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I would like to take my husband somewhere special for our 5 year anneversary. We do not have a lot of money to spend, so it cannot be anything extravagent. Preferably someplace warm, but not necessarily. Any ideas?

By the way, we live in Idaho.

2007-12-28 07:45:39 · 10 answers · asked by Shelby R 3 in Travel Travel (General) Other - Destinations

10 answers


Depending where you reside...there are many local bed and breakfast. That's if you want something quaint. Now if you are looking to leave the your state and enjoy warmer climate...come see a local Agent and ask them about buying a FAM trips (familiarization). Travel agent can send you out to test certain resort areas and ask your expert opinion on the "enjoyability" of your stay...it's almost like taking a luxury trip at discount so you can come back and be a walking commercial.

I hope this helps!

P. Huynh

2007-12-28 07:54:38 · answer #1 · answered by Pacific Huynh 2 · 0 1

If you are the brave and adventurous type, and possess a good 4x4 camper pick up truck, you can do as some have done and---drive the Pan American!

This would be the mother of all road trips, and could be organized the following way:

Leave the Potato state in winter (Jan/Feb) and just drive south as far as you dare!

As for cost (assuming you have, or can rent or borrow or... please don't steal, a camper truck or van) what you save in not having to rent hotels, eat in restaurants, and pay in airfare, would go along way in gas or diesel purchases!

A serious pair of adventurers, willing to put aside 1 or 3 months of his and her lives for this challenge, could 'do the pan-america (or a good stretch of it) in pretty good time, if the driving was done in shifts.

I hear that the driest region in the world is in a desert, not terribly far from Santiago Chili!

You'd have left Idaho in the deepest part of winter, and a few weeks later be basking on the baking beaches of Chili!

It would be quite the adventure!

2007-12-28 17:06:53 · answer #2 · answered by screaming monk 6 · 0 0

I love Catalina Island. It's beautiful and for the most part the weather is perfect. Food is a great deal and delicious. You walk everywhere, no cars allowed. Lots of inexpensive tours you can take. They have great package deals on rooms with a tour included. It's fun, quiet, relaxing, and you feel like you have been in a different era! I love it there and it is a long drive but you could do it. Tons of history with pictures of all the famous people who have vacationed there!

2007-12-28 07:56:15 · answer #3 · answered by debijs 7 · 0 1

Costa Rica... tropical, very U.S. Friendly & your US Dollars go a long way.

If you'd rather not trek Internationally - try New Mexico or a closer destination like: Las Vegas, Nevada.

2007-12-28 08:08:50 · answer #4 · answered by Frank S 4 · 2 1

Go to the Wisconsin Dells. It is so fun and they have great cabins to rent and you can not find a better water park with so much to do.

2007-12-28 07:48:43 · answer #5 · answered by Fetch! 6 · 0 0

Can you take a Cruise ship? contact carnival Cruise ships and I guarantee that should pay off. Ihave never seen anything like it.
so full of entertainment and fun things to watch.

Hopefully this will become your dream crusie. It was just amazing to us.

2007-12-28 07:55:37 · answer #6 · answered by Linda S 6 · 0 1

Maybe a cabin with a fireplace. You could ski, travel to town ... Very peaceful.

Or the city...if you have enough country. You could go to some shows..

2007-12-28 07:49:47 · answer #7 · answered by denimcap 4 · 0 1

If you live in the U.S then Florida, Mexico or Central America would be ideal if you're on a budget.

2007-12-28 07:51:19 · answer #8 · answered by macroeq 2 · 0 1

back yard or fields the barn all are good places and no funding needed.

2007-12-28 07:49:03 · answer #9 · answered by ? 7 · 0 1

Rain forest in south africa.

2007-12-28 07:49:49 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1