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I love to play craps (and not spend a lot of money, I believe the best deals in Vegas are for people that don't gamble).
Which method of play would provide more winnings. We will assume a $2 minimum bet with 2x true odds.
A $60 bankroll (each dollar only played once and winnings kept to the side) betting the minimum on pass and backing it with odds OR betting the minimum on pass backing it with odds and then making come bets with odds (still betting each dollar once and keeping wins off to the side). I'm not sure if the money you'd make back on the current come bet on a 7 out would really help any or just look like its helping.

Also the same scenario with some different factors. Assume a trek out to Henderson with a a $110 bankroll at a table with $1 and 10x odds. How what the same strategies work in that situation?

2007-12-28 06:47:33 · 1 answers · asked by still_kind_of_shy_guy 2 in Games & Recreation Gambling

ALL bets WILL be backed by the fullest odds allowed by the table (including come bets once). The first scenario is say slots-a-fun ($2 minimum and 2x odds) and the second scenario is a locals casino such as jokers wild with ($1 and 10x odds).
With 2x odds due to the fact the casino would have to round to a nearest dollar (no 50 cent chips) on 6 and 8 to pay true odds the odds on those numbers would be $5 instead of $4. Place bets seem like not such a good idea because I can't lower the house edge with free odds.

2007-12-29 02:46:29 · update #1

I think the crux of my question is with the come bets am I just making the game more exciting than pass line and odds only (something happening on every roll of the dice instead of a lot of nothing while waiting for a point or 7) OR if I'm helping my chances of winning. I like my bankroll to last at th craps table (just cause its fun to be at the table) and I don't care about winning big, $10-40 profit on a $60 bankroll is more than cool (its free bus fair on the deuce, drinks at the circus-circus merry go round bar, a few rides at the adventure dome, small stuff like that).

2007-12-29 02:59:29 · update #2

1 answers

First, I agree with Nun Y that Poker2012 is wrong about placing the 6 and 8. The come bet gives you better odds.

Statistically, the house edge on the come bet is 1.41% and the house edge on the odds bet is 0%. The combined house edge on a pass line (or come) bet plus 2x odds is 0.606%. the combined house edge on a pass line (or come) bet plus 10x odds is 0.184%.

For every $1.00 you put on a pass line (or come) bet you can expect to get 98.59 cents back, so on average the more money you put on the these bets the more rapidly it will be lost. That means if you want to stay at the table as long as possible you do not want to place any come bets.

Since the odds on the pass line and and come bets are identical, your odds of winning when you play a fixed number of bets is identical. With $60 you can make 10 $2 bets each backed up with $4 odds. Your odds are the same if they are all pass line bets, all come bets, or any mixture of the two.

Your odds are better with the 10x odds scenario. You still can make 10 pass line/come bets with full odds, but since the total amount wagered on these bets is only $10 instead of $20, your average loss will only be 1.41% of $10, of $0.14, instead of 1.41% of $20, or $0.28.

In practical terms, if you are only going to make 10 bets such a small difference in the house edge is not really significant. (Can you travel to Henderson and back for $0.14?)

While playing smart is important, what is most important is to have fun.

2007-12-29 10:44:39 · answer #1 · answered by zman492 7 · 0 0


2016-06-09 02:13:20 · answer #2 · answered by Williams 3 · 0 0

is the first answer correct..nope...the house edge to place the 6 or 8 is .0151.....the house edge on a come bet is .0141....also, you have to bet $6 on the six or eight for the payoff of 7 to 6.....also , if a 6 or 8 is rolled on the pass or come the payoff is 6 to 5 so the odds bet must be $5 $10 $15 etc

2007-12-29 02:09:10 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0