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If it's not what would be? Also I have to keep the bangs because I have a big forehead.

2007-12-26 17:25:54 · 33 answers · asked by ☮♥$ 3 in Beauty & Style Hair

33 answers

ya it is, but maybe some layers would make it nicer! :)

2007-12-26 17:34:02 · answer #1 · answered by no_duh ツ 4 · 0 0

Very British-like. The hairstyle makes you look younger though.

I have a big forehead but I look better with long side bangs. I think you should try that as well as keeping your hair back.

2007-12-26 17:31:23 · answer #2 · answered by Raax 3 · 1 0

It looks ok.I'm sorry.Go to MakeoverSolutions.com and have a blast picking out new makeup,hair styles,designs,etc..I did this and LOVED it.It;s a lot of fun.There is a fee for joining for 6 months but I think it is very inexpensive.You can also go to other sites,just look up (hair makeovers.I have a very high forehead and have read that I should not cover it up,but to sweep my hair aside or just have a few pieces of hair hanging down.Good luck to you,you are very pretty and can probably wear quite a few flattering styles.Have fun!

2007-12-26 17:40:57 · answer #3 · answered by little loved one 3 · 0 0

It depends if u have a big forehead u can use the hairstyles of the koreans dividing their bangs sideways it will help to cover your big forehead and u can show off your beautiful and bouncy bangs

2007-12-26 17:29:40 · answer #4 · answered by Geline_Li_cute_24 1 · 0 0


I think the bangs are too much, go for either side bangs or grow them out. a headband would be nice, too.
Your hair also looks a little thick, so maybe some layers would help.
I think you should highlight underneath brown.

but this is all my opinion...you're looking good right now anyway[=
hope that helped.

2007-12-26 17:57:51 · answer #5 · answered by Laurenn..</3 2 · 0 0

thats a perfectly normal hairstyle and if you like it, keep it.
but if your looking for suggestions i would like other people said try some layering and also you say you have to keep your bangs because the size of your forehead makes you uncomfortable then try side swept bangs, they'll help make your look more modern.

2007-12-26 17:32:10 · answer #6 · answered by fluffythefatfrog 1 · 0 0

You are very cute, but the bangs are too heavy - have your stylist cut into them more (to make them lighter and wispier)...or - better yet - do the longer, side swept bangs - I think that would be much prettier with your eyes, and it looks like you have great hair for it!

2007-12-26 17:30:02 · answer #7 · answered by samantha 7 · 1 0

how about side bangs that layer into your hair with small layers? blunt bangs are the last thing you want to do if you think you have a big forehead.

2007-12-26 17:34:31 · answer #8 · answered by ^_^ 1 · 0 0

I think it's cute as in barbie doll cute. But I really don't like it. the colour is off. It suits your style, but not your face. Sorry... but I love the haircut, just stick with black and keep it longer and it will look perfect!

2007-12-26 17:29:57 · answer #9 · answered by .Music. 6 · 0 0

very cute! you look like a cuter bindi irwin (of course you look older then 7 as well)

if you want to do something a bit different, try layering around the face so it isnt as heavy.


2007-12-26 17:30:17 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

uhh i think the bangs are a lil too much...buh u could always layer ur hair and tease it a bit to make it all fit together..

2007-12-26 17:32:59 · answer #11 · answered by Sweety 4 · 0 0