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I am wondering if you must have a phone line in your home to use a DVR from either satelite company. We use only cell phones- have no home phone. Anyone know?

2007-12-27 15:19:45 · 8 answers · asked by stay_sha 2 in Consumer Electronics TiVO & DVRs

8 answers

Well... I guess the short answer is you do not need a home phone (landline) for the sat companies - BUT they will charge you $5 per month for not having a landline connected. I used to have only cell service too and I begged both companies to let me use the system without the phone line and neither would comply. I finally had to buy one of those remote telephone receivers and I convinced my neighbor to let me hook it up and tap into his home phone line only for the purpose of the required sat call in to avoid the $5 fee... its annoying that they do this - especially in this age of people dropping home phone lines and going with just cell service.

2007-12-27 23:03:02 · answer #1 · answered by Doogie 3 · 0 1

I worked for DirecTV in their call center for about three years and, as of 2 years ago when I left, you absolutely had to have a phone line connected to your DVR. The DVR at that time made a daily call to get updates on programming info in order to ensure your channel lineup was correct. If you did not have a phone line, the DVR would work for about 30 days with the information it obtained upon activation (assuming the installer hooked it up for its initial download at that time). After 30 days you would start to lose programming and eventually the DVR would stop working altogether. At the time I left DTV, they were working on DVRs that could receive all the necessary programming updates through the satellite. They undoubtedly have that by now, but maybe not. The phone line (land line, I should say) is absolutely imperative for ordering PPVs though. If you do not keep it connected, when the receiver attempts to make the call for a download and does not get a dial tone, it automatically disables PPV ordering (or if you reach your IPPV limit).

Like I said, I haven't worked there in almost 2 years, but it probably has not changed a whole lot. Cell phones were never a viable option before and most likely still are not.

2007-12-28 17:28:36 · answer #2 · answered by Xerandiam 4 · 0 0

AT&T resells Dish Network. For standard def, DirecTV generally has a better picture, even though the technology in use for DishNet should perform better. DishNet generally offers more bang for the buck. But DirecTV has more sports and a slightly better line-up. Of course a 'better' lineup of available channels is subjective. As for HD quality is about the same. DirecTV is beginning to offer local stations in HD. DishNet has the old Voom HD channels, so there's a few more to choose from. However, DishNet uses proprietary equipment. While it's fine, it limits your choices. DirecTV licenses it's service, so you have many manufacturers and models to choose from. In general between the two I favor DirecTV.

2016-03-16 07:53:20 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Dish Network Home Phone

2016-11-08 00:08:05 · answer #4 · answered by behney 4 · 0 0

No you don't. With Dish network you will be charged if you don't have a phone line plugged into a dvr. They don't tell you about that fee. I used to work for Dish Network (echostar) and I wouldn't get them! I quit because they lie to their customers, and I don't lie!

You use the phone line for ordering movies through your reciever for no fee!

Hope I helped, we have directv and they are great!!

2007-12-27 15:29:02 · answer #5 · answered by Just Another One 3 · 0 0

Technically, DirecTV requires it, but they don't enforce it. And no, there's no fee for NOT having a phone line connected, unless you order pay-per-views over the phone, but those are standard phone transaction fees and can be easily avoided by going online to order movies.

2007-12-28 06:18:53 · answer #6 · answered by Laura 5 · 0 0

Sounds interesting

2016-07-30 10:49:09 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Can anyone tell me what is the right answer for this question?

2016-08-26 14:23:28 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0