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So I work hard for my money and my government takes out taxes and decides where these funds will be spent. So I'm in a supermarket today buying a $4.00 gal. of milk and the person in front of me is buying med.size shrimp and beer and other stuff but the kicker is they whip out a E.B.T. card to pay for all of these luxuries ( except for the beer they had cash for that) E.B.T. is a welfare food stamp credit card F.Y.I. That's one thing that pissed me off . With all the substanse abuse/ drugs why doesnt the states in which we live in make all persons sucking of the system have to pass a drug screen every month before my money and yours is put into a convenient account for others leisure.If your not doing anything wrong then you should have nothing to worry about. Get the bums and the junkies off my payroll and the people that need this assistance utilize it!

2007-12-27 11:19:49 · 13 answers · asked by seanomc70 3 in Politics & Government Government

13 answers

I would love to kiss you "SMACK" ! You should work in a grocery store for one week., you think you are upset now.
One scene: :,mama, comes in looking liking like a ho,, kid's crying, snot running in his little mouth wanting a ice cream
mama, ignores kid, has a hand full of goodies for her and her boy friend. they are so messed up, you wonder how they got there. they leave, little guy following, still crying, and still ignored., still no ice cream,. All was paid for by E.B.T.card. This goes on. and on. It a shame to the government to let this happen,. You cannot report them in our town, because they take up for them . If everybody would e-mail their Senators and Governor of their state ,it may help I don't know ,It goes right back to the kids, they still are the one suffering. But I do know families of all races that really need them and they are good decent people but their"s sales on food are for the whole family. They are like a breath of fresh air. I would not even get so upset if the kids were not getting such a raw deal. But thanks for letting me know I don't stand a lone on these issues.

2007-12-27 11:47:37 · answer #1 · answered by Bee Bee 7 · 2 0

I hate to say but you have a good point we definitely need to know why everything is so expensive and why is all the high paying jobs and many industries shutting down including mine which is the garment industry which is now being made in China! We pay taxes and I would like to know where is it going ??!! I think we have a right to know especially lately with all these weasels running our country how can we even trust them! ? Let me add the quality we get from China sucks I just ordered Steve Madden boots for 300.00 through
Victoria Secret and let me tell you I was freaked out how they were made . Glued to the sides of the soul which was peeling off the lowest grade leather I ever bought especially with Steve Madden. Will never buy not one thing from his line again. What you pay for isn't what you get any more in Glamorous USA ask Juicy Couture

2007-12-27 11:40:02 · answer #2 · answered by arls 2 · 0 0

Instead of welfare reform, maybe we should consider tax reform.
With a progressive national sales tax, people like the guy in front of you would be taxed on shrimp and beer, but would be issued a prebate on necessities -- just like everybody else. Checks would be sent out to everybody to cover taxes charged on items like clothes, basic food, etc. If this guy is buying such "luxury items," he's probably right at the poverty line. Tax reform would send him over the line, and force him to put necessities first. If he still needs welfare, then you can be sure he's using it on what he really needs to live.

2007-12-27 11:26:53 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

The "common" welfare recipient is the bottom of the welfare heirarchy now. What started in 1965 as aid as SS and Medicare became Aid to Families with Dependent Children, etc.. from acronym to the next. The problem is the "entitlement" attitude. People seem to think they are "entitled" to hand-outs. Instead of welfare working for those in true need, the elderly, disabled, and I do mean disabled (in lieu of lazy), it has been used to promote poverty instead of fight it. Encourages unwed mothers to have more children = more money. They trade food stamps for cash, free medical, etc.

However, the welfare fraud/scam has escalated from the individual scam to the corporate scam.
Day care centers seek out women on welfare to sign up... they collect your tax dollars from the state, the parent does not bring her child to day care and the day care gives the parent a "kickback" (the parent doesn't work, no need to drop child off, but has free babysitter at your expense when the mood hits).

What about food distributors in education? The more homes that qualify for "free lunch" the more $$ these distributors make. I used to teach, you would be sick if you the amount of food kids on free lunch throw away while turning up their noses commenting "how nasty" while running to the trash can in their 120.00 tennis shoes.

Those who are in need, truly in need, are left high and dry. SICKENING!

How many agencies have been created because of welfare?
Check the website below, you will be amazed.

Govt abuse of welfare has created a cesspool for poverty, scam artists, .....at every level.

NOTE: I heard Mitt Romney a few weeks ago saying there are 13 gvt committees on preventing teenage pregnancies. He said he would start cutting gvt spending there. I give him credit for voicing that. Well, when young girls realize they can have promiscuous sex, give birth, and get paid monthly for it, what do you expect? Perfect example of govt answer to the problem it helped ignite, more govt programs you and I pay for = more social programs = more govt spending .... What kind of reasoning is that?

Hillary says it takes a village to raise a child, whose village?

2007-12-27 16:26:53 · answer #4 · answered by Micheala #1 Fan of WDPLM-2 4 · 1 0

In 1963, when I was bagging groceries the first food stamps I ever saw were used by a man, whose car was a new Cadillac. I took his groceries to the car and he tipped me a quarter, which was a big tip.
It seems our system is not improving, because some needy people fall through the cracks and other abuse it.
I am all for a national sales tax or a flat tax, unlike some I don't think I am under paying my fair share of taxes.

2007-12-27 11:30:13 · answer #5 · answered by lestermount 7 · 1 1

I want to eliminate the term "working poor." Our system should help those who DO work an honest 40 hour week. I know people on SSI who have to be poor. There is a limit on the amount of income they can make. Many are able to work,and would like to work, but can't afford to work. Make it a sliding scale. For every $2.00 above a given amount that you make your SSI is reduced by only $1.00. This would encourage those that can to get a job, get promotions and eventually earn enough that SSI is no longer needed.

2007-12-27 15:00:45 · answer #6 · answered by Franklin 5 · 0 0

It sucks.....the intent of the law is to help those that are in need.
Unfortunately, the govt is not at all proactive in implementing
these rules nor looking into what has been spent on and by
whom. I am not to take away their liberties and even the Social welfare people can buy what ever they want, but the circumstances for a common middle class people is hard to do
the same.....This is where our Govt sucks

2007-12-27 11:32:05 · answer #7 · answered by JustDoit 7 · 1 0

The bureaucracy to tell the difference is to damn costly. When the bureaucrats may be more of a problem than the Bums and Junkies. I am not going to stand up for all entitlement but all of our monies goes into the general fund. The people that choose how to spend it are the place to start your rant.

2007-12-27 11:30:51 · answer #8 · answered by Pablo 6 · 2 0

When you tax something you get less of it. When you subsidize something you get more of it.

We should eliminate all entitlement programs cold turkey.

We subsidize inactivity and poverty so we encouraged that behavior and we get more of it. I don't think you should be surprised that when we give money to someone they will make the same mistakes with it as they do with their own money.

If this guy wanted to live within his means he would. But he does not need to when the government pays him to eat shrimp and drink.

What was I thinking, staying in school and getting a job like a sucker.
Bravo to MATT for answering with the Fair Tax, I wish I had thought of it first.

2007-12-27 11:29:40 · answer #9 · answered by MP US Army 7 · 2 0

i agree with you 100 percent.

i was placed on bed rest durning my high risk pregnancy, and couldn't work. at this time my husband and i went from 2 incomes to 1. i got medicade and wic, but never foodstamps. i used it for a few months while i was pregnant, and went back to work just 2 weeks after my baby was born.

welfare is there for temporary assistance, and it shouldn't be used for shrimp or beer - ever!

2007-12-27 12:00:07 · answer #10 · answered by TEXASmommy 3 · 1 0