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3 answers

If you have the owners manuel it would be in there. If not, I believe you can go to the mitsubishi website to program it. Does one work and not the other. Because if that is the case then if it is anything like a dodge (which I believe it is) you put the non working key in the ignition (so that it can link with you system) and with the other remote hit the I believe lock button, the horn will honk, wait I believe ten seconds, then hit the unlock button. The horn with honk again, telling you its program. Its been like two years since I did it, but I do believe that is correct. I would double check with an owners manuel, or worse case senerio you can call the service department with a mitsu dealer and they can walk you through it. If both keys are no good, you'll have to get the car and the keys to the dealer to have them program it, due to security features.

2007-12-27 10:44:35 · answer #1 · answered by kittysmle 5 · 0 0

If they don't work with new batteries you were probably given the wrong remotes when you bought the vehicle. I've seen used car sales people just toss anything that looks good on a key chain to make a sale. If the remotes are the right ones ( have a Mitsubishi parts person check the numbers ) You will need the mechanic to hook up the Mutt III computer to the vehicle to program the remotes. Make sure you have both remotes with you, they need programming at the same time. A one hour labor fee is normal.

2007-12-28 05:02:38 · answer #2 · answered by thebax2006 7 · 0 0

The FOBs must be taken to a dealer to be programed.

2007-12-27 20:07:53 · answer #3 · answered by Eldo 3 · 0 0