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11 answers

Judas chose to do what he did. If he had not, someone else would have betrayed Christ. Don't try and play like Judas should be thanked for betraying God, okay?

2007-12-28 21:52:00 · answer #1 · answered by Last Ent Wife (RCIA) 7 · 1 2

It's the same concept as a "fall from grace" being a negative thing and blaming women for humanity being cast out of the garden of eden. Assigning blame for actions that were part of a preconceived plan is nonsense. Either a fall from grace was necessary for humanity to procreate or it wasn't. There are no two ways about it. Either there IS a plan or there isn't.

If salvation could not have come about without Judas' "betrayal", blaming him is pointless and shows a childish lack of understanding of the way things work. Religions seek to explain things in as basic a way as possible, since the average believer is not all that bright. If they make doctrine realistic, they will lose followers - the stupid ones, but followers just the same - so they make doctrine appealing to the lowest common denominator. That this makes "truth" less true is not important. It's all about numbers.

2007-12-29 05:57:34 · answer #2 · answered by "G" 5 · 1 0

Judas was selected by God/Jesus because he knew that Judas would betray him, a necessary act in Jesus's purpose.

Judas did choose to betray him, but it was not a choice he could have escaped from. He was told he'd do it. He was picked because he'd do it.

He couldn't have chosen not to do it. God/Jesus said he would, therefore he HAD to. There's no way he could have escape that destiny. God couldn't have said "You're going to do this" then Judas turns around and proves him wrong. That's just not possible if God is always right.

The story of Judas has long bothered me as well. The guy was punished for doing what he was obviously put on earth to do. He had no alternative course of action to take. That doesn't make much sense to me.

But then, neither do certain other parts of Christianity. That's why I no longer belong to the religion.

2007-12-29 05:59:05 · answer #3 · answered by CSE 7 · 1 0

But thats where you wrong. Judas was not sent to hell for his betrayal. Judas was sent to hell for his unrepented sinful heart. This is what he was guilt of, and all his betrayal does is to testify to this fact. Christ forgave us all of our sins when He was on the cross. It is us choosing not to repent that lands us in hell.

2007-12-29 06:04:17 · answer #4 · answered by TimothyLogan3 3 · 0 1

Remember, Judas felt awful for what he did. It doesn't say he repented, but he realized what he did. That's why he killed himself. He couldn't live with the guilt. I wouldn't be surprised if Jesus forgave him. Although if we live under the catholic rule Judas is going to purgatory anyway so it doesn't matter.

2007-12-29 05:57:02 · answer #5 · answered by Buddy_Lee_Hombre_de_accion 7 · 2 0

Sorry, I don't get you. what do you mean by humanity-saving deat? and why was the betrayal necessary?

2007-12-29 05:56:20 · answer #6 · answered by kumarcl 5 · 0 1

Nothing you or I say can save Judas. God as done all the work

Goodbye to Judas

2007-12-29 05:59:23 · answer #7 · answered by MariaAntonietta 4 · 0 2

I dont think Judas is in hell....Ive thought about that too..He did the right thing..sorry to say, but he basically sacrificed his life to save us without knowing it. Understand? And he felt guilty afterwards. so..

2007-12-29 05:55:28 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

It's the same as the serpent tempting Eve with the Apple. Coz if they didn't eat the damn thing, we'd be nothing but animals with no mind of our own...
Ahh...The contradictions in the bible... And they call it "The Word of God"!

p/s: Nice one with the APC quote Brandy D.

K, Peace...

2007-12-29 05:59:45 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

ya, Jesus knew that Judas would betray him, just like he knew that Peter would deny him three times...was is peter? i think so...but no..Judas chose to do it...

2007-12-29 05:54:21 · answer #10 · answered by imacatholic1 3 · 0 0