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everytime we face elections in the country one has to undergo so many problems. is there any way to curb these unwanted traumas?

2007-12-27 21:27:05 · 3 answers · asked by jaganj 1 in Politics & Government Elections

3 answers

I don't think we have a better choice, in the prevailing situation.No Govt can change everything overnight.Problems of yester-years will be there .Only thing the new Govt will try to do is to deal with problems in different manner.....approach will be a little bit different.With huge lot of corrupt political leaders India has no no bright future in decades to come.
The question is "is India fit for modern democracy?"......The answer is a clear "no".India hasn't attained maturity for democracy.India needs Dictatorship........under a good Dictator from the Army.

2007-12-31 02:24:32 · answer #1 · answered by bikashroy9 7 · 0 1

Depends what country you are from.

Just because you change a government doesn't make the problems go away.

New Governments don't always have the answers either, just a different way of approaching the same problems.

Some people think the best way to curb the issue of elections is to impose a non - democratic process like a military junta, a dictatorship or a revolution to change the spread of power in the country but these are also going to cause "traumas"

Governments have to rule for the people , that is, a nation of individuals who all want something for themselves .

There is a saying that you cannot please all the people all the time and that is what good Government is about , it is about doing the most to serve the best interests of the country and hence the people..

Elections can be a strenuous time in many countries that are lucky enough to have a democratic process, perhaps that is the price they have to pay for the privilege !

Democracy comes at a cost , look at the price Benhizer Bhutto has just paid to try and bring a democratic freedom to her country.

2007-12-27 21:42:59 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is you who elect the governmet. Do you really think before voting? Or you just vote because your family is BJP supported or Congress supporter or your vote because x party support y religion similar to Gujarat. To get better governence first of the voters have to be mature enough to vote the right and kick the wrong. We either do not vote or vote on imotions not for the country.

2007-12-28 01:29:23 · answer #3 · answered by MS - Believe in Ek Oankaar 6 · 0 2