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ive had acne for about over 1 and a half years, i'm 16 and really hate it. im on antibiotics and have been for about a year and yet i feel as though it hardly has done anything in my eyes. its red, covers my cheeks and my chin with the odd bit appearing from time to time on my forehead. i have questioned latley if going on the pill will make it better as it is to do with hormones although diet aswell. i dont actully eat greasy foods such as chips, crisps or drink fizzy drinks, i in my eyes eat healthily like fruits,nuts,vegetables and try always to dirnk water. and yet it doesnt work so i question is it my hormones? can someone tlel me what to do!

2007-12-29 04:03:44 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diseases & Conditions Skin Conditions

16 answers

Go to a dermatologist; and ask about Acutain. They are capsules, and you take them for about 5 months and your acne is completely cleared up. I took it and trust me, it WORKS. The side affects are dry skin and lips, and possibly despression.

2007-12-29 08:24:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1/ Never, ever touch your face.
2/ Use 3 facecloths to wash your face, one to soap on, one to soap off with very hot water, one to rinse off with ice cold water, in that order, once a day.
3/ If you are under 18 take 5,000 IU of vitamin A once a day with a full meal
4/ If you are over 18 take 5,000 IU of vitamin A twice a day with a full meal.
Do not get pregnant while taking vitamin A. Do not take any more, like Accutane, it will stop you growing.
5/ Never, ever. pick, squeeze or pop your spot. Read number 1 again.
6/ Do this for 90 days.
7/ Invest in a brand new pillow and 2 new or more pillow cases to �double bag' your pillow. HOT wash every couple of days.
A bit of advice given to me as a teenager, a bit of science as I am studying allergic reactions and vitamin A is a part of that. A bit of research: I sat in a lecture at the back and watched the acne prone pick at their faces, those with the worse acne touched their faces 32 times in an hour, the clearest complexions didn't touch their faces even once. I have circumstantial evidence that acne is the result of dermatophyte transfer from hands to face...where it does not get washed off and is well fed by hormones, sweat a
nd oil...just a hypothesis... But it would explain why vitamin A is so effective as vitamin causes skin to remove dermatophytes.

The secret is never to touch the spots

Tips on how to treat acne and achieve perfect clear skin in as little as 7 days?

2016-05-16 00:38:49 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

The best OTC I've seen is "proactive". I've seen it do some amazing things for folks.

Sometimes it's just a phase you have to live through, unfortunately. I knew a young lady that had probably the worst acne I had ever seen. Didn't see her for about a year or so when I did it had all cleared up & she looked great! It may just take time. In the mean time take care of yourself, follow the doctors advice & don't do any of the crazy things you hear. If it sounds crazy it probably is!

2007-12-29 04:10:17 · answer #3 · answered by Christo 3 · 0 0

Hormones definitely tend to bring about acne, and the pill seems to help some girls. Foods do not cause acne, despite what you might read on some websites, but if you feel a food is causing you to break out, then there is no reason you shouldn't avoid it.
I find that I break out when I use many hair products... in fact, all but one hair product causes me to break out.
I've tried Proactiv and it didn't seem to help. The only OTC that I feel helps me is St. Ives Apricot Scrub.

2007-12-29 04:11:19 · answer #4 · answered by Mickey Mouse Spears 7 · 0 0

You don't need a doctor you need Arbonne. Arbonne is made by the top skin care chemist in the world to work underneath your skin to where the problem is in the first place this product is pure safe swiss made and botanical and will take care of your skin forever Arbonne has proven results or it would not even sell it or let us. Arbonne will take very good care of your skin get yourself the intellegence's line an the deep pore cleansing mask in the nutrimin c re9 line to pull out those dirt and oils in the pores like a vacumn and leave your skin ph balanced and soft and smooth forever and you will see results in a very short time if you use it twice a day and mask every night till you get your face back into shape and your welcome an yes hormones has alot to do with our skin an we have the best natural hormornal creams in the world that will help get the prolief i swear by that stuff it's to die for awesome and click on my profile and get yourself the best made by the best and your welcome if your over 25 use the whole nutrimin c re9 anti-aging line you will love love love it for all your needs. and your welcome for some one introducing you to the highest quality product in the world and use very little it will last a long long time.

2007-12-29 08:09:16 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

See a dermatologist. I was going to suggest Proactiv, until I read your whole paragraph. Proavtiv worked for me and my sister. Since you have tried many things, I seriously recommend speaking to a dermatologist. If you are seeing one already, maybe see a different one to get a 2nd opinion.

2007-12-29 04:08:02 · answer #6 · answered by Michelle 3 · 1 0

Greasy foods have nothing to do with it.. it's just a myth.

Other myths are shown here

And here are examples to prevent any more acne..

I would not suggest proactiv if you have sensitive skin.. Proactiv just made my skin worse.

2007-12-29 04:09:08 · answer #7 · answered by At Least I Tried. 2 · 0 0

water, diet, dont put too much product on your face, people with acne are always trying different things.. have you ever tried just being clean, just dove soap and a towel. proactive seems to be popular, natural astringents and toners are good. good luck, hopefully its just an age problem.

2007-12-29 04:08:33 · answer #8 · answered by CATWOMAN 6 · 0 0

I used acnegel40, i was called pizza face, i didnt care, cause im more handsome than some of the geeks i went to skool with many moons ago. they will go in time.

2007-12-29 04:08:16 · answer #9 · answered by Vic Q 3 · 1 0

I would always say to see a doctor. If one doesnot satisfy you ask for other DOCTOR'S advice. This place is certainly not for medical treatments. People have their own experiences. If one thing worked for me it is not necessary that it will work for you too!!

2007-12-29 04:22:16 · answer #10 · answered by friendo24 2 · 0 0