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2007-12-26 23:18:03 · 9 answers · asked by ☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻ 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

9 answers

Heaven is all that bluish, black spacey stuff that is above your head and goes ALLL the way up...and out...and down. Its pretty vast but has some cool stuff...stars, nebula, planets, the realm of the Living God...There are three heavens. The first heaven is the sky/atmosphere that is divided by the ozone layer before heading out into space which is the second heaven. The third heaven is beyond our comprehension and that is where the heavenly kingdom is. Or so the Bible states according to Paul.

Hell on the other hand...mistranslated...is the grave. The term Sheol is used in the Hebraic which literally means "to be covered over". Hell, a pagan term derived from the Norse god of the so called underworld or abode of the dead, is a mistranslation of this word. So is Hades, the Greek equivalent. It was also meant to replace the term. Pretty boring there...not too much to see and..well, who could see anything really anyway..cuz yer dead when you go there.

There is a common minindoctrination among Christians that has been passed down by the Catholic church as a teaching supported by the parable that Jesus told of Lazarus and the rich man...also the account of Saul and the Witch of Endor. However, upon closer examination these two seperate instances in the Bible only support more that when people die they are dead and what you are dealing with in the occult or afterlife scenarios are a deception. There is no immediate dispensation to either a heaven or a "hell". At judgement all will be resurrected back to life...or taken up if already still alive at that time and then it will be decided who will either enter into eternal life on a new heaven and new earth (Jesus said at His acention that He goes to prepare a place for us) or who will be cast out, apart from God to be consumed in a fire. I can give you mass amounts of scripture that support this but essentially while you are here on this earth, as it was in the beginning so it is even today, you are choosing between eternal life..or eternal death. There is no verse in the Bible that says human beings will spend an eternity burning and tortured in a fiery brimstone lake tormented by demons. You are choosing life or death. Simple. Love in Christ, ~J~

2007-12-26 23:40:20 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Heaven and Hell are states of consciousnesses.

2007-12-26 23:30:13 · answer #2 · answered by MoPleasure4U 4 · 0 0

heaven and hell are not actual places. i don't want to hear anything stupid like hell is hot and you boil and stupid things like that ok? heaven is being able to see god and communicate with him while hell is the lack of his presence if you don't believe in god then hell isn't a big difference if you do believe and love him then hell should hurt you

2007-12-26 23:28:08 · answer #3 · answered by Musica 3 · 0 0

Heaven (the third heaven, the home of the Almighty) is the middle "star" in the sword of Orion. Hell is A) the grave, where people know nothing and "sleep:" and B) the purifying fire that consumes sin and sinners so Messiah can make this world new.

2007-12-26 23:21:11 · answer #4 · answered by hasse_john 7 · 0 3

Hell is in the middle of the earth.

The Bible does not give a directions to heaven, but because Jesus ascended into heaven it is somewhere beyond space.

2007-12-26 23:24:07 · answer #5 · answered by Dreamcast 5 · 0 2

heaven is being with the light of God for eternity while Hell is eternal darkness!

2007-12-26 23:24:09 · answer #6 · answered by Amarillo Slim 3 · 3 0

Hell is the universe, heaven is the multiverse.

2015-02-04 13:52:50 · answer #7 · answered by Heavenwalker 2 · 0 0

Sorry, I'm not a Christian, but I think those two places are in people's heads.

2007-12-26 23:20:38 · answer #8 · answered by Amo 4 · 0 1

Just around the corner?

2007-12-26 23:22:55 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0