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I think that fruits have less toxic compare to meat and seafood, also there is Vitamin A,E and Fiber as well.

But i wonder that how much fruits consumption would then be enough for a meal?

I had a slice of papaya, 6 pieces of water chest nuts, a slice of honey dew and 2 glass of orange juice just now as my dinner, I wonder if that is a good start hehz.

I'm thinking of combo with banana and apple as my meals as well, but will I be alright by eating less meat now? I'm not vegetarian.

2007-12-28 23:43:49 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diet & Fitness

7 answers

Eating fruit only for a couple of days won't hurt you (though you may spend more time in the bathroom), but you really must have protein as a regular part of your diet. You also need more vitamins and minerals than you will find in fruit alone. Protein also keeps you satisfied longer and feeling less hungry. You can get your protein from sources other than meat such as legumes, however, if you are used to eating meat, you are going to miss it.
My advice is: Give up sugar and white flour. Eat everything else in moderation, i.e.: watch your calorie intake, 1200 calories will let you lose slowly but surely, and eat 6 small meals per day, evenly spaces. Make sure you get fiber by eating a bran, whole grains and fresh fruit. Eat your veggies!!!
Keep yourself occupied with healthy activities and exercise...and good luck in the coming year!

2007-12-28 23:58:45 · answer #1 · answered by TatersPop 5 · 0 0

I think that long term eating only fruits is NOT a good diet option the human body needs a certain amount of protein and fats that fruit do NOT have and you should be concerned about the sugar as well.

If you don't like red meat.. Try chicken, turkey and seafood... I would also consider eating beans they have protein and are a good source of fiber. If you eat/drink too much fruit/juice etc.. There is a risk of damaging your teeth with fruit acids.. So, be sure to brush AFTER every meal. I would also take a vitamin supplement since you diet is lacking in calcium as well. Are you changing your diet to lose weight? Maybe, consulting a doctor would help you change your diet in a safe manner...

Good luck

2007-12-29 00:18:20 · answer #2 · answered by pebblespro 7 · 0 0

Definately not a good idea. You need to get protein from somewhere. If you are worried about the toxicity of meat try to get organic meat, most grocery stores carry it now. Try free range egg, legumes, nuts. Vegetables are important as well, they have many vitamins not available in fruit. If you continue on this way your body will start eating whatever muscle you have turning your body to mush and you will probably be affected cognitively as well. The acid levels may wreak havoc on your stomach as well.

Eat balanced and try to eat organic whole foods.

2007-12-28 23:58:36 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Fruits are good for healthy living, but they alone may not be enough to give all the energy that we need . You may have to add starch from grains and proteins from pulses. A wholesome vegetarian food is very good for us.

2007-12-28 23:56:36 · answer #4 · answered by Brahmanyan 5 · 0 0

You can't eat JUST fruit. Not only will you not be getting all of the necessary vitamins (and you'd basically be getting NO protein), you'd also be raising your blood sugar to dangerously high levels.

2007-12-28 23:49:54 · answer #5 · answered by BostonCollin28 4 · 1 0

No way!! You need fruit..veg..fish..meat etc etc!
If you just ate fruit you wouldn't be getting all the right vitamin and minerals..Maybe consult your doctor?

2007-12-28 23:59:32 · answer #6 · answered by ILMBF.x 3 · 0 0

U need to take protiens and some carbs as well to get energy from. Please consult a professional dietician before going on all fruit diet.

2007-12-28 23:54:03 · answer #7 · answered by Nav 3 · 0 0