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I have wondered about this for awhile, how long does the motion sickness last? For example let's say you have to be in a car for 2 hours and you get sick and throw up say 15 minutes into the ride is that it and your fine for the rest of the ride or are you constantly sick through the whole ride? I never have actually gotten sick in a vehichle but I have felt nausous and have come close to being sick.

2007-12-27 20:30:26 · 2 answers · asked by pumpkin2 1 in Travel Travel (General) Health & Safety

2 answers

I think it depends on the person... I know that if I read in the car (even for 10 mins.) I am sick for a couple hours (nausea, headache)... but I have learned that to avoid being carsick I wear Anti-Nausea Bands on my wrists... They are on a pressure point & really work for me.

Good Luck!

2007-12-27 23:44:51 · answer #1 · answered by Ms. Faerie 2 · 0 0

Generally I'm sick the whole time and even after I get to the destination for quite a bit of time. I have found that sipping on water while traveling and also taking Dramamine helps. Be sure to be well rested, when you are tired you are more susceptible to airborne bacterias and germs too.

Everyone is different, but that is what works for me. Some say that if you are prone to motion sickness on a car trip, to sit in the front seat and look straight ahead at the horizon. Somehow concentrating on what is in front of you, instead of the things whizzing by helps. Good luck.

2007-12-28 18:17:58 · answer #2 · answered by SoAZ Gal 6 · 0 0