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Strong leader, or all talk?

2007-12-27 09:45:31 · 15 answers · asked by O'Papa Smurf! 3 in Politics & Government Government

Oops..My spelling is horrendous! Sorry about that! I like Joe Biden though!!! Obama obiwan!!!! lol

2007-12-27 10:02:06 · update #1

15 answers

1) You misspelled his name.
2) Clinton had to close bases as the Cold War was no longer in progress. Keeping all of the U.S. bases would have been an absurd waste of funding [and was opposed by the Republican congress].
3) Obama is not a pacifist and there is no evidence which would suggest otherwise.

2007-12-27 09:49:33 · answer #1 · answered by Chris 6 · 1 0

Obama, pacifist maybe, but I missed that quote. But just in case you want some facts... the Bush administration have shut down military installations as well across the country.

I know that Cannon AFB was on the chopping block in 2006, but was given a reprieve due to efforts of the locals and the staff at the base? But many others installations weren't so lucky that year.

And at the time...Clinton was reducing the amount of bases because we were overspending on our military, and pulling back from the Cold War mentality that "feared us" into creating such a large military force. He and the lawmakers at the time knew that many military bases could not be supported financially in the coming future without raising taxes or making cuts.

Instead of Tax and Spend Democrats (whose primary credo has been "pay as we go"), we have Borrow and Spend Republicans (go now and pay later) from the 1980's under Reagan. And we are seeing that happen again, but far beyond Reagan's wildest dreams.. we are now talking trillions in increases to the military... this time instead of the Soviet Block.. its Islamic Extremist... and the Fear Factor still live on, manipulating rational people into irrational fear.

And now China is floating us credit in the billions to support this, and they are becoming more and more vested in our national finances. Talk about an invasion! From a communist country none the less. We have no problem borrowing from non-believers it seems.

Perhaps we could give a little pacifism a try... or at least consider it, as opposed to the only decisions we have made so far... military force. Which has done irreparable harm to our National Security, our credibility as a nation and democratic symbol, and our economy, exactly what Bin Laden was hoping for... and we are fulfilling his predictions.

Why is it that when anyone want to consider an option other than all out force, political influence, or direct coercion... that idea is labeled as pacifist, or even worse, unpatriotic.. when did violence and aggression become patriotic?

We have had war for low these past may years, and I have yet to see where the logic dictates to continue. I understand the pride and honor factor, but for how much longer and how much cost, in money and lives?

Even Reagan, one of the last true Republicans, knew when not to invoke military force in the name of democracy, as they are diametrically opposed to each other.

2007-12-27 09:56:04 · answer #2 · answered by SPMOSHER 3 · 2 0

Clinton only cut the military because of the end of the cold war. Rumsfeld decided to keep the military small even after 911. Nobody who is elected will cut the size of the military under the circumstances, but I have heard Ron Paul talk about closing bases in Japan, Germany, etc. where they probably aren't needed. I think Obama has said that as well. The troops who are stationed there will be sent to other bases.

2007-12-27 09:53:16 · answer #3 · answered by BekindtoAnimals22 7 · 2 0

How is it being a strong leader only when you outspend the rest of the planet, combined, in "defense" spending, so you can ignore others, push them around and act unilaterally?

A real leader doesn't have to puff his chest out only and thump it just because, or only because he has that kind of muscle.

Plus, when you look at all the money wasted on "privatizing" our military to mercenaries and other noses at the public trough, and idiotic projects like the "missile shield" that have no benefit, you could probably lop off about 1/3 of the Pentagon budget and not hurt our military - so long as you prioritize that the money goes to our service members and their basic supplies FIRST.

That's before even getting to the graft and waste with all the defense contractors.

I hope he IS a strong leader like Bill Clinton, and does cut the military spending.

2007-12-27 10:03:00 · answer #4 · answered by ? 7 · 1 1

The majority of the base closures in the 90s were triggered by 1990 Defense Base Closure and Realignment Act, which mandated base closures in 91, 93, and 95.

The 1990 Defense Base Closure and Realignment Act was Pres. Bush. http://www.globalsecurity.org/org/news/2005/050405-brac-timeline.htm

2007-12-27 09:54:32 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Shutting down a military base so that you can have a private war? How much money is being waste on contracts in this war?

Obama will do what he thinks it best for our country. G Bush has ran it into the ground, not just talking money either!

2007-12-27 09:51:44 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Who's Ubama?

You mean Obama? Man, way to miss a primary research point. Credibility is lost.

2007-12-27 09:53:12 · answer #7 · answered by Megan 5 · 2 1

He isn't a pacifist, but he doesn't want our military to be used as a worldwide police force either. Shutting down military bases isn't necessarily a bad thing. Do you want us to just continue making more all the time even in relatively harmless regions?

As Obama says, "I am not opposed to all wars. I’m opposed to dumb wars."

2007-12-27 09:56:30 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 3 2

Meh, he's a Democrat, so if you care about the military, probably shouldn't go with them. He'd still be better for the military than his competition though (e.g. Hilary Clinton).

2007-12-27 09:47:51 · answer #9 · answered by S P 6 · 1 1

Clinton did not make the decision to shut down the bases, it was the base closing commission,.....all people on that committee were non elected people,.....

2007-12-27 12:03:33 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1