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he is a very rage-filled person, he is a conspiracy freak, he gets angry and takes things the wrong way, he is over-controlling, needs to loosen up, i hate alot about him, i want him out, my family and my mum would be far better off without him, he doesnt understand teenage girls at all and calls my problems i have as a teen girl silly and hates me to be a girl it seems, i had nightmares about him as a kid, i fear him.
i need help.

2007-12-25 23:08:24 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Family

4 answers

i know how that's like. my uncle is that same thing. he over-exaggerates the little things into a whole massive situation. it's scary to deal with him when times go bad because he makes it ten times worse. my auntie was afraid to speak up to him so we tried three things.

first, we wrote him a letter explaining how we felt and how he needs to listen before he opens his mouth. we laid it out in the letter that sometimes we felt like we were a burden to him because he always had a bad habit of putting US down or making our little mistakes seem like it's the end of the world. we told him how we are bound to speak up and talk back if he doesn't change his "attitude problem".

second, we pulled him aside one day as a family to talk to him. he nagged because he said we were "ganging up" on him, but we told him we were approaching him like a family should. we spoke to him face-to-face about what we said in our letter. when you approach as a family, there's more of you than there is of him, so made our fear of him not as big.

third, when he actually pulled a scene, we spoke up and "fought back". doing so made HIM think WE were over-reacting. we told him how that's how HE is when he reacts to little things. eventually he felt embarrassed and somewhat ashamed. he tried to change his ways. and though it's how he is, it took awhile.

anyway, fathers aren't the ones who fully understand their daughters. so you can't hold it against him that he can't understand your problems and such. they might prevent you from things you love to do or want to do because they care. they protect you from the world in which they fear will hurt you or influence you in a bad way. you can't just push him out of your life. so think twice before you push away someone who is half of who you are.

i don't exactly know your position, but i hope i gave you some things to think about.

2007-12-25 23:31:18 · answer #1 · answered by angelik_cece 2 · 0 0

First off it is up to your Mom whether she wants to be with him. Whether or not she is far better off without him is NOT FOR YOU to decide.

You are a teenage girl and that is probably the problem there. No one understands you...Life is so unfair....everyone hates you....no one care about what you think.....everything is drama in your life....blah blah blah.

I too once had a father I hated and feared. Once he passed on I realized that he was strict and Stearn because he loved me and did not want harm to come to me. I wasted an entire life hating someone who loved me with his whole heart.

2007-12-26 07:21:01 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Hi! My dad and older brother are both the same way!!!!! My ad and brother used to both beat on my mom. When my mom and dad divorced we thought the violence was done, but no. My brother saw my dad do it, so he was "cleared" for action. So he would jump on my mom and my other older brother. So i know how you are feeling. Things like that used to make me cry. But, when I found God. Everything just didn't bother me anymore. And my mom and brother stopped fighting. I pray every night, thanking God for letting the madness to stop. And you might be thinking oh, it worked for you, doesn't mean it's going to work for me. Trust Me!! It Will!!!!! GOD CARES FOR YOU!!!! HE DOESN'T WANT YOU TO COME HOME EVERY EVENING, AFRAID ABOUT WHAT YOUR FATHER IS GOING TO SAY. GOD LOVES YOU!!!! IF YOU REALLY WANT HELP IN YOUR SITUATION, TURN TO GOD!!!! LET HIM LEAD YOU TO HAPPINESS!!!!! TRY GOD!!!! OH YEAH, AND DON'T EVER TURN TO DRUGS, ALCOHOL, OR SEX. IT WILL END UP KILLING YOU. SO TRY GOD!!!!! EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE ALRIGHT!!! TRUST ME, I'VE BEEN THROUGH WHAT YOU'VE BEEN THROUGH, AN LET ME TELL YOU, THERE'S HOPE!!!!!!!! HOPE, I ANSWERED YOU QUESTION, GOD BLESS YOU AND YOU HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!!!!!

2007-12-26 10:55:29 · answer #3 · answered by DemonKilla23 3 · 0 0

If you want to leave, call Social Services. they will take you away from your parents and put you into a foster home.

2007-12-26 07:16:10 · answer #4 · answered by PEGGY S 7 · 0 1