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ok answer this honestly! i'm 14 years old and i weigh like 95ish pounds! is that overweight? whats normal?

2007-12-26 15:37:38 · 44 answers · asked by WHOO RAYS! WORST-2-BEST!!!!!!=D 2 in Health Diet & Fitness

i'm like 5feet and like 2 inches :(

2007-12-26 15:40:10 · update #1

OMG! ty for all the replies! i love you all!

2007-12-26 15:42:03 · update #2

i'm getting this a lot, i'm not weight crazy or anerexic, just curious ok?

2007-12-26 15:43:49 · update #3

44 answers

normal weight for average height.

2007-12-26 15:40:17 · answer #1 · answered by Mike 7 · 0 1

YEs, if your 5'0 your may be overweight. If your tall , I say no. Also are you maybe just a big boned person, this has something to do with it too. I am going to take a good guess, and say that NO you are not overweight. ok, and ask yourself this question, how much can you pinch on your belly ? I mean if it is a inch or like a couple inches of flab then no your not. If you can grab more extra flab then fits in your hand then a little overweight. But don't get down if u are, humans are not perfect.

2007-12-26 15:48:20 · answer #2 · answered by Mud 2 · 0 1

In Fact, You May Be Under Weight, Depending On Your Height

2007-12-26 15:43:18 · answer #3 · answered by Shiawo 2 · 0 1

It really depends on your weight and not your age, if you haven't gone through your growthspert yet, than its normal, because you lose weight when your growing so don't worry. But other than that, i think thats about average because im 13 and alot of the girls i know weigh around that maybe like 3 lbs less

2007-12-26 15:41:39 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

150 is a good healthy weight for anyone over 5 feet between the ages of 15-100

2007-12-26 15:40:26 · answer #5 · answered by bubblemonster85 3 · 1 1

No. Your body is still growing at this point and your hormones will also affect you weight. I don't think you need to worry about how many pounds you weigh as long as you are happy in your skin...you need to remember this body is the only one you will get so take care of it and make sure you are giving your body plenty of nutrition.

2007-12-26 15:43:47 · answer #6 · answered by dannielle w 1 · 0 1

well it depends on your height but a normal 14 yr olds weight is about 90-105

2007-12-26 15:42:04 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

No you are not overweight you are healthy just make sure you are active and healthy thats the most important thing you can do enjoy life and dont worry bout the numbers on the scale.

2007-12-26 15:47:34 · answer #8 · answered by sassyalways26 4 · 0 1

i would ask your doctor these things. and depending on how u feel. I know alot of women who are naturally "big" who are very pretty and there personality demands respect. if ur going to be in america you're going to have to have a tough skin and have some good come backs when swallow ******* say something slick. my daughter is 9 and she aware of how lil boys think and she understands that she is growing.

2007-12-26 15:42:55 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

As another responder has correctly noted, it depends on your height. But it is most unlikely that, at 95 pounds, anyone would consider you to be overweight.

2007-12-26 15:41:18 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

It depends on your height. But if you are the height of an average 14 year old (5'0-5'4), you are the perfect weight!

2007-12-26 15:41:05 · answer #11 · answered by k_maxx 3 · 0 1