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7 answers


2007-12-26 00:29:51 · answer #1 · answered by Professional 3 · 0 3

You say Home theater so I'll give you my 2 cents worth on everything.
Well for receivers I prefer Denon, Onkyo, Yamaha. They all offer really good products in many price ranges. Speakers, I am very partial to Definitive Technology. I have them I love them. So do most of the reviewers. They provide excellent quality and sound at reasonable prices. They are not cheap but when you look at what they come packaged with they are hard to beat. Klipsch is good too. They play really loud and sound good doing it. Canton... wonderful but expensive.
For DVD players I like Panasonic. I hate my Toshiba. If it wasn't so lite I would use it as a boat anchor.
TVs? there are soooo many good and bad. I payed a boat load of money for my Mitsubishi HD TV. It is an HD, rear projection ,CRT, TV (say that ten times fast). It still kicks the butts of a lot of new TVs which is another reason why I have not replaced it yet. Connection wise it is obsolete but I just have not found a TV that provides a picture as good.
Sony has always made a nice TV.
Pioneer makes great plasmas as does Panasonic. Sharp makes good LCDs. So does LG and Samsung. Marantz makes nice TVs too, a little expensive but nice. Stay away from the Polaroids, Westinghouses and the Protrons and all these off brands. When was the last time you seen polaroid make a TV? Every time I see these cheap things the pictures make my skin crawl. They give me the willies.
For the really nice You can look at Vidicron, and Runco for TVs but you'll have to give up 1/2 to 1 years salary to get one. If I were to go out and buy a system right now. I would probably go get a Denon receiver, the Definitive Technology Mythos ST speaker system, a Panasonic DVD player (maybe a Blue Ray the jury is still out on HDDVD and Blue Ray though) and either a Panasonic or Pioneer plasma TV. I hope this little bit of info helps you find what you are looking for.

2007-12-26 04:25:26 · answer #2 · answered by Scott R 2 · 1 0

I prefer Yamaha receivers for their quality, versatility and capabilities, the only other brand I would consider is Denon.
If your looking for an all-in-one package look at Crutchfields web site. They have on line chat and their reps are very knowledgeable and great to work with. They also support during set up and for the life of the product.

2007-12-26 00:33:23 · answer #3 · answered by mike1084 3 · 0 0

You really want to know the best?

The center piece (display) should be Runco's Signature Cinema SC-1 projector at $250,000.00. Most people think this one is at the top.

If you are really looking to build a system at this level, you will need to have $1.2 to 2 million available. Send me an email and a $100k retainer and we'll get started. ;o)

2007-12-26 04:50:35 · answer #4 · answered by Pragmatism Please 7 · 1 2

In the mainstream price range, I prefer Onkyo, Denon, Outlaw.
Hi-End - Lexicon, Mark Levinson, Cary Audio, Classe

2007-12-25 22:50:32 · answer #5 · answered by AM 5 · 0 3

The best thing is to make your own home theater. Just connect good speakers to your stereo then connect stereo to your TV.

2007-12-26 04:57:06 · answer #6 · answered by theadventureguy 2 · 0 3


2007-12-25 22:48:03 · answer #7 · answered by yash 3 · 0 3