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To find out who our ancestors were we are having a DNA analysis done. Anyone have any thoughts on this? I am into family history big time and have brickwalled at a great-great grandfather

2007-12-28 18:30:40 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities Genealogy

3 answers

I had the testing done several years ago at the request of two "cousins" who were trying to tie into the same line I descended from. Our results didn't match. Subsequent testing for others in the surname project have proved my branch is correct. We are still trying to find out where their paper trail has gone awry. (We believe that there was an "unofficial adoption" ). DNA testing has also proved that although my wife has ancestors with my surname there is no connection. (It took us over 30 years to prove this.)
It really does depend on what you are trying to accomplish and how much you are willing to spend. Also on how long you are willing to wait to get the resullts.

2008-01-01 17:28:28 · answer #1 · answered by BigDog507 5 · 0 0

If you want to find out about your father's father's father's father, or your mothers' mother's mother, it can be done and may give you some useful information. If you are trying to find any ancestor between these 2 lines, you may have to seek out a cousin of the necessary sex in order to have them tested. Visit some Family surname DNA projects to find out more. The cost ranges from $99 for a 7-marker male test, to $499 for a mtDNA test for the female line. Each person has to decide what they are trying to accomplish when they looking into testing, and if the cost is worth the findings. You may not find anything useful for your money.

2007-12-29 11:07:56 · answer #2 · answered by correrafan 7 · 1 0

I don't think having your DNA will tell you who your ggrandfather was unless he has had the DNA test done too. Look at the DNA surname project site for info.

Have you gone to the LDS site, or Ancestry.com?

Did you ask anyone here to look for your ggrandfather? Quite a few people have subscriptions to genealogy sites.

2007-12-29 08:31:30 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0