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I love his ideas, but do you think his dreams are too big to be fulfilled while in office? I mean, he seems sincere about them, but will the government go along with his revolutionary plan for the American people??

2007-12-27 20:15:33 · 20 answers · asked by Derek D 2 in Politics & Government Elections

20 answers

the congress has a 70 percent rate of passing a presidents platform in the first year, so yes i do feel they will go along with him

it would be a great day for America if Ron gets elected

2007-12-27 23:56:25 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 7

In baseball you're allowed 3 strikes and 3 outs. If Republican Congressman Ron Paul of Texas failed in 1988, 2008 and is on the verge of dropping by the wayside in 2012. What does it make him? A perennial candidate. Senator John McCain of Arizona grow to be a perennial presidential candidate besides. He failed at taking photos the 2000 Republican nomination against then Texas governor George W. Bush. He waited 8 years to run returned and the majority weren't drawn to his marketing campaign. After prevailing the nomination, Senator McCain lost interior the final election. Republican painted this candidate like former Kansas senator Bob Dole, yet another perennial candidate who controlled to win the nomination yet ultimately lose interior the final election. Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney is a perennial candidate besides yet no person seems to be conscious it because of the fact he's the probably one close sufficient to beat President Barack Obama. the only historic milestone of perennial applicants is the certainty they have failed multiple cases at working for some thing. Congressman Ron Paul is an occasion of a failed candidate who tried to run for president three times basically to be upstaged by applying a candidate maximum Republicans locate functional sufficient to take on the Democratic opponent.

2016-10-09 07:21:54 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

He's running for president, not king.

The vast majority of what he proposes is NOT able to be done with him as president.

For example, proposing legislation. Who does that? Well, that would be a LEGISLATOR!! All the president can do to effect laws is to propose a budget and sign into laws bills that can be passed. Sure, some of the things can be done as president, such as a full withdrawl of troops from Iraq, but many, many other things, they simply cannot be done.

And even with the budget, he only proposes a budget. The legislators add items, or remove items, from it. So, Ron Paul proposes a budget that doesn't fund some things, like the IRS for example. So, Congressman Blah, or Senator Blah, puts it in. Ron Paul then has two choices, sign the budget, or veto it. If he signs it, then he fails at getting rid of the IRS. If he vetos it, then nothing gets done, and the government is in gridlock.

I don't think the vast majority of the Ron Paul supporters have really thought this whole thing through. Take the income tax issue. Exactly how many bills has he proposed that would get rid of the IRS while as a congressman? What happened to those bills? What about getting rid of the Federal Reserve System? How many bills has he proposed to do that as a congressman?

Just a general question. How many of his campaign promises that people are so excited about has he brought to the House committees? What happened to them?

If he hasn't proposed them when he had the power, explain to me exactly why they can become laws when he DOESN'T have the power to introduce the legislation in the first place?

2007-12-27 23:21:29 · answer #3 · answered by Jam_Til_Impact 5 · 6 3

When he becomes President, the U.S. will be known once again as the nation with Freedom, liberty, peace and respect. He is the only one willing to bring back the troops from not only Iraq. but the unneeded bases around the world. He is very fulfilled about this because when he ran as a Congressman for the past 30 years, he voted against high taxes, unbalanced budgets, and voted against the war. I don't think the government wants him elected because Paul advocates that power should return back to the States. If that were to happen, the Federal Government would lose money. Even our founding fathers advocated that we should let the power to the states, never wanted a central bank like the thugs at the FederalReserve, and never wanted us to entangle ourselves in other alliances. Ron Paul right now is what is the country needs. We're headed toward bankruptcy since we borrow billions from Red China to pay for the war, our dollar is heading down to a decline, and we are preparing ourselves into another undeclared war with Iran. These things harm our Constitution, and Ron Paul is seriously trying to show us how the Constitution works, and how it will save us. Vote for someone who studied Austrian economics, you'll be really impressed. He knows esentially how the economy works since we're heading down. Let's spread his message of freedom, peace, and liberty so we can regain ourselves back as a republic, not an empire. Vote Ron Paul '08.

Restore the Constitution.

2007-12-27 20:41:44 · answer #4 · answered by martinx07 6 · 5 7

Ron Paul Would not get one passed thing through congress. He is a Joke to them. Do you not notice his fellow candidates laughing when talks, First he has to come up with all these electoral vote to be elected. I believe ,he really believes in what he says. I am not knocking him. Just trying to answer the question. You have got to be liked and a butt kisser. I just don't see Ron Paul doing that,So many people dislike him,and you think they Bush bash. I don't think Mr. Paul. ready for all that, with all we have going on. But better Ron than Hillary. My opinion.

2007-12-27 20:57:40 · answer #5 · answered by Bee Bee 7 · 7 4

His ideas are bold but the problem is because he believes in the Constitution, a lot of the things he advocates needs to be passed by Congress, so it is possible that the only thing that happens is to send troops home from Iraq. Hopefully, people will vote for better politicians for '08 as well

2007-12-27 20:31:56 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 6 5

ron paul seems like he will not get the nod from the republican party and he will not run as independent which is a shame.... imagine this situation... hilary is the democratic candidate and mitt romney or rudy giuliani is the republican candidate... now most of america, or at least everyone i talk to, seems to hate hil dog and when i watch the rep. debates the more i hate all of them except ron paul... everyone seems to think that ron paul is too radical... well lets see our great country has voted for a straight shooting president that doesnt seem to think outside of the box and really advocate change... ron paul does and everyone seems to villify him for that.... when have we as a country truly been happy with a president? many people say was regean and that is the president that ron paul seems to quote in debates and seems to be the person that ron paul would like to equate himself with... he basis everything from the constitution so he can't truly be wrong..... he seems like he is a lot more educated than other candidates due to the fact that whenever someone tries to debate him he basically takes them to the shed because no one talks back at him.... i live in iowa so im going to caucus and caucus in the right way and make it right for everyone later in the elections.... and by that i mean i am voting RON PAUL

2007-12-27 21:10:05 · answer #7 · answered by eltonjohn_111 2 · 3 7

If he gets elected, america will be in chaos. His ideas are idiotic and put america back 100 years. The truth is that most of his ideas will never be approved by the Congress and thus never implemented.

2007-12-28 01:23:59 · answer #8 · answered by T E 7 · 3 4

He does seem too BIG. But given how messed up the party is now, what have we got to lose?
His ideas could have some profoundly good effects. Mix things up. We are at grid lock, corruption and 0 positive movement now.
Time to shift gears. No one else on any ticket can do that but Ron Paul. BO threatens to but I see no REAL evidence of it in his claims. Plus he's totally out to lunch on the illegal immigration issue.
Ron Paul's the best choice.

2007-12-27 20:27:00 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 7

If "Dr. No" (as he is known on the hill) becomes President, I will dance joyously in the streets. I'm not a religeous man, but I will definietly get down on my knees and pray for his safe execution of office.

To be completely honest, even if he were (miraculously) elected thru the incredibly corrupt electoral college, I doubt that he would be allowed to serve out his full term without being assassinated either physically or politically. The military industrial complex and the major banking interests simply wouldn't allow him to withdraw from pointless and suicidal wars or make the American dollar something more than a "worthless piece of paper".

The only way that I would ever go back under the umbrella of Federal employment (I was Army) would be as a counter-sniper to protect Dr. Paul's life. In my own opinion, he is one of the few bright lights we have in the political arena at all in the world. My respect is not easily given, but he has certainly earned mine with his honesty, integrity, and courage.

2007-12-27 20:30:59 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 9