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5 answers

If he lived with you ALL year, AND you provided over half of his support for 2007, AND his gross income was less than $3400, AND your relationship isn't illegal under any local or state laws or ordinances (even if they aren't enforced but are still on the books) then you can probably claim him. You'd have to meet ALL of those conditions. There are a few other conditions also, but those are the main ones.

You've been supporting him for almost two years? Is he planning to get a job sometime?

2007-12-28 09:07:07 · answer #1 · answered by Judy 7 · 2 1

Even with Judy typing as fast as she could, there was already a wrong answer to the question.

To add to Judy's notes, if you meet these tests, your fiance is a "qualifying relative" which is an incredibly stupid name since it implies he is related to you when he's not. A fiance can NEVER qualify you for Head of Household filing status.

The sad part is, the qualifying relative rules have been the same for decades. Even someone who is out of date on reading the publications wouldn't get this wrong if they'd ever read the pubs in the first place.

2007-12-28 17:15:36 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

You should dump that bum next year so it will not be an issue.

2007-12-28 17:22:15 · answer #3 · answered by spicertax 5 · 0 1

No. You need to be married, or one of you has to be the offspring of the other.

2007-12-28 17:05:08 · answer #4 · answered by Steveo 5 · 1 3

unless he is a medical invalid dependent,I don't think you can,call irs and ask

2007-12-28 17:09:15 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3