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Hello, Im 15 now. And getting close to my day where I get a licence...

Im stuck on car picking, and I need some advise on what car to get... I was looking to get a Nissan 240SX, but found out theyre not that reliable.

Im looking for a car thats fast, fun to drive, relible.

I am looking for Honda, Toyota, Nissan. Stuff like that.

No Honda Civic, Mustle cars, Trucks, SUV's :)

Thanks very much,

2007-12-26 17:48:12 · 0 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cars & Transportation Buying & Selling

Actually, Im paying for most of the car. Parents are helping me. Im getting put on theryre insurance. So its going to be cheap.

Ummm I dont think I will go for saturns or hundais..
I would like a tuner car yes, becuase I like to modify the cars, Body kits engines ect...
And I have been behind the wheel many times bud, in my moms car. And I play a racing sim so I think I know a car pritty well. Inside and out.

I guess under 20,000 used... Prob not going to go that high tho, I was looking to get an Eclips but the only draw back I had from it was it was a FWD car.. I could convert it to RWD but its costly and time consuming.

2007-12-26 18:05:18 · update #1

I was thinking of getting a lancer, but kind of expensive new.
And I dont have to really worrie about the gas here in canada because its only 1$ per ltr.

2007-12-26 18:08:34 · update #2

0 answers

Jason, Getting your license is a big step in your life. It means that you have alot to think about. It is a sign or maturity and accepting resposibility. It is a privilige to drive a vehicle. There is a lot to think about. You might say it is all in the attitude. When you do get your license, enroll in a defensive driving class. It is a few hours of learning how to survivie on the road, how to reduce the chances of being involved in an accident, reduce the severity of an accident, and injury prevention. More to add to your arsenel of good driving attitudes and habits. It is designed to make you THINK behind the wheel. When you do get a car, get a car that has been completely checked for reliability and safety. That is a top to bottom and underneath tour of the vehicle and service to what needs to be maintained. Every vehicle needs constant care and maintenance. Oil and the oil filter changes is the easiest and the best way to extend the life of a motor--every 3000 miles without fail. the trans fluids once a year. The fuel filter once a year. the wipers as needed. All lights have got to be checked and working. Tires rotated at each oil change-- air pressure checked once a week. That extends the life of the tires. The tires are the only contact you have with the pavement--a couple of thousand pounds rests on 8 square inches---so treat the tires with respect. Keep the car clean--inside and out. It looks good and also ensures proper vision. Remember that there is a law for EVERYTHING concerning you driving on the roads. There is no need to be ignorant of any laws--the courts do not accept that excuse--tickets are expensive ways to waste money. Your license can and will be revoked if you get too many tickets--Your insurance rates rise with each ticket. Fuel is wasted with speeding--fuel is expensive, so drive like a human being. Speed kills---the faster you go, the more likely you are to be severely injured. seat belts help--air bags help--but not always in a higher speed collision. Blood vessels rupture and the dead body looks like they are just sleeping--they bled to death internally from the blunt trauma. NEVER loan your car to anyone--they can do anything and YOU are responsible as the owner.. passengers can sue YOU from the results of a collision---don't be everybody's ride. You want FAST??? You better spend a lot of time on that idea---it takes a long time to learn how to handle a car--it is alot to realize that you can override the brakes and not be able to stop. You can flip a car from speeding and loss of control. NEVER tailgate and zip in and out of traffic. One second of miscalclated distance or one second of not looking can cause an accident. stay in line at a safe distance. Road rage kills--NEVER challenge another irate driver--just ignore the situation and move on. NOW---cops are every where--there is a law for everything--you weave in and out or speed or do anything that attracts their attention--you will get stopped. That is trouble and you don't need trouble---YOU are driving--YOU are in control---You are responsible for you own actions. Your first car should be easy to drive and maintain--and it should help you learn all that I wrote about. You need to ease into the adult job of driving. Adult attitudes will tell you the RIGHT THING to do. Before you think I am nutty for writing this, let me tell you that I have lost my license 9 times in 4 years as a young first time driver. I now pay 6000 dollars twice a year--and I am 60 years old in an old truck. As a professional firefighter here in New Jersey, we average at least one death every two days to wrecked vehicles in our area--most of them are kids under 25---most involved BAD decisions and poor attitudes--NOT TO MENTION ALCOHOL AND DRUGS in some of these cases. The wrecks are always UGLY and the bodies are hardly worth showing to the parents. Real life driving is NOT what you see in the movies--it is a real serious job. I hope I got through to you--I wish you a lot of luck.

2007-12-26 18:28:06 · answer #1 · answered by fire_inur_eyes 7 · 0 0

The biggest thing you have to worry about is how much everything is going to cost you...i.e gas, insurance, resale value etc...

Look into a Saturn ION either quad coupe which has unique side doors but looks like a 2 door sprts car or just get the four door sedan. The ION's are one of the least expensive cars to insure and get over 32 mpg's on the highway. They are dent proof on the outside so if you park in the school parking lot and someone swings their door into yours, No Dents or dings.

Reliability wise they only compare to Honda's and Toyota's which is why General Motors has put so much money into building the Saturn brand. For starters, you don't even have to get a tune up for 100,000 miles. Check out the sites below and see what you think. No one is going to think you are uncool driving a Saturn ION.

2007-12-26 18:01:19 · answer #2 · answered by Steve G 1 · 0 0

hey it really depends on the situation. if your parents are really going to support you then talk to them. having a new car can the most reliable as can be. the new Mitsubishi's lancer is a great sporty sedan and offers great gas mileage. a cobalt is also great and the dodge stratus offers a great warranty also. remember do your research before you talk to your parents. these cars are all dependable and nice sporty cars. now if they offer you a budget car just let them know about the consequences of having an old car. now if your into tuning both worlds can be fun no matter what. remember doing your research and doing your homework will always appeal to your parents. hey good luck and take care.

2007-12-26 18:05:03 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

aright buddy, my personal choice would be yes, a civic or like an accord. they are HIGHLY efficient not to mention reliable and durable. i have a 97 honda civic which it is a bit slow with only 127hp but it is a great fun car to drive. its advantage is its weight so bolt on upgrades help. plus gas millage is AWESOME! specially with today's gas prices, it only takes up 30 bucks or less to fill it to the top, and it would last you like 280 miles or more depending on how you drive. i recommend a stickshift because you gain plenty of experience of using a car and how a car REALLY feels. another car would be like an altima, or something like that. right now you dont need something fast. trust me bro, right now u wanna get that experience and then later experience the true fun of driving a fast car. my ride looks very nice cuz i have it clean and not riced out like bunch of people do. A 240sx is also a good choice, it depends of how it taken cared of. yet, you dont need drifting or fooling around now. you would later haha. i wanted to get a honda prelude from 97 up. they are great cars with 200hp at the motor. they look nice too and easy to customise and add personality on it. so i would say mostly imports that are simple. later on when u start working, u can work on a quicker, funner car, like a beamer or something like that. hopefully one day ill work myself up to a supra or s14 240sx (or import an s15 from japan!). i love the power. also recommend to stay away from muscle cars, too bulky, VERY uneficient, great power but not worth it, specially on your wallet.

hope this helped

2007-12-26 18:05:46 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Toyota all the way... Reliable, safe, and efficient! I have a RAV 4 with over 70,000 miles on it and have had no issues.

They also hold their value better than any other manufacturer...so you will get a good trade in value when you are done with the car.

2007-12-26 17:52:34 · answer #5 · answered by Christina L 1 · 0 0

First cars should be a truck

2007-12-26 17:51:55 · answer #6 · answered by Rayha 5 · 0 0

Saturn Sky - and do not say no until you test drive one. Good company to deal with. I would advise though - being as old as I am - that you forget the word fast and stick with fun to drive and reliable until you get some experience behind the wheel.

2007-12-26 17:54:44 · answer #7 · answered by 3DDD 5 · 0 0

I just got my learners and
i got a car.
its my dads 2007 acura
or was his.
its a really safe car,
very stable and really good for snow
it seems so far to be a great car.
they arent cheap.
but you could get a used one too.

2007-12-26 17:54:09 · answer #8 · answered by noname 2 · 0 0

Volkswagen, jetta,pasat,Ford focus,Mazda "3", Trucks Toyota Pick-ups good...
used look for Old Saabs,Volvos,Subaru's....Trucks old S-10's

2007-12-26 17:53:15 · answer #9 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

Take the Nissan for a first car~

2007-12-26 17:59:05 · answer #10 · answered by FolkstonHorseLover 3 · 0 0

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