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i need some honest opinions. it looks like a high school student did it. what do you think? i know the eyes and the nose are crooked but what else do you notice that i could try to fix?




2007-12-28 12:17:42 · 7 answers · asked by max 5 in Arts & Humanities Visual Arts Painting

7 answers

First off, for someone just starting it's a damn good effort. You certainly have a lot of natural talent. The overall coloring is great.

Yes, the nose is a little crooked but that could give her a unique character of it's own.

The only real problems I see are in the eyes and the mouth. For her lips they should taper out equally on both sides of her mouth. With her eyes the right eye (the left one as we view your painting) should have the exact same darkened shading around the outside of the pupil as her other eye.

Both of these problems should be easy enough to correct.

Other than that this is a pretty damn good portrait and you, if it was painted by you, have a lot of potential.

2007-12-28 13:16:48 · answer #1 · answered by Doc Watson 7 · 4 1

The painting is nice. Don't worry to much about the placement of the mouth and eyes and the size of the nose, this is not how great paintings are made. The thing is composition and color. The composition is a little awkward maybe because the face looks to flat in the canvas, maybe you should use a longer canvas or make the face thinner. The treatment of the subject shows that you can draw very well, because it looks like a drawing not a painting. Try to paint it not draw with with paint. Your brushstrokes should be visible, the paint should be thicker. Also don't be afraid to use more color and dramatic shading, putting one part of the face in shadow. Look at the works of sargent, lucian freud, and van gogh.

2007-12-29 12:21:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Looks good. My only critique: I would slightly lower the retina of the left eye to match the right one. The edges of the eye lids are a bit sharp (the line could be softer like the edges of the lips). If you somewhat diffused these lid edges it would be perfect.

2007-12-28 21:35:13 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I would try to add more depth. The bridge of her nose looks almost flat, so do her lips. I really love the depth in her eyes and eye lids. Try looking at the different parts of her face as shapes, like her lips are almost like two tubes, how would you apply shading to show that depth?

2007-12-28 22:53:58 · answer #4 · answered by grrlypainter 2 · 1 0

I like it. Her left eye is a bit skewif but it gives her character. She looks sad. The left eye could be the play of a shadow on her face.

2007-12-28 20:24:31 · answer #5 · answered by ? 6 · 1 0

Hey, I'm a high school student! Haha

This is great. I really love the colouring and shading.
The distortion, in my opinion gives it more character and quirkiness. I love it.

2007-12-29 07:47:43 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

In think it is good it is your Painting and no one can critique it Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...

2007-12-28 20:28:55 · answer #7 · answered by camphec63 2 · 1 1