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My car was hit while the dealer was driving it around the block for the purpose of determining the trade-in value. It got the front bumper hit by another car at fault while the dealer was driving my car. Who is responsible for my car repair??? Is it the person at fault or is it the dealership??

2007-12-28 19:28:06 · 7 answers · asked by BENNY W 1 in Cars & Transportation Insurance & Registration

7 answers

The legal response would be that since the dealer was working for and on behalf of the dealer, the dealerships insurance would cover the costs. If the dealer was at fault, the dealers insurance would cover your vehicle and the other parties including having to pay out the insurance so that your insurance rates were not affected. If the other was at fault, then the other persons insurance would cover it. However, the onus is on you to pay the deductible as if you were the driver. I would assume that the dealership would offer to pay the deductible for you irregardless of whose fault it actually was. Regardless, I would have a lawyer's name on standby in case you need to sue the dealership for any outside costs such as deductibles or higher insurance rates. Hope this helps.

2007-12-28 20:25:55 · answer #1 · answered by roger S 3 · 0 0

OK, so the dealer is driving your car around the block. "it got hit" while driving doesn't describe what happened. If the dealer's driver is at fault, he's going to be responsible - PERSONALLY - for any damages. The dealer might have coverage that would cover your car, but most likely has a deductible over your damages.

If the OTHER driver is at fault for the accident, then they are, or the owner of that other car.

So it depends on which driver is at fault.

All in all, it might just be easier for you to file the claim with YOUR insurance company, and let them track down the at fault party and collect.

2007-12-29 07:57:25 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous 7 · 0 0

Both can react. The dealerships Garage Keepers collision insurance _could_ address the damages to your vehicle. If the other person was at fault, the dealerships carrier could then seek recovery from that person's carrier. Also, you could file a claim directly with the 2rd parties carrier if that person was at fault. It's up to you... but....

I've worked with plenty of dealerships and they _NEVER_ give up their insurance information easily! Even when they are 100% at fault for someone and no one else is involved. In otherwords,they can be _pinheads_. If you asked the dealership for their insurance information, they will probably tell you that they are not responsible and tell you that you need to file under the at-fault drivers policy. In most cases, this should be fine. But if you have any problems with that drivers carrier, keep in mind that the dealerships Garage Keepers collision coverage should also be able to address your situation.

2007-12-29 05:08:00 · answer #3 · answered by Todd C 4 · 0 0

This is pretty plain and simple if it was the other person who hit your car. Long as yourcar was legaly doing stuff. Then the other person. However if whoever was driving your cars was at fault then the dealer is responsible. But what were they doing without you in the car. Its your car. But is sounds like the other person is responsible

2007-12-28 19:38:02 · answer #4 · answered by D M 2 · 0 0

The faulted driver, and the dealership should have ins. on thier driver, and show good will with the repair!

2007-12-29 01:15:12 · answer #5 · answered by happywjc 7 · 0 0

The insurance of the driver will cover the claim.

2007-12-29 00:57:44 · answer #6 · answered by Advantage-ME 6 · 0 0

whoever caused the accident. BTW, the dealer has insurance for this, or he shouldn't be in business. claim on his insurance & let them pursue the guilty party. .... happens.

2007-12-28 19:34:57 · answer #7 · answered by friedach 6 · 1 0