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iam really thin aswell am i normal i eat but i dont put on no weight? help please x

2007-12-26 09:15:18 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diet & Fitness

7 answers

appropriate weight is based on height not age.

2007-12-26 09:18:19 · answer #1 · answered by essentiallysolo 7 · 0 0

how plenty is 6 stone *perplexed* thank you for the foremost factors, so your 80 4 pounds in grade 9 i think. Thats fantastically gentle! yet you have a petite physique so its no longer unpredicted. provide your self a 12 months or 2, you're coming up previous due? purely consume wholesome ie: breakfast, little snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack thats the appropriate each and every day nutrition intake with around 1800 energy. This'll help you no longer purely improve yet focus greater advantageous, and to be in greater advantageous moods. some extremely everyone seems to be purely for sure underweight yet once you experience its necessary there are weight income pills you are able to attain from medical doctors. evaluate your self on your loved ones to work out if that's the norm.

2016-10-20 00:01:24 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

What the heck is a stone? Are we comparing ourselves to rocks now? Found out what stones are. A stone is 14lbs?

Depends on your height, activity level, age, how your body metabolism (burns calories) is. If you are very active you will not gain a lot of weight. Are you tall and muscular from playing sports? Are you short and fat from not doing anything?

That stone stuff doesn't mean anything to a person that is athletic. I am 47, 6ft, 183lbs and muscular. Still have a little fat around the stomach but am trying to lose it. That's what happens when you get older.

2007-12-26 09:28:56 · answer #3 · answered by saved1985 3 · 1 1

To really answer that question both height and weight need to be compared. You can look at the chart Im adding for the source, hope it helps. (ps - its in pounds).

2007-12-26 09:33:49 · answer #4 · answered by blackkk 2 · 0 0

Considering that a stone is 14 pounds, that makes you 84 pounds. It depends on how tall you are. If you're short - 4'9" seems okay.

2007-12-26 09:22:15 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i have a little friend who's nearly 13 and she eats like a pig! she's constantly eating..yet she puts on no weight, she weighs 6 too, and she's perfectly healthy.. its all about height really,

2007-12-26 09:26:58 · answer #6 · answered by nemo! 2 · 0 1

well as long as you eat when you're hungry then you're probably fine, how tall are you?

2007-12-26 09:19:31 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0