 14:11:19 · answer #4 · answered by LiL One 5 · 1 1

I was, for all intents and purposes, a single dad for about 6 months when my wife was critically ill.

This is what I learned:

There is nothing harder than trying to raise children alone. You have absolutely no free time/down time and it doesn't end on the weekend or holidays. I have new-found compassion for all the people who's spouses have died unexpectedly and are faced with raising children alone!

My advice to everyone is to be very careful having sex, be even more careful getting married. You DO NOT want to raise children alone.

2007-12-29 13:52:51 · answer #5 · answered by Pragmatism Please 7 · 3 1

Certainly my mother preferred it.

It depends where you live and how driven you are.
A first child takes some getting used to in any case.

The flip-side to your question is perhaps, "Is it really that easy being a dependant, coupled parent?".

True to yourself be, with an added responsibility:
Many women fought many years to be so free,
So should you be, as ye will and with any others, source of joy!


2007-12-29 22:04:13 · answer #6 · answered by Master Anarchy 2 · 0 0

i am a single mom. i talk to the baby's dad but really i don't get anything from him. i have my mom watch my baby if i need to do something but that's only 1 time a week. Its probably the hardest i ever done is being a single parent. And if anyone thinks its easy you are very wrong. i cry alot. but I really enjoy being a mom. and won't ever change it.

2007-12-29 14:04:29 · answer #7 · answered by Amanda L 1 · 0 2

its all in what you make it. you set the limits what you want, what you need and what you can afford. being a single parent is just as hard as being a married one so there's no real big difference

2007-12-29 15:07:04 · answer #8 · answered by finally a girl 1 · 1 1

My friend is getting by, it's rough, but she's doing pretty good. I think that although she loves her son very much she would do things differently because now she's having custody issues with the father (who is a moron) and he seems to want to drag things out as long as possible. If they never got pregnant she could have just washed her hands of him and moved on.

2007-12-29 13:31:21 · answer #9 · answered by ♥Mommy to 3 year old Jacob and baby on the way♥ 7 · 0 2

Better for who? Unless you choose to have sex with a real loser why would it be better?

Children need and deserve a two parent home. Make wise choices prior to getting knocked up and you don't have to deal with being a single mother.

2007-12-29 13:28:57 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 5