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I want a little summary of how the troubles were caused.

2007-12-29 04:17:43 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Ireland Other - Ireland

10 answers

It was not, and is not, just about 'Religion,' which seems to be the answer most people use, as they don't know any more about it. There were lots of reasons as to why the troubles started. Civil Rights movement, general unrest, occupational rule etc. It is stupid to say that it is simply about religion, and that every other factor involved in the troubles can be traced back to religion, if you took that attitude for every war/times of trouble, then you could reason that anything is, in some distantly linked, irrelavent way, caused by religion.
Also the comment about potatoes is not even funny its just an exceptionally old stereotype. Theres more info here : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_troublests

2007-12-29 04:27:50 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

The Troubles Summary

2016-12-17 05:28:22 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

To put it really really simply it was about the Irish and British both wanting to control Ireland

It wasn't religion completely although that played a part it was about two different nationalities, currencies, languages and general culture that were each trying to be dominant over the other and neither wanting to give in

2007-12-29 09:28:12 · answer #3 · answered by StylishRiot ☮ 5 · 2 0

Tiocfaidh ar los angeles (Our day will come). this continues to be to be seen as a grafitto in the Falls and different Nationalist factors of Northern eire. together as the folk of Northern eire have embraced peace and the situation is booming because of the fact of it, there are nevertheless troglodytes lurking in the ghost of Leeson highway's long Bar and the Shankill's Bayardo who do no longer fairly settle for that the final public, whether they won't like one yet another, have agreed that being waiting to have an Ulster Fry in the community caff devoid of the prospect of being blown up is infinitely finest to no longer being waiting to purchase bread because of the fact somebody has hi-jacked the Inglis bread van and set it on hearth (look, anybody - unfastened toast!). The slugfests that got here approximately in Derry and Belfast in 1969 could desire to, conceivably be re-ignited, yet there is not any longer the motivation of the Unionists intransigence to inspire IRA defiance. and defence. Hooker highway and the Clonard no longer choose their IRA, and the boys who stopped the Protestant hordes from decimating the Falls - the boys who took their previous weapons into St Comgalls grounds in Divis highway, can bypass into historic previous as brave defenders of their people. The Unionists won't respond, different than on the point of a few after-pub brawls - The PSNI are fairly able to managing this. My kinfolk are from Northern eire and, in the previous 1969, we lived in a blended section close to Queens college in Belfast. we are of blended Jewish and Protestant ethnicity. in the 30 years of the worries, of the three Catholic teenagers that I had chummed up with, one became shot with the help of the army, yet another blew himself up on his own bomb. The 0.33 survived and that i visit be assembly him quickly in the Crown Bar. Does eire truly opt to bypass back to this merde. Even Michael Collins could say no"

2016-10-02 13:08:32 · answer #4 · answered by mataya 4 · 0 0

Check out the website below. Has a short and to-the-point description.

2007-12-30 12:25:26 · answer #5 · answered by Gail S 4 · 0 1

read here http://personal.nbnet.nb.ca/swerner/radical/livingston4.html

here http://www.british-civil-wars.co.uk/military/1649-52-cromwell-ireland.htm

here http://www.irelandseye.com/aarticles/history/events/dates/ch5.shtm

this http://www.ego4u.com/en/read-on/countries/ireland/great-famine

all of this http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/ireland_1848_to_1922.htm

and this http://www.wesleyjohnston.com/users/ireland/past/history/19211925.html

and you might understand about 1% of why the troubles in northern ireland came to be

2007-12-30 02:20:51 · answer #6 · answered by Rossie 4 · 1 0

A little summary? Again, try wikipedia. And do your own bloody homework, you lazy little gurrier.

2007-12-30 07:14:35 · answer #7 · answered by Orla C 7 · 1 1


2007-12-29 04:20:45 · answer #8 · answered by Bonkers! 7 · 0 0

religion..... always seems to be religion throughout world. In this case protestant against catholic

after you look it up, tell me if it wasn't based over religion....
Of course other things factored..... occupational rule?- by certain people of a certain faith? Pushing others out????
Civil unrest? about what? The price of potatoes?

2007-12-29 04:27:34 · answer #9 · answered by crushalot22 3 · 0 10

Oh No!!!
google it!

2007-12-29 04:31:20 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1