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I have been staying in msia for more than 1 year, but I found msia produce little product. I found MNG, Zara are produced in China, Vietnam, Indian etc. I found the medicine are imported from uk and other European countries. I found many clothes are made in China. I only found sony product are made in msia. Can someone tell me what msia produces? I think tourism is one of the most important. What else? Thank u.

2007-12-27 22:17:55 · 17 answers · asked by cutie 2 in Travel Asia Pacific Malaysia

I mean I found many malaysian are very rich. How can this country get money from? For example, china is a world factory. So here is one of resource of making money by this country

2007-12-27 22:19:56 · update #1

17 answers

Industrial Sector

Electrical and Electronic Goods

MEC Puteri rice cookers
The main industry, responsible for nearly two-thirds of total industrial exports. Electrical products manufactured for export include refrigerators, air-conditioners, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, microwave ovens, switch gears, dry cells and automotive batteries. Electronic products meant for export are semiconductor devices, transformers, capacitors, resistors, oscillators, television sets, VCD players, personal computers, cameras and video cassette recorders. Electrical and electronic exports earned a total of RM189.4bil (56%) of Malaysia's total exports in 2001. Markets include Singapore, Japan and the United States.

Petronas fertilizer plant in Gurun, Kedah

Fast becoming one of Malaysia's key industries, the chemical industry comprises products like petroleum products, petrochemicals, oleochemicals, soaps, detergents, pharmaceuticals, industrial gases, inorganic chemicals, plastic resins, and various types of acids. Malaysia has abundant natural gas and oil resources, thus making the petroleum and petroleum-related product industry a key export sector. Exports from the petrochemical industry (for 2001) came to a total of RM14.38bil. Major export markets are Japan, Singapore, China, Thailand, Hong Kong and the United States.

Engine lab at the Proton plant

Malaysia's Proton (Perusahaan Otobomil Nasional Bhd.) national car project is one of the most well-known in the Asean region. Proton currently manufactures a variety of motor vehicles, including commercial and passenger vehicles and motorcycles. Amongst the more popular models are the Proton Waja sedan, the Proton Wira sedan and the Proton Perdana saloon. Another major Malaysian automotive company is Perodua, which manufactures Kancil and Kelisa passenger cars, the Rusa van and the Kembara SUV. Modenas meanwhile produces Kriss and Jaguh motorcycles. The value of vehicles, components, parts and accessories from the automotive industry totalled about RM693.4mil in 2001. Main export markets include Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Japan,Indonesia and Britain.

2007-12-27 22:29:02 · answer #1 · answered by crimsonreign96_2 2 · 3 0

The purpose of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA) is to teach Soul Transcendence, which is becoming aware of yourself as a Soul and as one with God, not as a theory but as a living reality. MSIA offers an approach to living that focuses on how to incorporate spirituality into your everyday life. We call it "practical spirituality" (more...). For an Introduction to MSIA by Spiritual Director John Morton, including a meditation for attuning to the highest consciousness,

2007-12-28 02:09:54 · answer #2 · answered by Loren S 7 · 1 0

Apart from Crimson's good answer, you may also find that Malaysia produces many different food products, for both local and overseas consumption. Example, Maggi Mee noodles.

Most DELL computers and components are also manufactured in Malaysia.

Malaysia has a rich manufacturing industry, yet we are still largely involved in producing raw materials. Things like timber, petroleum and natural gas, rubber, palm oil, water (to Singapore) etc.

2007-12-28 00:57:03 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Well, Servives (eg. Salesman and tourism) are very important in Malaysia.

On of the major exports are Palm Oil (Number 1 in the world) and Petroleum (Low Sulphur content)
We have the local cars (Myvi, Viva, Protons, etc)
And that's about it.
The rich people are usually the Malays.
They get 7% discount on houses and land, and they get more money because they are 'bumiputera' (natives).
The kids get extra marks on examinations wherelse we other non-bumiputeras have to work extra harder to achieve the same thing although our essays and work are SO MUCH more better.
And they get jobs more easily rather than others.
Darn them. No offense.

2007-12-28 12:56:04 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Your words, "How can this country get money from"? I believe you're trying to ask, how this country made its wealth economically and financially?

Producing things locally for exports or local use is just one small part of the economy. Our larger income comes from sectors like Oil and gas production and refinery, manufacturing and assemblying parts, plantation and agriculture, services and of course, from foreign direct investment and emergence of small businesses. These are all the major factors of generating economic wealth.

2007-12-28 16:24:36 · answer #5 · answered by HRH Shim 5 · 0 0

Go to these websites to learn more....

CIA - The World Factbook -- Malaysia
www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/my.html - 120k - Cached


2007-12-28 00:34:16 · answer #6 · answered by erlish 5 · 0 0

many chinese businessmen choose to work overseas ( as malaysia seems hopeless to them) and hence bringing in money back to the country.

2007-12-29 03:09:47 · answer #7 · answered by oohay 3 · 0 0

They produce funny frogs

2007-12-27 22:22:59 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Bean got wrong avatar, they call the monkey 'orang belanda', not 'orang inggeris'

2007-12-28 00:49:32 · answer #9 · answered by ¥op 6 · 2 0

many people come here as a tourist..
for example, the tourist like to pay malaysia just to see bean's face... (bean=above me)

proboscis monkey hard to find..

2007-12-27 22:27:30 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1