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That is 48 oz a day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help? I keep hearing, "you cannot overfeed a baby"!

2007-12-27 22:09:15 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

I was told no solids before 4 months

2007-12-27 22:17:55 · update #1

7 answers

dont worry about it as long as she is healthy. my baby is 3 months and feeds every two hours, she has done since birth. although she does go longer than this through the night. some relatives have told me she is eating too much but my health visitor said she is thriving! so just let your baby set the pace. its a real pain making all those bottles up though isnt it!!

2007-12-27 22:33:09 · answer #1 · answered by trixiepre 2 · 0 0

Sounds about what my guy was doing at that age. Going through a major growth sport and was eating non stop! In a few days she will probably have a sleepy day where you can't keep her up except to eat and she won't eat as often. Then the next day her sleeping and feeding patterns will be all different and you'll be readjusting car seat straps and tossing clothes into the too small pile for the next few days!

I did wind up putting some rice cereal in my guy's bottles at that age, just twice a day. Once before going to bed so that he might actually get 4-5 hours sleep before waking and then again in his lunchtime bottle so that he could have a good nap. That was what my pediatrician's office suggested because it just felt like I always had a bottle in his mouth! After a few days of that he started eating a little less frequently. I have him on solids now at almost 5 months and he can go 3 hours after his meal but if he just has a bottle then he will want to eat again 2 hours later.

Some babies just have a faster metabolism than others or she may be really active as well. My guy doesn't stop moving even when he's sleeping sometimes! Just relax, let her eat what she wants. It will settle down and if doesn't in a week or two you might want to talk to your pediatrician about ways to up her calorie intake. Babies eat when they need calories, not because they have been conditioned like us adults to eat when bored or tired or sad or because it's that time of the day. That's why it's very rare that you will find a baby that overeats, yours just has a healthy appetite!

2007-12-28 00:59:27 · answer #2 · answered by babybugs1980 6 · 0 0

She's 3 months old, so she's probably going through a growth spurt. They say it happens at 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months and 6 months. If it only happens for a couple of days, then I'd say she's growing. If it persists, then I'd call the doctor and see if they have any recommendations. I don't think you can overfeed, and she should be able to figure it all out. Is she peeing enough? Is she pooing? Does she go for a couple of extra hours at night without feeding? I don't know what else to say, Goodluck!

2007-12-27 23:01:58 · answer #3 · answered by me&2kids 3 · 1 0

I don't know... my son (3 1/2 mo) eats 6 oz every 2 1/2 hours... but he goes about 11 hours at nighttime between feedings.

It sounds normal to me.... Talk to your doctor if you are concerned. but honestly, we as parents just think it is an awful lot, when in reality it is what they need!!!

and also, it's about time for her to be going thru a growth spurt... that's when my son went from eating 4-5 oz per feeding to 6 or more. Try giving her like an oz more per feeding and see how she handles that. she should be able to go a little bit longer between feedings.

2007-12-28 00:42:15 · answer #4 · answered by ishyboo 3 · 0 0

My kids at 4 months drank over 2 litres a day each. That is what about 65oz???
Now I was breast feeding how do you think I felt!! I only knew how much they were eating at 5 months, they went on formula.

I would suggest giving her some cereal. Both my boys were eating at 4 months, due to their size. They were big boys :)
Check with you Doctor or Midwife first though.

2007-12-27 22:38:07 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hah aha that is so svt..u have a babe with a healthy appetite. but i personally tink sh eis too young to eat! But if that is wut she wants then let her eat but first consult ur healthvisitor/paediatricion. okay.! Dont take out answers b4 u consult with ur doc he knws wuts best. coz the baby is only 3 months. Make sure u breast feed ur baby always. Dont give formula milk if u are giving her pureed food! The food has to be prepared carefully..wash and sterilize babys utensils very well otherwise sh eis prone to get some infection. breast milk will help in taking care of her tummy but the food has to be clean! ... if she is give milk enough she wont ask for food right? amke sure she drinks more milk coz she needs MIlk not food at this stage okay!. DOnt worry.try feeding her milk instead of food if she persists on asking for food and keep away all food items out of her reach and dont show her then she will get attracted to it.
Check her stools..if u notice anything unsual u must report to the doc. no dont over feed the little on oki.

Take care..

2007-12-27 22:27:21 · answer #6 · answered by Marki 3 · 0 0

start her on some food. she will be less apt to want this much if there were a little cereal in with that formula

2007-12-27 22:17:22 · answer #7 · answered by cheri h 7 · 0 3