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2007-12-26 23:47:58 · 17 answers · asked by ndnquah 6 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Senior Citizens

I just read the post, "What happened to the Group" and saw what she wrote. I don't know why she hates Native Americans!!! She should keep that to herself. I think that's called, "racist"!

2007-12-27 00:12:24 · update #1

How can she come on this site and splatter my name in a Question and never get deleted? Other people get deleted for innocent questions, I guess top reporters have a lot of say-so!

2007-12-27 00:19:56 · update #2

Emma, I believe you are exactly right!

2007-12-27 00:31:30 · update #3

Lady G, for the past 3 days I have read the derogatory remarks and now I'm responding. I have tried to make peace with her and she doesn't want it!!! Why don't you talk to her about it. If you think YOU are sick of it you ought to be me!!! Have a good day!

2007-12-27 01:01:47 · update #4

Lady G, she has me blocked from her and all her aliases. You can tell by the red circle!!! It's because I made peace with somebody else on this site and now she's a good friend!!! Wished we had good results like that all the time!! Now she's after the one that helped make peace between us!!!

2007-12-27 01:13:29 · update #5

Wally, my friend, I hope you feel the same if she decides to target you and bash your culture!!!

2007-12-27 02:17:51 · update #6

Serendip, I'm talking things she's said personally to me!!! Why are you in disguise?

2007-12-27 03:35:33 · update #7

17 answers

This says a lot more about them than you and they have obviously attributed you with a characteristic that they don't like about themselves, they find this threatening and are reacting to that. So really it is a way for them to express something they don't like about themselves but not have to consciously admit that they have this within them. Not really fair but quite typical, in psychoanalysis this is called projection,

Just get on with what you are doing and know that you have done nothing wrong.

Happy Xmas and NY

2007-12-26 23:59:23 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 7 0

Each and every person even the deranged ones have a right to say and do what they wish here or anywhere. In the long run the things you teach your children and other children should come to the fore. If you cannot say or do anything nice, don't do it. Ignore those who are mean to you or praise them for the way they ask and answer questions and answers. You are all adults, I am an adult. Leave the childishness where it belongs, with children. Sticks and stones was learned as a child, but apparently it has taken root again, ignore or don't answer or reply to these inanities. Just do what these sites were designed for, Questions and Answers. Please. Just my opinion folks.

2007-12-27 02:03:58 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

I saw the post "Jasmine" wrote asking what an "ndnquah" is along with snide remarks and looked at the profile and she created a new "Jasmine" account and I looked for your QA's and you weren't on when all the bickering was going on!! Sounds like a personal vendetta against you!! That question came clear out of the blue. She never gets her insulting QA's deleted I wonder why? Just try and ignore her I know it's hard!!

2007-12-27 01:45:38 · answer #3 · answered by Kwe' 4 · 6 0

As I said in another A the current situation on here has robbed us of our freedom of expression!!!
I believe the american declaration of Independence said this was a right but on here it seems to have been removed.
People are so cautious even afraid to post a Q or A because they will be reported.
This has got to stop!!!!

2007-12-27 01:24:31 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 9 0

Y'all need to start behaving like adults and get over this nonsense. No one is attacking you personally. The bitterness that flows between some of the members around here has caused more trouble than you can imagine. We've lost some wonderful people from this site. Before you jump on me, I'm not directing this to you personally. I'm directing it to all the so-called adults that ought to know by now how to let garbage talk run on past them. In the grand scheme of life, this bickering and name calling is not worth your time and effort much less the effort of people who come here for fun to have to continually read it. Knock it off!

I truly applaud your efforts. If the other person doesn't want to behave, simply ignore her. Don't even open her posts. If anyone writes something that annoys you, consider the source and let it go. Look for the happy people. Have a blessed day!

2007-12-27 00:53:54 · answer #5 · answered by Lady G 6 · 14 3

I ignore ignorant people. I am sure there are people who hate me. Guess what? I don't care, they are not worthy of me or my attention. Y/A is not that important and not my life. It is a mere dalliance. Anyone who would follow you and do that is mentally ill and needs to be ignored. (they also need mental health assistance but that is their problem, not ours.)

There used to be a saying when I was a kid, "Sticks and stones may break your bones but words can never hurt you." I like to add.......But ONLY if YOU allow them. You give people that power over you. Don't do it.

2007-12-27 00:52:43 · answer #6 · answered by jersey girl in exile 6 · 4 0

Yep! Just returned after being gone a few days. My first question will probably be reported.

2007-12-27 01:06:27 · answer #7 · answered by Star doodle 2 · 4 0

Yes I have, and now she thinks we are the same person and that is how deranged she really is.She is fighting wars in the back pages of seniors and we are promoting peace in 2008.

2007-12-27 00:00:51 · answer #8 · answered by Aloha_Ann 7 · 9 0

If you are being harassed by anyone report them for abuse. If you want to end the matter simply create another email for yahoo and change your avatar for answers and do not reference your old one.

2007-12-26 23:56:46 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

Yep. Some people just know they are so damn useless they can't get through the day without criticizing someone else.

2007-12-26 23:57:06 · answer #10 · answered by Crocodile Jim 4 · 8 0