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i was at recess with my bf and this jerk zac was like retardi (my last names ricciardi) you b*tch your the lowest peice of sh*t that i have ever known your a friggin whore and blah blah and i dident do anythig about it my bf very obviosly wanted to punch him but i was just like lets go and now im not shure if i should report it to a teeacher and get him kicked out of civil rites or not ( my bf and i have no idea how he got into civil rites) my friend said she will come with me but that was the friday before our winter break and it will have been 12 days and i dont know what the teachers will do (and my parents cant find out that i have a bf)

2007-12-27 08:51:44 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

we dont have a guidence counselor we have a very small school and i dident do anything to hurt him ever except to tell my bff that he somehow managed to ACCEDENTALY hit his sis in the head with a shovel when his sis told like all the girls in the middle school by showing the bump on her head and going i cant belive zzac hit me in the head wiht a shovel

2007-12-27 08:58:18 · update #1

only a 4th or 5th grader!! im in 7th grd you idiot and this kid attacks me for nothing everyday even before i told 1 person what happened

2007-12-27 09:00:05 · update #2

hes not jelous of my bf TRUST ME i asked him out once and thats probably y he hates me so much

2007-12-27 09:04:39 · update #3

15 answers

Log the complaint and move on. You don't need your bf to corroborate anything unless they ask you for proof.

2007-12-27 08:56:07 · answer #1 · answered by D J 4 · 0 0

Sounds like you are only a 4th or 5th grader. When you grow older, you'll take many of those verbal abuse. I would consult your teachers about it whenever you get the chance. Zac deserves to get a talking to. He obviously needs to grow up. Already have a bf?..well if u never tell your parents, you guys will never have a perfect relationship. Sounds kinda hallow if you ask me. Anyways, just learn to handle verbal insults. Dont let it affect you.

2007-12-27 16:57:03 · answer #2 · answered by nba_gsw 7 · 0 0

To be honest this is pretty typical behaivor for boys until they are a bit older. I used to have the meanest things said to me until I was about a jr in high school. I think younger boys dont know any better ways to express themselves....girls too for that matter. The jr high/high school years are when kids are at their meanest....they say and do things just to make other people feel bad because it makes them feel better. I dont know if its worth it to make a big deal about it, if you just let it go and ignore him he will get bored of annoying you and stop. If he starts making racial slurs or being physical thats the time to take action. At this point it will probobly cause more drama to react to it. Just know that its stupid childish words that are meaningless and most likely because he likes you and is jealous of your boyfriend, so he makes fun of you in front of him! :)

2007-12-27 17:01:21 · answer #3 · answered by Melissa G 3 · 0 0

I work as a lunch room monitor.

I would just stay away from that boy. If I saw that boy bothering you again, I would tell him to go to the office.

There is no way I am going deal with that one personally.

Definitely tell a teacher.

2007-12-27 16:57:21 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Tell that guy to get a life its not that serio9us let it go if it happens again Tell him for fk off and tell your teacher,

2007-12-27 17:00:32 · answer #5 · answered by believe.dance.inspire ; 4 · 0 0

wow, you need to learn to spell. you should've done something when it happened, the teachers probably can't do anything now since it's been so long, but you could try.

2007-12-27 16:56:07 · answer #6 · answered by littledebi82 4 · 0 0

wow just let it go it sounds like kid stufff stay away from that guy if he even comes close to u again report him!

2007-12-27 16:55:02 · answer #7 · answered by Lee's Wife 5 · 0 0

i say since you waited long then don't do anything but if it happens again then report him.
and don't let your bf get into. if he gets into a fight he could be suspended or expelled.

2007-12-27 16:58:26 · answer #8 · answered by mmhhm 3 · 0 0

here's a towel...dry your eyes..and go find a backbone for your bf...he should have stood up for you....(words are just words....don't let zac the jerk get to you or he wins!)

2007-12-27 16:58:49 · answer #9 · answered by MC 7 · 0 0

This is childish stuff. Let it be, you already waited 2 weeks to say something just let it go.

2007-12-27 16:55:28 · answer #10 · answered by remedy9874 2 · 0 1