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Student about to start the spring 08 semester in Tokyo.
Bank of America is giving me a loan for tuition, but unfortunately, it's going to take longer than first anticipated to process, so it looks like the check for the loan is going to end up being disbursed after I've left for Japan (my plane ticket is for Jan 3rd. Check wont be ready till after the 11th).
SO, that being the case, I'm probably going to need to have it sent to me while I'm there.
BUT, I'm worried about trying to find somewhere/how to get it cashed (I imagine $15,000USD might not be something easily cashed anywhere, so ideally I'd want it deposited, but again, not sure if I can). I know friends who have been able to directly deposit American checks in US dollars into their account in New Zealand, so I'm hoping it should be something that can be done anywhere in the world.

Anyone have any experience with cashing US dollar checks in Japan? Easy to do? Any banks to suggest?

2007-12-27 20:24:13 · 4 answers · asked by skoffs 1 in Travel Asia Pacific Japan

Student about to start the spring 08 semester in Tokyo.
Bank of America is giving me a loan for tuition, but unfortunately, it's going to take longer than first anticipated to process, so it looks like the check for the loan is going to end up being disbursed after I've left for Japan (my plane ticket is for Jan 3rd. Check wont be ready till after the 11th).
SO, that being the case, I'm probably going to need to have it sent to me while I'm there.
BUT, I'm worried about trying to find somewhere/how to get it cashed (I imagine $15,000USD might not be something easily cashed anywhere, so ideally I'd want it deposited, but again, not sure if I can). I know friends who have been able to directly deposit American checks in US dollars into their account in New Zealand, so I'm hoping it should be something that can be done anywhere in the world.

Anyone have any experience with cashing US dollar checks in Japan? Easy to do? Any banks to suggest?
[EDIT] Bank can not direct deposit money. only

2007-12-28 06:53:39 · update #1

Sorry for repeating the above inforation

But no, I've been in contact with Bank of America for the last 3 weeks trying to deal with problems regarding my first loan, and all attempts to get them to deposit the money directly into my Bank of America account have been met with, "No, we can only send you a check. You have to cash it." (you have no idea how frustrating it has been. If you an avoid it, don't deal with B ofA for anything regarding overseas financial dealings).

For those people that suggested getting an account with Citibank and depositing it there, is that something you KNOW will work (as in, you've done it before yourself), or something you think SHOULD work?

As far as bank fees for the transaction go, compared to the amount it would cost me to fly to Hawaii and back for the weekend, it would not be a worry.

2007-12-28 07:00:54 · update #2

4 answers

go to citibank, open acct and cash the check on spot.

2007-12-28 01:37:52 · answer #1 · answered by vw 2 · 1 1

Not easy...Japanese individuals rarely use checks to begin with, let alone ones drawn on Bank of America. Are you sure you couldn't have Bank of America direct deposit your loan? Just have them deposit the money in your US account and then wire what you need into a Japanese account you have already set up.

The alternative would be to set up an account with Citibank Japan, etc. that cultivates an expat clientele. That would make it easier as at least your check would not be an exotic instrument to them. Even if you go to the Bank of America correspondent office in Tokyo they can't cash your check as they're not a retail bank in Japan.

2007-12-28 00:54:22 · answer #2 · answered by michinoku2001 7 · 0 1

No it definitely will not be easy,as already stated before, Japanese don't use paper checks. Your best bet is to have the money wired to your American bank acct. Write the check before you leave and have someone mail it after you have confirmed that the money was deposited into your acct by BOA. Other than that, your only choice is to roll the dice and try Citibank in Tokyo, but I don't recommend it. Good luck and enjoy your time in Japan.

2007-12-28 15:17:13 · answer #3 · answered by Baysoc23 5 · 0 1

Citibank SHOULD work, and if anyone can do it, they will. I have not done it myself, although I do have an account with them. But bank drafts (checks) are highly uncommon in Japan, and money transfers (international or domestic) are almost always done via wire transfer.

Is there anyone in the US you can trust to receive the money and wire transfer it to you in Japan? That's probably the safest way, I think.

2007-12-28 08:10:24 · answer #4 · answered by Clutchitude 5 · 0 1

forex conversion expenses are inescapable. that's not significant no count number in case you replace your cash in yen by means of way of a financial enterprise account in Japan, financial enterprise card withdrawal against your American account, credit card fee, or different means. assume to pay 2% to 3% forex transaction fee. countless US banks have relationships with banks in Japan. They jointly waive transaction expenses (no longer forex conversion expenses) at each and each others ATMs. meaning you are able to withdraw funds out of your American financial enterprise account at specific jap ATMs without paying a transaction fee. wearing extremely a lot of money is in no way a sturdy theory. perfect is to hold sufficient yen for daily expenses, fee your transport and hotel on a credit card, and withdraw funds from ATMs for emergency in elementary terms.

2016-10-20 03:54:19 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Not easy, and there will be a fee of at least several $$$.

2007-12-28 05:11:38 · answer #6 · answered by Vinegar Taster 7 · 0 1