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Jesus peace be upon him's birthday?All Christians know that isn't even for sure.............so their greatest and soul reason for their greatest holiday isn't even relevant.....so what does that leave????????

2007-12-26 23:54:36 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

hahah!!!nice one...........

what can they do??

they don't have sufficient evidence that bible is the word of god.and ur talking about Christmas??

(((rolling eyes))))

2007-12-27 03:34:40 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I'm a Catholic. Honest reasons I celebrate Christmas (no hypocrisy, I promise you):

1. To celebrate the (traditional, not historical) "birthday" of Jesus our Savior.
2. To celebrate and be thankful that the whole family is gathered together, preparing special dishes and exchanging warm greetings and presents.
3. To reflect and appreciate all the blessings in life--family, friends, loved ones, LIFE and good health. Big things and little things that make life worthwhile.
4. To take a break from our fast-paced urban lives.
5. To celebrate the year that was, be thankful we are all still here and pray for another happy and memorable year ahead.

There are so many more reasons to celebrate. Some of the many meaningful words to ponder on are goodwill, harmony, peace, generosity, hope, gratefulness, family, love.

Christmas is how you make it: if you think it's crappy, commercialized, depressing, then it's not Christmas that should be changed, it's you and how you view it :)

And it's spelled SOLE, not soul.

2007-12-27 00:40:31 · answer #2 · answered by fairytaler 2 · 1 0


2007-12-26 23:57:59 · answer #3 · answered by coen_evs 2 · 0 0

Even though we don't know the exact date of Jesus' birth, we still celebrate his birth on that particular day. It gives Christians a chance to celebrate God's greatest gift to all mankind!

2007-12-27 01:27:54 · answer #4 · answered by Amy 4 · 1 0

Its a great day set aside for the remembrance of the birth of our Lord Jesus christ,and the last time i checked people were not forced to take this holiday or participate, so why are you getting so worked up about the whole thing.

2007-12-27 00:05:18 · answer #5 · answered by black&proud 5 · 1 1

I know it isn't Jesus real birthday but that's the day we do celebrate it and it is probably the only time where most people here his name.

2007-12-27 00:10:00 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Well....Christmas is to celebrate Jesus's birth... Without him, our sins would never be forgiven and we would never get to go to heaven. if you don't believe in the christianity stuff whatev but I strongly urge you to believe it. It all fits in...Did it start with a silly rumor like Miley Cyrus is pregnant? I don't think so...

2007-12-27 00:01:10 · answer #7 · answered by lady_esther_kim 2 · 0 1

The reason I celebrate is for my children. This to me is their holiday. Now....Easter! That is the day I hold more closely to my heart. This represents the Lord I know and worship for what he has done for me.

2007-12-27 00:00:14 · answer #8 · answered by Indya M 5 · 1 1

The date is not important. Sure it may be the wrong date on the Calender, but if your heart in on the matter at hand, the date of his 'birth' then that should be enough. Immagine who depressing Dec. would be without the joy that is his birth?

2007-12-27 00:12:28 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Wal Mart dear.

2007-12-27 01:57:22 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The god of this world. Materialism. Not caring that we insult the Creator of the universe.

2007-12-27 00:00:48 · answer #11 · answered by hasse_john 7 · 0 0