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if USA didn't do much in that regard then isn't that like clearing the way for "terrorists" to terror her?!
was any of Bush's family members in charge of Bhutto's security as well?

2007-12-27 20:22:20 · 22 answers · asked by macmanf4j 4 in Politics & Government Politics

22 answers

If George Bush had attempted to provide security for Benazir Bhutto this would have been a great insult to most citizens of Pakistan.

There is very little is anything that George Bush could have done for her security with out creating a very ugly incident in Pakistan.

The opposition to Benazir Bhutto, the Muslim extremists and the tribal warlords would have used this to create a very nasty incident and probably riots if Geroge Bush had attempted to provide security for Benazir Bhutto.

2007-12-27 21:22:24 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

I fully agree with Westhill but would also add that America's meddling with another nation's internal affairs could lead her to alienate another ally and a nuclear power at that. Democracy is good but not for the turbolent Pakistan at the present time due to Al Queida and other islamic extremists which we all know have many strong supporters as well as sympathisers. Who knows what will happen if Benazir Bhutto was not assasinated and was elected President, things could only get worse not better.

2007-12-30 13:39:02 · answer #2 · answered by CAPTAIN BEAR 6 · 1 0

We are all shocked and sad that Benazir was shot dead. But this does not mean we have to make her a hero figure and worst, do the hero worshipping of someone who is not worthy at all.

What was heroic about her? We should not forget that when she was the head of Pakistan, she did nothing for the betterment of the country. Far from that, the country was drowning in more poverty. Benazir was charged of corruption. It's normal that she denied it for who is the thief who will admit that he robbed?

The Benazir Show is the only story we can see on news channels such as BBC World which is trying to make her the symbol of Democracy and an outstanding political character.

Which democracy are we talking about? The democracy of the west which allows prostitution and people to drink openly while looking down on the muslim scarf?

Which extremism are we talking about? Aren't the west an anti-islamic-government extremist? Where are the mass destruction weapons in Iraq which the Bush government claimed Iraq to possess before its invasion by the US?

There is a universal condemnation of this terrorist act, but we should not lose our reason and create more chaos only because she was the lipstick politician woman of Pakistan. So much so that we will start saying that the dead Benazir did worse than the living Benazir.

Mr Musharraf's government is the only one which brought stability and economic development since the creation of Pakistan and I salute such leader. He is THE OUSTANDING character and the only one who deserves tribute in Pakistan politics.

2007-12-28 08:09:58 · answer #3 · answered by Dan Abraham 1 · 1 3

Do we -the USA- provide for Musharraff's protection? There have been 5 attempts on him. One can postulate that part of our 10B aid to Pakistan goes for his protection.
The question is do we provide support for the democratic process or just for "our" candidate?
Democracy has backfired on the USA, re: Hamas, Chavez, Morales, Correa. If we were sincere about democracy, we would accept ALL of its results, not just the ones that favor us and we would not have utter idiots like Bolton spout off inanities about "regime change".
No wonder they hate us!

2007-12-29 06:03:54 · answer #4 · answered by emiliosailez 6 · 0 0

If anyone really thinks that we can provide security for a political figure in a place like Pakistan, they are ignorant and naive to the extreme. The place is populated by a people who are tribally oriented, and assassination is a way of life. Bhutto knew the risk when she returned. It was NEVER our responsibility to provide her ANYTHING. The President may have exerted some influence to get Musharaf to take off his uniform, but that's where it ended. It really is comical to see the ignorance displayed by those who want to blame everything on the President. If he sprouted wings and a halo and started to cure cancer and end all war, he would be accused of being the anti Christ, or Satan.

In answer to your question, we took no actions for her security, nor should we have. If we had, there would plenty of idiots lined up to criticize us for doing so.

2007-12-28 04:59:07 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

Bush was instrumental in getting Bhutto back into the country, in convincing Musharraf to end the state of emergency, and in getting him to resign his military commission and set the elections for January.

To say that the US has no influence is to ignore Musharraf's ultimately compliant responses on these major issues. The US still holds huge bargaining chips: billions of dollars of military aid each year, the US Marines guarding Pakistan's nuclear facilities, and the superior air power and bombing capability of the US Air Force.

Getting Musharraf to guarantee personal security for Bhutto or to allow American operatives to help, should have been the easiest bargaining point of all. After 7 years in national office, Bush understands the importance of security for an elected official, and what it takes to ensure it. It is clear to me that Bush does not know how to bargain, that he does not know how to read people or situations, and that he totally dropped the ball when it came to Bhutto's security.

Partisan Republicans have said all along that Pakistan is our partner in the war on terror, that it is important for Pakistan to have a stable government, that it is important to have democracies in Muslim countries. Now that it is clear that Bush was negligent and incompetent they suddenly say "not our problem" "nothing we could have done" "nothing we should have done" as the world goes to hell in a handbasket.

2007-12-28 04:39:41 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

Unfortunately, the US was not in charge as we only protect our past presidents, etc.
...and now the world is a lessor nice place to live with the loss of Bhutto...
...I guess Our "retreat" and run attitude needs to take stalk!

2007-12-28 04:35:18 · answer #7 · answered by Rada S 5 · 1 2

It's not our responsibility, and could be seen as unethical for us to interfere with the protection of a candidate for office in a foreign country. Plus you have to consider she's been a target for a long time, if something were to happen on our watch, we'd be responsible.

2007-12-28 12:02:57 · answer #8 · answered by Pfo 7 · 0 1

We certainly have given Pakistan enough money to provide topnotch security for all of its leaders and past leaders. Where that money has gone is anyone's guess. Ten billion in eight years to pay for their "loyalty" and what has it gotten us besides involvement in a divided country where half the people think Osama bin Laden is a hero?

We should pull out of Pakistan and tell Musharaf that, if one jihadist, one Taliban comes out of those mountains to attack Americans, we'll bomb them out of existence. We have no responsibility for Pakistan. We desert Afghanistan for Iraq. We spend billions for nothing. We hang one dictator and support another. It's enough to make you sick.

2007-12-28 10:21:06 · answer #9 · answered by Me, Too 6 · 1 1

interesting when we do anything in any country we are told to get out and mind our own bussiness when we do that we are blamed for bhuttos assassination wow people will try to twist anything and everything to make america look bad that said bhutto was a great woman sad to see her die RIP

2007-12-28 05:04:05 · answer #10 · answered by freded_124 3 · 2 2