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I'm a 25 Bravo with a RIP contract...I have about 4 weeks until I leave.

1. My 2-mile time is at around 14:00-14:30, should I worry about improving my time going in. Do you recommend Intervals?

2. Should I practice walking with a Ruck, then running?

3. Should I shave my head before arriving?

4. As a PFC, what kind of responsibilities will I receive?

Thank You in advance for the answers?

2007-12-28 21:47:52 · 5 answers · asked by Santana 1 in Politics & Government Military

5 answers

1. My 2-mile time is at around 14:00-14:30, should I worry about improving my time going in. Do you recommend Intervals?

With all the soldiers running with you in BCT, your run will improve naturally. I would just keep running everyday and do not stop or take a break for one week.

2. Should I practice walking with a Ruck, then running?

With the RIP contract speed walk 2-3 times before you leave to give you an idea of what you are in for. Have about 40-50 pounds in the ruck. No running with the ruck. Save that for your RIP school.

3. Should I shave my head before arriving?

Do not shave your head! Trust me.

4. As a PFC, what kind of responsibilities will I receive?

You will receive some responsibilities probably as soon as you arrive in basic. Do not valunteer for anything though!

SSG Schramm
US Army 15 years
OIF 2003
US Army Recruiter 3 years running in Texas


2007-12-29 01:03:04 · answer #1 · answered by ? 6 · 2 0

I went to Ft. Jackson 4 years ago but I'll help you out as best I can.

Your run time isn't too bad. But I would work on it right up until the day you leave. Remember you won't run everyday during PT, you will alternate between MS and running. Walking with a ruck is not a bad idea. I would say that isn't something most people practice, it might get you better preparped. DON'T shave your head. I'm not a guy obviously, but I've never heard a guy say you should shave first. It would make you stand out. At first the E3 won't mean much. The people that are given responsibilities are prior service and people that has jrrotc. After a while you may be PG or something because of it. Nothing to worry about. Just don't get hurt before you go!

My advice is a study the Army song, ranks, military time, solider's creed, general orders etc... Well anything you don't know yet. That will really help!

2007-12-28 22:03:19 · answer #2 · answered by Laura in North Carolina 5 · 3 0

If you can work out then do that like at a gym or a friend who has equiptment. Keep running about 2 miles one way and then 2 miles back. Try and beat your time every time. You can even add weight to your back. Fill a bookbag or if you have a ruck sack fill that with stuff and go ruck marching. Make a schedule for that along with push ups and sit ups. Set a goal for yourself and try to beat that goal. When you get to basic I suggest do not use that stupid get out of jail free card. You are looked down upon as a what they say in the military "s*** bag". I really honestly think that was the stupidest idea to ever have those. They've only had them for a little while now so those who have been in service will make fun of you. There was a guy who after training and got stationed somewhere tried to hand the NCO what I think is called the pink card and the NCO just looked at him grabbed and threw it away and said get to work soldier, you're not a child. It won't benefit you in the real world. What are you going to do go up to an enemy and say hey don't shoot take my pink card instead? No, not a chance.

2016-04-01 23:49:16 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The only answer I know is don't shave your head. They can get pissed about that.

I will be at Benning as well as of January 9th for One Station Unit Training, going in as an E-2. I am 11Xray, hoping to get 11Bravo, was not able to get a RIP contract so I am going to volunteer for everything.

Good luck brother, hope to see you there!

2007-12-28 21:58:02 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Thank you for serving.

2007-12-29 00:30:47 · answer #5 · answered by kim t 7 · 2 0