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I asked THIS question yesterday, it was deleted:

Deleted Question: Do you have the guts to read this list?

Question Details:

Violation Reason:Not a Question or Answer

If you feel this content was removed in error, please contact Customer Care and tell us why.

Yahoo! Customer Care

OK, first of all - it most certainly *is* a question. I'm asking the bushbots out there if they have the courage to actually educate themselves on decisions bush has made during the past seven years.

It is a list of bush's actual decisions, actual Presidential activity. No cursing, no screaming, no mudslinging. A rote list of bush Presidential activity.

If you don't want to read it, fine.

But to REPORT it?

Yeah, we most certainly *DO* call this regime Fascist. And now you see why.

And HERE is the list AGAIN:


2007-12-27 23:51:16 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

To ajhidell1963: You must be new here. That is my trademark - I never, ever capitalize bush's name.

He doesn't deserve a capital letter.

And I'm quite sure you're "choked up" over my predicament. Your kind rejoices in the oppression of free speech and the stifling of open exchange of FACTS about your Fuhrer.

2007-12-28 00:05:32 · update #1

To "Me, Too" - Sure, doll. You can use my name if you want to report the issue. But my not capitalizing bush's name wasn't part of my being reported (I don't think!) I was just responding to one of the posters here when I commented on that. He thinks I should give bush a capital letter. I think bush does not deserve a capital letter.

The question was deleted because some of my stalkers ganged up on me and reported it. Because it is a simple list of FACTUAL atrocities committed by bush.
And they did not like it.

2007-12-28 01:33:02 · update #2


2007-12-28 03:16:12 · update #3

To "dogma" -- G.W. Gump! Now that's funny.

2007-12-28 23:17:32 · update #4

19 answers

You get your questions deleted because some cry baby turned you in to the Yahoo Gestapo and they are too dumb or lazy to investigate whether it's a real violation or a bogus report so they just punish you because it's the easiest thing for them to do.

They delete the question and often punish the asker by docking them 10 points as a penalty. The people who answered generally get to keep the 2 points for answering though, unless the troll that reported the asker reported the answerers, too.

Sometimes, I suspect, they monitor some people to make sure we can't post a question without them looking at it first. Before they suspended my Level 7 account, there was often a big time delay between when I submitted a question and it showed up on the category... if it ever showed up!

Plus they have filters that scan questions for certain words and, if you use them, then the question NEVER gets shown to the public. A perfect example is the phrase "Ayatollah Yamster." Every time I asked a question about the Ayatollah Yamster and Yahoo's unfair policies, they didn't show up and I got slapped with a notice of violation.

It's not fair, it's not just, it's Yahoo. Welcome to YaHELL

2007-12-30 15:22:27 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

If this is not a valid question, then I have seen about 1000 non-valid questions in Yahoo Answers but they tend to stay up.

A few years ago Yahoo had message boards that allowed users to discuss the current event topics. Most of those discussions were rational level headed people like yourself arguing with some typical Bush follower that wouldn't know the truth if he was blindsided by it.

Needless to say, Yahoo removed all the discussions and put up a message that they "were working on changing some things" but they never brought those discussions back because they knew that anyone defending a certain point of view couldn't argue their point properly.

Now when you put some of these same facts in Yahoo answers, they get removed. Why are people so afraid of the truth?

2007-12-28 00:04:26 · answer #2 · answered by Kevin S 3 · 5 0

Hello my dear friend. :-) ♥♫♥♫ I would be extremely frustrated if that happened to me, and I support you in taking whatever action you can with Y!A to prevent such abuse of the TOS. However, don't hang your hopes and happiness on Y!A, as they a pretty sure to disappoint (or they'll take a long time to give you satisfaction). If I was in your situation, I think I would change my name, avatar and profile (on the same account... once it is reinstated) to something that my report-bot can't recognise, and make my Q&A private temporarily. I would email my favorite contacts with the changes, so they could still recognise me, and give them a brief description of why. (You did that for us when you started this new little account, so thank-you for that effort ♥ xo). Perhaps I would block whoever was reporting me (if I knew for certain)... or I might disable "adding contacts" (possibly). I would also go ahead with getting Y!A to do something more to protect my account, as you are trying to do. I figure that making changes to my own account gives me some of the power to fix the problems in my own life (and hence prevent depression... that old feeling of powerlessness). It is an agony of suspense to wait for other people to fix things... It you want something done, you do need to do it yourself, even if that means changing your Y!A "identity". You're being pro-active, and that's a good thing. Keep on trying to make changes, both the changes that you can personally make, and also the changes that you can stimulate within Y!A, through affirmative action. Hope things work out better for you soon. I love you "beans for brains"... I don't know why you call yourself that, lol. You're not stupid at all, but sometimes you are too hard on yourself. ♥♫

2016-04-11 05:12:29 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I can see how they may think it was not an actual question. If they had the guts, then they read it. If not, then they didn't even know what you had to say. It seems like you were/are just trying to make a point and educate people rather than ask them a question. Maybe next time you can ask what their opinion of or explanation is of the list?

I think it's funny that you don't capitalize bush's name. hahah

2007-12-28 16:11:26 · answer #4 · answered by chandiepoo 4 · 3 0

Anyone who still supports the Beloved Leader. After all, in their eyes, any criticism is Lese Majeste and endangers the troops he put in jeopardy and keeps there 4 years after they accomplished every reasonable military mission.

Sociopaths, and NeoConservatism is just Sociopathy dressed up as Political Philosophy, see things differently from other people. Mostly, they see other people as things. That's why Rumsfeld said, "Soldiers are fungible." They weren't real people to him.

So, of course they believe that they can do anything to anybody and it's ok.

2007-12-28 03:13:06 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Blueridge, may I have your permission to use your avatar...or screen name...or whatever you call it, since I am talking with Y/A personnel about this problem?

Whether or not you capitalized the President's name, that does not even come close to some of the obscenities these people have used against Hillary Clinton. These political and religious deletions should come to a screeching halt

2007-12-28 01:24:09 · answer #6 · answered by Me, Too 6 · 4 0

Because the right wing robots, like Bush, are factual atrocities.

They hate free speech, thus they hate what America stands for, good clean liberal values and all.

I got four violations yesterday. Why? Oh nothing, just some liberal haters who cant answer the questions because we know what the real answers are.

Thank you. Never quit.

2007-12-28 05:08:33 · answer #7 · answered by Zinger! 3 · 3 0

Keep asking it! I immediately added it to my bookmarked list, as, I'm sure thousands of other people did.

This is about Yahoo's idiot policy of sending a violation notice as soon as someone complains. It's a programmed response, not evidence of human thinking.

Yahoo needs to stop doing this, before they lose a few million viewers of the ads on YA.

2007-12-27 23:59:50 · answer #8 · answered by Silver 3 · 6 0

the technical reason i guess is that it is being seen as an invitation to view something , which is disguised as a question.

Answers is meant to be a place to have questions answered not a place to get people to look at stuff.

a better more realistic approach would be to ask a question such as. 'does this list of facts make bush fit for impeachment or something like that'.

2007-12-28 00:08:21 · answer #9 · answered by ADad 5 · 2 2

contact Customer Care

2007-12-27 23:57:59 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2