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they just penetrate anywhere, impact others nuclear policies , they never control their own defense budget, nuclear drop on poor Japan, using Laden as a pawn against russia and then suffering at his hands only, invasion into Afghan, Iraq and Vietnam and now may be Iran and pakistan. Poor lady benazir also came to Pakistan at US assurance

do you think , its only Islam , which is at fault or the weeds are grown up by the US only and the weeds have become unbearably big and difficult to cut now.

can you enlighten me , please

2007-12-27 22:46:20 · 20 answers · asked by !! Oz basher !! 1 in Politics & Government Politics

20 answers

U.S. does not like to be in second place and they can never become owner of the World because too many Foreign Countries own them. China owns about $340+ billion dollars in treasury bills,10% of U.S. shipping companies, etc. Japan owns about $320+ billion dollars in treasury bills too and so forth. I would hate to think how much the Saudis own. If Foreign Countries begin cashing in, say goodby to the U.S economy and its mighty military. If you notice, the U.S. will push only so far and thats it. Any further and its suicide.

2007-12-27 23:56:20 · answer #1 · answered by skwsith 2 · 0 1

First, you have a poor grasp on history my friend. Americans only entered World War 2 and nuked Japan after they attacked us at Pearl Harbor. They brought us into the war by destroying one of our main ports. If we had not dropped those nukes, the war would have lasted for many years. We probably saved millions of lives by ending it as quickly as we did. If only we could do that in our current conflicts now.

We're not using anyone as a pawn against Russia. Russia wishes to bring about a new cold war. They're directly supplying, along with China, the financial and material resources for Iran to obtain WMD. They are doing other things to provoke us too. We haven't taken the bait yet and it's only further infuriating Putin, he's the power hungry madman in the world if you'd like to point fingers. I'm sure we will deliver a swift response if he were to kill any of our people though, like the others.

As for Islam, they've always blown each other up without our help. They are not a religion of peace. The US simply decided to fight them, again, after WE were attacked. The moral of all of this is, if other countries and factions would have left us alone, we wouldn't need to get in their affairs.

2007-12-28 07:26:25 · answer #2 · answered by Karma 4 · 1 0

OK well let me start saying that USA dropping bomb on Japan saved more lives than it cost. Any objective reading of true history will show you that. Japan was hardly "poor"...the Japanese had been raping and killing everyone in Manchuria, would torture US soldiers just to let other US troops hear screams and other inhumance acts...not to mention the cowardly and disgusting attack without declaring war because they were super pansies and had a general philosophy that all other people were less human than Japanese people and so did not deserve to be treated as regular people.

Iran signed non-proliferation treaty so they are barred from creating nuke weapons by their own word.

Usa did not start the Vietnam War

As for Osama, well that was our own fault. We trained and supplied him by looking at the short term and never once thought about the long term. It was karma kicking us in the nuts for our arrogance.

That being said it is not the will of the American people that USA has become so invasive. Honestly most Americans now figure the rest of world can go choke on itself because remember that for every American negative intervention we also have at least one positive one......not one thing in this world can seem to be done without everyone expecting USA to pony up 3 million troops to die in the cause of other countries.

So I agree that we Americans are sticking our noses where we don't belong, we need to stop, and that also includes all the aid we give and the BS of being the UN's army because everyone else is too Chicken S**t to do their own dirty work.

2007-12-28 07:27:13 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

"They just penetrate anywhere."

Well if you're expecting France to defend the Jews and the Kurds, you could be in for a long wait. The US steps up because nobody else will. It's been that way ever since Churchill left office.

"They never control their own defence budget."

What do you mean? They have perfect control of their defence budget.

"Nuclear drop on poor Japan"

Oh, how could I forget about poor Japan? Poor Japan who bombed Pearl Harbor without reason. Poor Japanese soldiers who hid live grenades in their pockets in case they were captured. Poor Japanese soldiers who used their bayonets to help them rape 10 year old girls, because they couldn't fit otherwise? Poor Japan who worked their POWs to death. What do you propose the US should have done? Let all of Japan be ravaged by the Soviet Army preparing to invade? Or send millions of American troops to their deaths to take Japan?

"using Laden as a pawn against russia and then suffering at his hands"

Actually, they used bin Laden, not Laden. There's a big difference. Osama's full name is Osama bin Muhammad bin 'Awad bin Laden, which translates to Osama, son of Muhammed, son of Awad, son of Laden. "Laden", as you say, is his great grandfather.

Osama fighting for the USA is a misconception anyway. While it is true that many Mujahideen recieved supplies from the US in return for intelligence on the capabilities of Soviet weaponry, thanks to his family fortune, Osama did not have to. Actually, many of the Mujahideen who DID recieve US support, formed the Northern Alliance, who helped fight Al Qaeda and the Taliban in Operation Enduring Freedom.

"invasion into Afghan, Iraq and Vietnam and now may be Iran and pakistan"

You say that like it's a bad thing. A bad thing to go into Afghanistan to overthrow a government where a woman can be killed for showing her face in public? Where nobody can vote and terrorists have full government support?

What about Iraq. WMDs WERE a credible threat, especially seeing as Saddam had used them before, on his own population.

Vietnam. So the US SHOULDN'T defend its allies when they're invaded?

Iran. I don't know about you, but I think letting a nation whose leader is swearing a second holocaust get their hands on nuclear weapons could be a bad thing, and if military action is needed, so be it.

Pakistan. What makes you think the US is going to get involved in Pakistan?

"Poor lady benazir also came to Pakistan at US assurance"

And she would have been safe too, if only she had stayed inside the damn bulletproof car, instead of standing up through the sunroof.

2007-12-28 07:08:27 · answer #4 · answered by Kirkaine 3 · 9 1

you see Binky its like this, We unleashed this nuclear genie, now every little third world armpit wants to have Nuke weapons.at the same time the terrorists know they can inflict mass destruction and loss of life so they want them also.
WE know this and want to stop it,so we have the situation where some two bit dictator sitting on Nukes can loose them and you know were they will go. they will go to Akbar islamo who will smuggle it to Omaha or New york or Chitlin' Switch And with the help of of some disloyal American or some of his fellow travelers- Kill a bunch of Our fellow Americans! or even more dangerous them will take over an ICBM launch it and Really ruin a bunch of peoples day.

Now as far as poor Japan they bounced back just fine, in fact i think that it was fertilizer in them bombs!
and if these weeds as you call them are of our making then we need to get the round up and kill them. either way its gonna be a fight Get over it .

2007-12-28 07:37:16 · answer #5 · answered by John McCamnesty for Ex Senator 3 · 0 1

It never ceases to amaze me how some people can get things so scrambled!!. Yes we helped Afghanistan fight the Russians,
and then we gave them hundreds of millions in aid after the Russians left, but we didn't impose any political system on them, we let them do that themselves, and what did they do ( hmmm lets see, oh yeah, 9-11 ), thank you very much America!!, so much for the taking over the world thing.

2007-12-28 08:21:05 · answer #6 · answered by booboo 7 · 2 0

The problem is everybody hates each other and if the US doesn't get involved the world would be a mess. As the only remaining supper power it is our responsiblity to attempt freedom and peace around the world. If we don't try to take control who will.

2007-12-28 21:23:40 · answer #7 · answered by tileguy 1 · 1 0

All ideologies struggle with opposition and for many reasons but the main one is fear. 9/11 definitely put some fire into American heads. Best not to wake a sleeping dragon.

2007-12-28 07:20:05 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Good question, whether true or not, America would not be the first to do so. It all begin with Nimrod, and since many nations have followed suit with a lust to be rulers of the known world including the Ethiopians, Egyptians,Persians,Babylonians, Greeks, Romans ,French, Spanish, Britain's ,Germans, Russians, just to name a few...

2007-12-28 07:15:09 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

If we wanted to rule the world we would have killed you by now but your still alive so that means were not trying to take over the world now are we.

Poor Japan, well if they didn't fuc.k around with us in the first place then maybe they wouldn't have gotten nuked now would they!?

2007-12-28 07:08:07 · answer #10 · answered by Adeptus Astartes 5 · 7 0