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Umm, by freedom, you mean freedom of speech, press, and whatnnot?

Doesn't England have that?

Many other civilized countries in yhe WORLD have "Freedom" also!


2007-12-27 03:22:27 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Government

9 answers

First of all, no, America is NOT overrated. And why do you think America is praised for freedom? I don't know, just a guess here... because we have the most in the world! We are guaranteed freedoms (for everybody) in more forms than any other country offers. We all have a voice in how things are run. We also value these beliefs more than any other country. We pay less taxes, we have by far the greatest military in the world, we have by far the largest economy in the world. We attract more immigrants than the rest of the world combined. I'm telling you right now that it's no coincidence that immigrants choose America over the rest of the free world! Do I need to go on? Because I could. that's only the beginning.

2007-12-27 04:07:20 · answer #1 · answered by Ua 5 · 0 2

England is a constitutonal monarchy, established in 1215, when barons in England sought to control King John's power. This has been amended through time. The USA's Declaration of Ihdependence and Constitution established legal freedoms for us, and the revolutionary war gave us freedom fron English rule. That is our pride in being a free nation.

2007-12-27 04:03:25 · answer #2 · answered by debop44 3 · 0 0

The difference is that England began as a Monarchy and developed freedom. America was the first country FOUNDED in freedom. Too bad we've let it slip through our fingers in the past 50 years.

2007-12-27 03:47:16 · answer #3 · answered by Michelle C 4 · 2 0

Freedom is a word that america uses to spread its propaganda around the world ( for example: Iraq), we are spreading "freedom" over there, ahahahaa ya ok.

2007-12-27 03:44:31 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Yeah... they never mentioned that to me when I was in school. They never said it wasn't the case, but it was implied that we were the only ones. Turns out, we're just the only ones who won't shut up abou the fact. Pretty annoying, isnt it?!

2007-12-27 03:38:38 · answer #5 · answered by - 5 · 1 0

Something tells me that's NOT the best question/comments to leave on here.....

2007-12-27 04:00:01 · answer #6 · answered by NONAME 6 · 3 0

If you live in the US and think like this I suggest you get your ragged *** out.

2007-12-27 03:30:26 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

the US was the first and still, we are the most free.

2007-12-27 03:30:16 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

...and yet here you are craving attention from it...

2007-12-27 03:26:58 · answer #9 · answered by u_bin_called 7 · 6 1