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I'm a teenager who really wants to get into photography and was wondering if the canon g9 would be a good first step?? I'm willing to spend up to $800. Any reviews or suggestions would be great

2007-12-26 22:13:23 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Consumer Electronics Cameras

7 answers

The G9 is a very good camera (I have the G6, several years older)

But if you have $800 to spend, why not get a dSLR? I am more familiar with Nikon, and I know the D40 and D40x dSLR can be had for that price or less, and I believe the Sony, Pentax or Olympus kit would be in that price range as well. Or save up a few more dollars and get a mid-level dSLR like the D80. The G9 is good, but lacks the versatility of interchangeable lenses and the myriad of accessories that any dSLR will offer. Also higher ISO performance will be better. Either way will get you started, though. Enjoy the trip!

2007-12-27 11:15:25 · answer #1 · answered by Ara57 7 · 0 0

too advanced

All of the major brands are good. Choose a brand that appeals to you. Then you have to think about getting a spare battery, what size memory card, if you want an extended warranty, how much you can afford, what size zoom, if you want manual controls, the size of the camera, finding a reliable place to purchase it, and the list goes on and on and on.......

The first thing to realize is that almost any digital camera will take good pictures. If more people would read the manual more than once, they would be able to take better pictures. Usually, the person assumes it is the camera when it could be them not knowing exactly what to do. Just give yourself more photographic knowledge by doing more reading on the internet.

I really believe buying a camera is an individual choice.
The person needs to read alot of reviews on cameras so they can decide on the features that they really want and need.
Go to the store and hold them so you can see if they feel comfortable in your hands. If possible, take some pictures in the store to check the quality of the pictures.
I can only give a suggestion of what to look for in a new digital camera.
Good Luck

my suggestion
go to yahoo shopping
digital cameras
digital camera GUIDE
be sure to check titles on the left side
the guide should answer your questions

2007-12-27 01:55:04 · answer #2 · answered by Elvis 7 · 0 1

Yes - IF you're willing to really READ & STUDY the Owner's Manual. You should consider these books also:

"Hands-On Digital Photography" by George Schaub

"How Digital Photography Works, Second Edition" by Ron White

They were reviewed in the Dec. 2007 issue of Shutterbug Magazine and you can read them at shutterbug.com.

Although somewhat dated (it deals with film and film cameras) the book "Object & Image: An Introduction To Photography, Third Edition" by George M. Craven, is a wealth of information about composition, exposure, and light.

IMO, if you have $800 and you're willing to really READ & STUDY the Owner's Manual for any camera you buy, you might take a look at the Pentax K10D. It is a 10mp camera with dust removal for the sensor and Image Stabilization (IS) in the camera body. It can use every K-mount lens made since 1975 in manual focus. It is also well sealed against dust and moisture (no, it isn't waterproof).

There are also numerous on-line tutorials and classes you can take advantage of.

The bottom line is how much effort you're willing to put into actually learning about your camera and photography.

2007-12-27 02:55:43 · answer #3 · answered by EDWIN 7 · 0 0

I have a Canon G7 pretty much the same thing, i personally think it's a great camera for a first step, the G9 added RAW support which will also be beneficial for you.

2007-12-26 22:18:12 · answer #4 · answered by lafoto123 1 · 0 0

Basically if you want the big zoom, and a bigger camera to lug about go for the S5 IS, I have one and love it, and the video clips are great. If you want a small pocket camera go for one of the others.

2016-03-16 07:21:52 · answer #5 · answered by Patricia 4 · 0 0

Camera is not the main key but your skill is.
If you really want to get into photography, get good DSLR at once (but will cost > $1200)

2007-12-26 22:20:23 · answer #6 · answered by CLOUND 3 · 0 0

its good for all.

2007-12-26 22:15:56 · answer #7 · answered by im rpj 2 · 0 0