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I miss my ex but the only interaction I got was with his friends and people and my work that I hated and did not like . I only got to see my friends a couple times a month because they figured I was too busy with my family and they like to go out they have kids too but r not married. I guess now I feel stupid for leaving so I could go out more and go to nursing school. Let me know what you think?

2007-12-27 19:33:22 · 12 answers · asked by ? 1 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

12 answers

WOW! I think its kinda crazy and ironic that ur screen-name is "lovingmom"...... I'm not trying to be mean either, but think about this for a second....
U jump ship on your husband AND ur children...because according to another question of yours, youd rather be somewhere else other than with them---YES, I did answer that one honestly, but this was before I learned ur...ummm... 'story'.
anyway, so uv let the ship sail right past ur husband....who's now sleeping with someone else, according to yet another one of your dilemas. And now u want an answer...WELL, see have u ever wondered exactly why ur friends r still going out as if they have no responsability....o right, they are not married. Well... that really doesn't matter when ur being a good, responsible parent. Married or UN-married doesn't change the fact that once the sperm meets the egg, u own up to being a parent, and that means that u sacrifice, u deal with and u get over. So ur choice to leave ur husband , for the reasons that u say u left him, was a bad one.
Dont get me wrong, you still DO need YOU time...once-in-a while....seeing ur friends twice a month was NOT unreasonable.
I'm 25 now, have a 6 year old son, married at 18 and pregnant 2 months into a relationship---NOT an ideal situation. I had just graduated H.S and was pregnant before the summer was over. It wasn't easy at first, and difficult to deal with....But I knew, that I had been adult enough to sleep with someone, so I had no choice but to be adult enough to be a parent. I've given everything possible to my son, with sacrifice. I thank God for my husband. Its not perfect, by a long shot....but we continue to work things out.
Try to work it out with ur husband, come to an understanding. Be more flexible and if he's a good guy he might understand u. I really feel for u....Good luck!

2007-12-28 21:21:43 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm sorry, but I think that is a pathetic reason to leave! I cannot imagine how petty and selfish you must be, if you actually left.. just so you could "go out more". That's just sad!

I guess now that you have all your "me time", you're starting to realize that it's not quite what you were expecting, huh? Yeah, it sucks to be you right now!

I realize you must be really regretting what you did.. But you really have to realize just how selfish your behavior has been. How can you even justify that? I don't care if you never had any time to yourself.. that's not a reason to divorce!

When you are having problems in your marriage, you talk to your spouse.. and do what you can to make things better, for both of you. You don't walk out!

I'm not sure if your children are with you or not.. but I hope they are safe at home with your ex. I'm sorry, but if you would leave your husband over something so petty.. I can't quite see you putting your children first either.

I'm not trying to be mean to you... but I think you've acted very selfishly with the whole situation. If nothing else, hopefully you'll learn something from all this.

2007-12-28 05:16:40 · answer #2 · answered by arkiegirl 4 · 0 0

You must be very young. When you pass 30 then going out and seeing your friends every waken moment is not an issue.

Sorry but if that is the only reason you left your husband then you made a mistake. You need to patch things up you have 2 kids.

2007-12-27 19:44:42 · answer #3 · answered by Joanna 2 · 3 0

What I think is that you shouldn't be so "self centered". You need to give your head a shake and get it screwed on right. I won't say you're stupid but you certainly didn't think this one through very much. You could have planned nights to socialize with your friends....you could have looked for a job you enjoyed...you could have talked more with your husband...etc. If I had to guess are things better for you now...I'd have to guess "no!!' Do your friends feel special now because you left your husband to hang out with them? Probably not !!

2007-12-27 21:57:42 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

do no longer hardship approximately having an immaculate domicile. i'm no longer a stay at domicile mom yet individually i don't be responsive to the way some females shop their residences spotless. Their poor childrens could desire to could desire to stay of their rooms for all time or something. My house is barely spotless on Saturday mornings - it rather is as quickly as I do my weekly cleansing. something of the week I do person-friendly pickup and wipe down as quickly as I get domicile from artwork. I actually set a timer for 10 minutes and don't something yet sparkling. the ten minutes an afternoon keeps it from getting rather grimy yet skill i do no longer persist with my daughter around all night telling her to p.c.. up her toys (actual she does that interior the ten minutes cleansing and it keeps them under administration, if there is a few on the floor as quickly as we pass to mattress so what, that's what the subsequent days 10 minutes is for). If 10 minutes a pair situations an afternoon isn't sufficient time so you might get the domicile the variety you like then my suggestion could be to sell around the community for a mom's helper - a youthful youngster who can entertain and look after the youngsters for an hour or 2 at the same time as you sparkling domicile and do laundry.

2016-10-02 11:23:38 · answer #5 · answered by karcz 4 · 0 0

Not having time comes with having kids. That is why I chose not to have them.

I think it likely that you know single people that have time, even though they have kids, is because they are not very good patents themselves.

In theory you will now have less time because you are the only parent. But if you had no time before because you had to wait on your hubby like he was a third kid, then you did the right thing.

2007-12-28 05:49:37 · answer #6 · answered by Marvin 7 · 1 0

Im going through a similar experience with my wife she is the one wanting all these things Just goes to prove the grass is very rarley greener communication is the key you only left him because you didnt talk,,,Sorry but you should feel bad life isnt always what we want but you play the hand your dealt to the best of your abillity problem nowdays is everyone wants to be selfish,, we need to start thinking of those around us he was your partner afterall

2007-12-27 20:48:30 · answer #7 · answered by finally solo35 1 · 0 0

I understand what you are saying......... yes it is easy too loose your own identity in a marriage....... a part of the independence vanishes if not all of it..... Don't feel stupid.. you took a really large step and I don't think the reasons for it are stupid. Being unhappy in a relationship is very hard to deal with.... unhappy with work.... it effects your entire life. alot of times the hubby doesn't understand there for blocks it out and believes it is only a mood swing or a phase the wifey is going threw. You took a big step and if your happy, GREAT!!!!! If you wish to have your hubby back, talk to him and see if he understands your point of view. If he can adjust to your new lifestyle so be it ......... if not..... go on with your life being Happy......... it makes a world of difference........

2007-12-27 19:44:32 · answer #8 · answered by sazzi 2 · 1 1

you left a man and your kids?
you and your 2 kids left a man?
you did not get to spend time with your friends( i guess you phone did not work)
so do you have the kids
are you going to school?
are the children safe if the father is not a good man consider putting the up for adoption

2007-12-27 19:41:01 · answer #9 · answered by mkst 3 · 0 1

Do you mean that you left your kids to be able to go out? I would not have done that. You don't want to know what I think about that.

2007-12-27 19:37:02 · answer #10 · answered by kim h 7 · 2 0