Again, we set up in our minds a false dichotomy, society and the individual, as though they were distinct, absolutely different. They are different, but not totally different.
We have to remind ourselves of the obvious, that society is made of nothing but individuals. Because the concepts are different, and because our consciousness is limited, we forget that society and individuals are also very much the same. We forget the great overlapping of the reality behind the concepts. The concepts are a shorthand for the reality, the concepts are only the tip of the iceberg of the reality they stand for. We fail to see that under the water, the reality is that the two concepts are almost completely one.
Society is for the individuals. The purpose of society is to benefit the individuals. If they are worse off in society than in nature, they have been injured, they have been robbed. If they are injured, they will injure society. Eg, Alexander the socalled great said he could always take a city with a golden arrow, that is, that he could bribe the disaffected, the injured, to betray the city. It takes only one person to secretly open the gates. Every injured person is an erosion of the strength of the state, and thus affects everyone. The person who is pursuing her own happiness 100%, loving themself, caring for themself with all their energy and good sense, will be extremely active taking care not to injure anyone, not to have anyone injured, because injury does not fade away, injury ricochets untiringly as atoms, and indeed, unlike atoms, injury accelerates, as injury is payed back with greater injury. Bombs beget bigger bombs. If a person loves themselves perfectly, if they understand that their total duty to themselves is to maximise their own happiness, they will be utterly devoted to minimising injury, because injury ricochets and accelerates. The golden rule is harder than steel, it is not mocked, it is the only realism, the only practicality, the only sense, the only love of oneself. All else is selfdestruction, selfhate, selfharming. So if one person in a state is worse off in society than in nature, society is being selfdestructive. Society cannot injure some for the benefit of society as a whole, because every person is part of the whole. Injury of any is injury of the whole. The golden rule is very, very simple and obvious, but very few have learned it, most think that they can get away with injuring. So societies often fail to avoid injury of some. All societies at the present time are careless about injuring some, about sacrificing some, as though this is necessary or good for society. Naturally everyone makes mistakes, but societies are not even trying to be careful not to injure any. They have faith that they can injure without reaping the return injury. This is the mentality of bullies. Bullies have no consciousness of the power of others to retaliate. They have no consciousness of the strength of the weak. The injurers think they are stronger than the strength of all the people, or, rather, they do not think about it at all. They are just mindless about the matter, and go on stealing, injuring in one way and another, till their time comes, when the people gather their strength and push them out. There are still bullies, although every plutocracy [gang of thieves] in history has fallen. Although every plutocracy, every overpaid group, has had to fight constantly all their lives to keep their stolen goods, their overpay, has had to be constantly engaged in alertness against attack from the injured. The very simple golden rule is still not attended to, is still not accepted as true, as harder than steel, as the only practicality. Yet everyone knows that people very rarely take theft and other injury lying down. You spit on someone, they break your nose. Other-injury is self-injury. Charlie Chaplin portrayed this stupidity beautifully when he hits a boxing machine, and the boxing machine hits him back with equal force, and Charlie gets mad at the machine for hitting him, and hits it as hard as he can. And gets knocked to the ground. In Israel, they keep firing rockets at Palestine. If, instead of Palestine, there was a machine that turned the Israeli rockets around, back to them, the Israelis would have the brains [I guess] not to fire rockets. But just because the 'machine' turning the rockets around is people, doing in effect exactly the same thing as the machine, sending rockets on the Israelis, the Israelis don't stop. Instead of thinking of themselves, and saving themselves from injury, they are thinking of the 'justice' of firing rockets at people who fire rockets at them. And this completely blinds them to their self-injury by firing rockets. So in some ways, in some areas, people are very, very dumb. The Palestinians have 20th of the pay per unit of work, this is theft, injury, and therefore selfharming. None enjoy unless all enjoy. People can never be injured without injuring back. It would be much, much cheaper for the Israelis to give the Palestinians equality, pay justice. Instead, the Israelis have infinite cost over infinite time, with the endless back and forth of injury, ever-growing. The Israelis are not thinking enough about themselves, they are not being selfish enough! If they thought only of what is best for themselves, they would not injure, they would be very careful to measure justice and avoid injury. And it is the same everywhere. The golden age is just this understanding away. Understanding that people are too dangerous to annoy. If someone fires rockets at you, inquire what has angered them, and assess the injury objectively, and fix it, and have eternal peace instead of eternal vendetta back and forth of weaponry. What do people want, peace or ever-escalating war? It is a no-brainer, but people haven't yet got enough brains for a no-brainer. People see part not the whole. Their minds are completely filled with the other side's evil deeds. Their minds are not big enough to hold both the other sides' injuries to them and their injuries to the other side. They see only one side of the scales of justice, and consequently go on hurting themselves by hurting others. People are not to blame, they did not make themselves. But they can take responsibility for their own happiness. They can fight the limitations of the human mind they have been given. American are attacked in 9/11 by outsiders [they think] and what do they do? They resolve to have more defense, to pay more of their store to increase defense. America spends 46% of all the defense budget of the world, and they think that more will do! But if injury is greater than the defense, the defense will fail, however great the defence is. If the dam is very high, but the water behind is higher, the water will overflow. It is practical to lower the water behind [the injury], and be free of cost of building the dam higher, free of the danger of the dam breaking. America spends 46% of world military defense, and it has not succeeded in defending itself, and they are still full of faith in defense without measuring injury! America is US$9 trillion in debt with selfdefense, and it is not hesitating in its course. And other nations are not much smarter.
The golden rule is the rule of karma, of dharma. None enjoy unless all enjoy. Injury to one is injury to all. The boxing machine of karma never fails, never breaks. It is merciless, utterly heartless, harder than steel. Injury never dies, injury ever grows, except with justice. The size of a heap of wealth, of plunder, of overpay, individual, national or imperial, is always finite. And the energy of the injured in infinite over time. Injury energises. The robbed, the underpaid, the enslaved, can only throw grains of sand, but sand erodes rocks. No heap of wealth, of plunder, economic or military, has ever preserved itself. The underpaid have lost many battles, they have never lost a war. Every heap of overpay in history has fallen! And has been preserved for finite time only with enormous labour, enormous danger, enormous anxiety. The saying, the state built on injustice cannot stand, is older than the Romans, and yet has not been born yet in the human mind. Ceausescu of Rumania had the secret police of a nation defending him, and he fell! Communism had secret police, every brutality, every terrorism, to subdue the injured, and it fell. How many examples do people need, in order to see? We are so intelligent, and in this one area, we are as dumb as can be. The gods are very cruel to make us so dumb in this area. It is like a black hole in our brains. The simple, simple common sense of the golden rule disappears in it.
So no, I do not think that any can be sacrificed for the greater good. People don't like being sacrificed. People are far too dangerous to annoy. Their sense of justice is far too active. The injurer may not be mindful of the injury, but the injured are. Everywhere people think it is good for them to get as much as they can out of the pool of social wealth. The more you get out, the better a person you are, everyone thinks. But the contribution by the individual to the social pool of wealth is limited to their work, and getting out more than you put in means others getting out less, and that is injury, and that is self-harming for absolute sure. Not success but failure. Not happiness but misery. People think: What I take out is so little compared to the size of the pool, it can't hurt, but there is such great freedom to take out without limit, that the fact is that the pool of social wealth is 98% drained. 99% get out less than they put in. 90% get out between 100th and 10,000th of what they put in. And money is the joker good, good for virtually all good things. 1% get 98% of world income, and it is a super-misery to them, as for Ceausescu, and for Stalin, labouring mightily all his life to stay alive, to stop the water of injury overflowing and drowning him. If one person takes the property of 1000, he has merely more than he can use, and 1000 enemies. I cannot help but feel that people will see soon, and thus very quickly move into the golden age, into having all the happiness we can have, into returning to our natural birthright levels of happiness. Every worker in the world, including housewives and students, would be on US$40 an hour with justice! Technological progress would be 100 times faster, because 90% of people who could be scientists are too poor to become scientists, and 90% of the scientists we have are tied up in the consequences of super-super-extreme pay injustice, in the military-industrial complex, in the courts, in the universities, in the government, in the police, in the hospitals. Half the hospital beds in the world are taken up with diseases caused by diseased water, which is because of super-poverty, which is caused by pay injustice, everyone wanting unlimited pay for limited contribution. I cannot help but feel and hope that people will find it in themselves to be selfish and greedy enough to want this vast goodness for themselves. The 1% overpaid are necessarily extremely miserable! They have danger in proportion to the size of the overpay, and they can get nothing from the overpay, because the desires of the body are limited, and all desires are satisfied by fairpay of US$40 an hour, US$100,000 per worker, US$200,000 per family, or US$300,000 per family with a student in it. Money is good up to fairpay, but above that, it turns to misery, because it means underpay, injury, for others, meaning danger, self-injury, proportional to the overpay, and all but the teenytiniest of desires are satisfied by fairpay. The illusion that more money is always better mesmerises people. The overpaid can spend more, but they cannot consume more. Satisfaction waits on appetite. Water to the unthirsty is nothing. The richest person in the world does not eat more, drink more, sit in more chairs, lie in more beds, have more sex, drugs and rock and roll than the fairpaid. The underpaid still have desires unsatisfied, so they know nothing of the exhaustion of desires. And the endless costs of self-defense drives the overpaid ever onward to more money. But more overpay is more injury, more danger. Every defense by attack adds to injury. And the endless costs of self-defense drive the overpaid to attack the overpaid! Crime gangs slaughter one another, kings attack kings. Hell on earth. The cruel gods are laughing themselves into fits. People will begin to see. People will connect the dots.
World income [PPP figures - purchasing power parity] is derived from Sprout and Weaver, International distribution of income, 1960-1987, Kyklos, v45, 1992, pp237-258, compounded with global inflation since 1987. Global income is US$300 trillion, and there are 3 billion [fulltime equivalent] workers including housewives and students.
2007-12-26 20:14:27
answer #9
answered by Anonymous